S;PORTS lEidt is MVP as late surge E guarantees team bail titie Jli Lidq eiiluiyet a doubule PiIkher Arnanda Muikinis vas o% er 1lunt Plymouth C'hrvsler. lor heu teaun nith an imipre Sdose out sact suutuury Sunda: ai nalitd MVP torF 1inancial Jiiephine Ceelen and Sarahi detenisu effort1 inîthe ue ionu Spuiris Park, durilng the Planning ,Lui comhîned liir stume citec- lialluin Poice Assri Mi ltion Girls Siillhall1 Slacey Bcllîfhiys garm nin- live mound %suri in the issued a warrant for A suu i u in lay ofi îing doiuble duture in lIo runs Loidge's triu mph, a ilhiiugh Centres* duanlal i n the j Chaiolns, .t I ad (realte Memuirial pasi Huntl Plymoiuth Chrysier did chamnpiiinhip gaine. and No(i onis did a stellar piltrlg Joihn s Mobile 15 13 in ithe coulie up avilh a liîut run i lth gonid nilh a I12-3 siom perfoirmanre earn her MVP cemi-1-inal tlt inning to fnlake the aiirc a loii Dspile finle oftensive Pr( hIlnurs in heu final 1996 ganwa The senior lriendhip gante rnuir resçiectahle lien, Key Centre dud gel hu t il aisti gave 1heu Crvalisec %aw Knighis of Coilumbus lksl lit the fîues ille gante il delenisn prformances rl Mseiional teant a 16-n tritimph Miltoîn Machine Shuup 15-5, the day. Richardsoun Chev Olds intield parineis Kr muser l'he lunancial Plinuîîîg thanks in large peri Io touir suiired six rus% lu the fial Binhamt and Kelly Alderti Grmuup in the senioir chamlpi- shutoiuu inningu th: MVP pilrh- inuutng mul squecte pasl Halîuin who was namned team MV în.shtp gamne. er Tracey Tonna. (ilntunity ('redit Unioîn 13- The lImo managed i l, huil( The Creatise crue nianutar- Teanîmrrales Karen Versenne 12 tirrthe iniemniediate coinsola- Iaw enirrenie'nt oppit tured six run, iii iheir final aI- andi jan n lren utiasinemi tor lion crlsn. %cpi-eless lhrough the lit, hat mnd field Finaurual Planning sesen hits and the hulk oft the lleay hutter Mý% Hlyde inningu 'Me Police Assmxiat il, J ust ,une fiu caii a der sure Ktighis% mîfetisiNc lirejuiner rcollecte-d M -P hunirs foîr the offlense expliuJed ller litai sirtIîr> Julie Secds rîtîlerteri A grand hicting rampaign hy siri(,r,. ahile Crystal Murray was led hy MVP Melissa lhrce sîngles and Robiîn Kame lairke iu lthe interunediate furned] in %orne saroing roiund nhoirranked otut Inn single Wî cggi ns aîîd Shannoîîn rhatttpiinshtp fials saw hieu nork strtking oîut sîx hatters a triple. Skie aIl- pilched McManu, cmnnhuted a douuble earn a grand slaun, a single. iver îhiree innings tu carut the innings and strtmrk oul sixn and a single earit it anchmr MVP hiniirs and a 12-7 in in. IICCA's Crîsîtina lîrthe wnn Creatises plate effoîrts lirifher Rehekah Lmîdge teani !inuthismu looîk MVP honnis - Seo LEAGUE on page m KwToit o rwtaortaIl. s'd5e Id. atiou Key unîlîr madie plngý solid ut of 1sten P. Itheir ne ni t Ini ion's ,and Black % and thc allers a23 Bants win conso titie in.Guelph Fhe Mîltuuî hantain ep hasehaîl catît andricnar flan.less putrhuag hy are relmeser Lirittg Ihe nin user lthe tails nas Bnd, t inisiter the 199 SSIi o ea uu mt a counsoula Ste, se y ai îîd hieu a uni, rujt su th- lall wshite Taylotr I anin pîitri lus nýay lion tille innîtîpli ini Guelpht initif; lu crase Agiurîuutts 4- ; lcl ilu vtmury agaunst Missisauga Nuîuth Juin Aller lallîttg; 14 Mu lo Ca4tridge ni theur led ('(îah) sar1edî he sinît i nth a single (immusi snunrjte litus bat iu the Niagara last hardie thnmds1e àrhSpuunship litois, aîîd inîtiMter the rîmehark. Falîs gaine nuth a pair of huIs and lire M ilion rerli ered i n the ruuttemlatîun t ille 'iltîn na, dominataî thrugh macuh il RBIs. nhile teammnate (raug Hudak drure gine and rallmed mu beat Allinurt S-4 rouund rîshin play Thecy dud luis theur lîrst un teur wuns, filhe loc aI nit ilget caille hack t tuti uutung ls lthe h(Ist Giuelph icaun. hut rime I.ashing ot hif huIs un lthe Mississanga Inn separate (tlicits tri titeir Aunai gaile. hank sith 22 Il and 201 2 huînuhung, of Noruth gante acre Stese Wagemnau and irsi auth a huce run fllh uunuung --,n key Niagara halls andi Mssisauga Nsîih Mîke (irahauskas nîlh disuhles andi Ruuy huis its Iunns Menrtit and Mark Aniouelli resueiiselv Mrl)innell nilh a triple, ffleiaaiA Hallon ffl enmt Hood Thse 011111111111 Key CoW WaNlgwm nol aiau Milton Men's 8Io Pltch Final 1aueg9 ndnù W L T pui Ceeot 15 11 2 32 armePA*d 13 O ô &- Thselsyh 12 12 ,4 28 Paium aput 10 15 3 23 TheagLo*i Io* le 2 22 M LoCk, ô 16 ô le SPMElemg T 14é 2. '36 2 ' 6 a4 ap2 Figur slowe Kur, Col le go m a v rP- INg à leugl 16111111* Karyn.gets a, gold Mtilt.'s Kmaji Csiff wmed in a ode erfnfce a Memmral Amea lmi monda. wlae ahi saacCeaUllY p-sed lier gold dman in fa igue "kAng- i 14.ye*r-okl. gm&l 9 ihfon Dist=c M1gh Sch tbW den mMaassd mil fate colingomots of dhm te and V-ned lae Vcl daiao oeetiflcaae. -j was kind of dmoked bocamt 1 had bien woing aowud s (goaM dance) for aînly a Yeue 1 wu -Él I.m go cmn My oalcae." ai S"i Ksuyilla -ue- wcenmplhntu lAise laehm in à I0-.ca teanll vvilj dhi MiltSa Skatin Club H« et l0a gau t 5 wolik towa pum baud ber asivr ad p l e- skas. an ahi cma rmhlze a Ifmg-emge ikeani of 001Co.ding filam lm afg. lId Ue sa s0lls momething back Io the sPOaV h adî