I ROS Lit a t in très praii RUNNALLS* pmoap op - a umrri U7U.E1» ---- - il arieta VIRGINIA BRAZEAUW sales Ra0s'aantatrve 078-101 ..IlO, or tknow siEo -.5 bedroom 'Park Avenue ai lae rn Actoff Jus slep Io ' I r d -npi Shoet-i super w tion on l soiN rons A hmm Breué Marc Ou" 4nuw aw iraoorrrv tifrm aeae aTrafalgar lorlad OI P. et " a h C ir5 I alan su foie a LAFLECHE 878-101 reuldi on Reflovareo iarnrflnSi OSIOnS ru oie,.. nain Cdi vOda5O Olvirecru ,nsoiarro.& ici vi~o eiEcrCi n cr1 %,encv g.. Cl~5vao nnnara w 68 Ici. ne relit or I reliovnd S.sienAsr L.rn.nurvrr.ovî Acros OM IMO UNza iaor Aois sU sey -q~ wrr.u-i, re 5. .5 rerootrar nr10 aurneronsupds % MCaiV loriSe t nior w ýe rSIO~ imi d'm. fo4 r PHILPESTIDGE m t.ïiRAG]905.78-101 T mW L..~J htp://wwroyalOpmgeCa.GI ADVERTISE OUR HOME NTOAL fliAt 1 -80-488-7253 illND ENTER AD QODE FOR FULL DETAILS 0 kDcoqi 11021 AD CODE 100 ADCdEIIO23 CONSICRN A 1105E CONSICEAI PHIL PRESTXMG INDU5TRI*L 12 Vears sellryrg in Mitton *FII IvLS servsce COMIMERCIAL RPACE *E""lu.n nitolal Foi SaiS Rep. 20<00I laset i I.. r Usa *Royal L*Page Intrt 100,0 r"ufrtesfa lms tasiinI *Local priri adverffinrg *pe sons ized minartret plan d»» SMl 14« i50 Fl Miltron Mari toua Expesure *Parionas» erInuiffaanii U.355 i555 FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULIATION s-Imc r"t' ER MAXIMAUM EXPOSURE MAXJIMUM SERVICE sas. .AM, mmsi S DOUG TERESA HOWDEN MILLS-HALL s.AaPre-o lar home. Notifer inover kitchran. 4 Ica bath wrth lac- tor tub, front ponch d rear docký Lots o 1-1,5 ace r,..0L !-.r .5u move-in condition 3 »ci. fownh u, TFl tehadt bassiant, garage, priata lot, bute- fut decl. Dorsel Peark - 2 atorey. 4 b.d.. sparate d'et, conunIenI townouse à sonna uas" merm i0 n 007 feun ed, ,y u h une 1 ~rs Ihv a FRM lUVER stro reWvraa a clon. oi~ar DiOsi minyrcenv IttMauner1 3 bedrooff Ww&*5w in Une rerFe~e rvi 5554 ri- hâde Or. Sealoir re1 Rd. or Onilm 'ln. 3 pc 5* ahra S N. commlxs ae me ri.f trou are r itOu 6iarwaa cofrne- tLilfl or semmng Sales Represatenltivr ne. waejb*asds & B6igb8* rcos1ss counltry bweeOU5UrL uras tfl5 urass ueg and youi .1 b glai you dîidý This 3 bdit. bift bungalow sel on 1.3 acres is perlait O fr trose *150 enîoy privacy anit the short 3driva lu the 401. AL VOLPE* 878-101 '- 3 iijkY E 2 bedroom on private lot in town., $1 09,900. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, finis*sed baslemrent wtth 1 bdrm., 4 pc. bath, F.R. kitchees. Home has central air, central vac, inground pool, windows replaced and watkout to, private backyard. Much M 1 WAS 274,'0 TURK * 378-101 F 10oOded ceseoi s ilPem& trwipsriîy n 11it Mupgnadê buongalow mhios j rom Milton ors cal, Ocerirrwod iou s ,1aI,%Shed loan leel retirai *,th access 10 MissmiIlor areils Thrs prope<5 5 aces "thOs m»le uNuedy Io uiId y o ef Cunt ottY e DEL PAPA5 878-101 - Di _ _ EW 25,0 aPU 4GgOMM. On q.o Crue. MMY fIf Ils- &an tIrire mm ai tomuricdy. Gra F.P. ln F.R. new roci'9. caralâc or. & nave uk Cdrir ,h5 on Wa* roi fû t. or fuly rn. aio un exeive itace :ýovaO"lhgiroa poco fis SagaIone hot %ai mcom addion sMa irp1l nm lta M --- -. .. -- ~ ---*- E nrng ro pn, rinishu gore nt.si " * IM ore 179,900 . I - lareoi kice.Jrelc ; garage. Picture perfecil yard wals h;oï tub._ 1 1