Women say RC.council'unfair efrom WOMU ýNMaPe3 willdetennine wlaa ia a Cathohc. achoa counicul positioni mms aptce of school chlakest wiIl formi achool Site said she waa told a Roman lu support bylaws Of the council, councils. Provincial pollcy inakea CahlWic birth certiicate would whicls ihey have neyer sets no mention af réligiausi denonnirga- suIY'ice. howtver. site poanted ousil a hcaus tqy airç noi rea4 avuil- lion. .la possible ta. have bees hors a able. j 1 paents in oppos"Iot the cor- CaIGic asds-st go havt psuciiced -Apeing te support thm hylaw reuxjiolacy are suigesing tht issue the fli for many yeus. makes it diflicuti to citanp thers." - bc recoilsidtoed by the separate Ms Wilson said tht Miny of she said. In addition canadidates schoot= .our . Eahcatiang l'orwded an implernen- mustasigri a afcat"ion of thir ei- "Titis is aplitting families and talion plan ta schools bail tic gibilfty for etection. But given tht upstmng people. 1l shsuld bc about li2on Separate School Board confuion avec eligibility. sht said peiesttsieiuigivatved inthtir chil oeNfta the plan belote paasing il sorte people rnight bc scactd- aff <ktn's loution.- star said. addng os ta parents. Because parent. running. thlat parents shoaald contact Uneir teaicher assac.aiafsdislsanded in 'Ibis ja a sort, gtait will continue tuato or the eparaie achool bard* thec sprng in lavaur ai the new ta lester ansi wilt get in the way of Chair, Alice Apmn LeMay. school coicils, it bias hèts difft- what the province wants. which is According ta, Alison Fîlt33b, a cui ta pes along infaornation. more parental inpait inro the schaal nan-Catholic Miltas incber Qf twa Juridietians aaievaanding Halton system.' Ms Fitteaa %aid childeen enrglled in separate have aIl-inclusive policita, accord- *Haw do yaa asceflain a good school. ihere bas beSn na cltai pol- îsg ta Ms Eilteau Ms Wilson çayç Ramas Cathalic'? A hit certifiu icy iarwarded on haw the schoals anyorie interesied in rauasing fat a cage dotsnti maki: il sa.- 0Js.aLteassa Just for Leslie Mmlt Leaure Cen Blfguerde doeietd eWr, ewvkme Ia à fiandretn, awglmn fSr lotail Men IaeIl WelIe, utto e s eously lInjireti In a pool accI dt tal et sunune. S«tardey's ewlm raissed glémoit U00. Front leEt are Tlm Frutldn, Dandy ent Kreei Ao.ele and Reche ScolL [fi r- 45Main Street Euat - -~ "~ ~~*878m2629