M Help communfly reach Trery'. goal Dear Ei7ilor. on Aprit 12.1l980 adream wasborn. On Sept. 22 litai dreant will continue loflavr tite road of hope for cancer vict ins. 7trty l'os, a truc Canadian bero. began itis "Marathon of Hope" in 1980 asd eves titougit Terry succunthet to bis cancer bufore complrtîsg bis cross-Canada mun, is dreanT bas conlîsurd sn lte annual Tenry Fox Run raising over $150 million for cancer researcit. Locally. lasi year's mn in Milton raised jusi over $25.000 wicb was; an unbeliev- able 160 pcr cent increase over 1994. Terly's dreuin of ose day lindisg a cure for ail cancers is obiously aiso lte dreant of many local residents' Titis year's mun wili bu ieid ai1 E.C. lmiY Scitool on Sunday. Sept. 22 fiais 10 sm. t0 3 pim. Il wili prove je bu a funs- filîrd family evesl wiîth a free barbecue, face paiting, a dise jockey. mnd our sec- ond sinnuai silent au lion. If yon and your7Zaity cmn j4n in ibîs yrar's mun, walk. ride or roll. wr cas ail contribute te Tetry's deant, once agais and bclp lo Cake away lite burt andi pain caused hy cancer. Plede fortss cmn bu pickcd up al any tsank. dmug store, or 'fic Canadian Champion office. For informsation, or t0 donate a sîleni auction iem, picase rai 878- 1 06. TMi OrgnlIjeng Comm Miltonla 1996 Terry Fox Researcher looking into family roots Duri Editor: Rr: Jobrpit TansîcylSarait Ans Curtis *Tbr abuve nanard people wec my great. '#tgcaî grndparrnus. 1 have bers sercbtng for informnation on llsem the past 20 years. Josepht Tansley was hors in Mjddieton, Cottingitam parisit. Northumberland os Octobre 17. 1817 lte son of Jolan Tmnsley and lEailer Setebel. 'hffit'ra proves dalc Pf bte Tansley famtily atriving in Canada is lte sliale of bis sisier, Mary Tanaley te a Mr. Piip in 1937 sn York Township, where ber fatiter Johtn Tansley mnd second wtfe, Saraht Chanmbers, itat acquirrd prop- erty in 1839. Josepht was in Burlîngton on Christmnas day 1837, wbure bc slcigbed out of lthai town t0 hclp pur down lthe McKenzie reitelion. Joscpb Tansicy's wifc Surah Ans Curtis li" Run was horn in Canada on Decenther 15, 1820. 1 ant searcbîs for lthe bitpiace mnd parentage of Saraht An Curtis, as Weil as a marriage place asti date for Josepht Tansley ano.arait Ans Curtis. Thàe sta- nage probabiy look place in lm4. In 1842 lthe couple lived in iýeIson Townshtip. In 1853 Josepit purcbased lot 4, concession 8 in Eas4 Fangbotuugh. Josepht dîrd on June 14, 1906 wbilr Sarsit Ans Tansiey dird October 14, 18%li, 7%ey air buried sn Carlisle Unitcd Cburcb Cemelray. There are no churcit records for Carlisle prioi t0 1909. If yon know nyîing about the Ctrtia or Tasly family I would appreciatr you wriging me. Minni. Lome Boit 471, MuryoaWlle, 0. C., V*g 1ZO + OUR READERS WRITE. v a re "Hello Claudel"j The Buttinger Family l'S .pleased. to ap4j.nt Claude Labrie as theV#ew manager of their Mid7as shop in Milton. Claude has been with Midas for over -10 years and is looking foeward to serving You with his team of professionals Tim, Dean and Stevb_. Together theyli liook after ail YOur automoative needs. COME CELEBraiE S at. t. 2 1/ 9 6A1 r"ic *Come dQwn and meet Claude. . Tim, Dean andStevelon rs Saturday September 21. ' 1 Lube. $Q !OL--------------- Claude Lqbrie New Manager in Molion UnG0ocM- Luck Dennis..? : Dennis is movirîg home. H<s0 gaiag back to manage our midw shop in Elmita. Wed like t . thank him for the cAtstaMdirig service he hals déiivered in MiIto for the pist 5 years. SDennis Gin 876-4663 A 420 Steeles A ve. E.,I MAiton MA-nnqnel rà 1 'S : ::à Museum rescuers plan more èvenL r » oflued from paop 1-------- Sunda's duiing lte spisg and summuer. iMvg Wb.ie il was deemned a succsa bX commîince menm- 111111î111111n d.1 bers, eveni coordînalor Walt Elliot uaid the festival kx w lft o ir It là' i was pnly the fii step in the.overali funraising cam *iupbtf g pamgn - and served its basic purpqse of puttingI enough morgey igu te comrmiee's operatlng budget Ce mad. for future events and promnotion. ad o M "'We dlp' do roucit advcsising for itis first event, budget revenue. S ln ordergo deoChatbe said.aumber c e clubs However, wc'll need te prontote future evenla need Io be made, tbe irai and focemost beîngnae and Wr l'gured we'd need a budget of $810.000 to change. "llaving il called an a0icullural musu s a $100.000 go work properly. in bappy t0 say tChai wc cosgundruin nighi titere. The niante needs to attract alrady have lit anmaunt." said Mr. Elliot. wbo was everyone, murai md urban residenta. We may bave a assisted at te event by over 150 volusteers. -In addi- coiqetition t0 naigne thte tise.- satd Mr. Eliiot tion Io bte $35 tickets we sold for lthe evenI, we liad Regular day-care faciliutes. a more dynamic pienlyo«donations. One fartner alose gave $15.000'-_ entrance ares. a gifi shop and more recognizable Mr. Elîi said over itaif Cite people visiting tbç fes- restaurant and dining area are ail ares of improve- rival were fiant Halson Regilon. wbich indicates strosg ment being ssaggestcd hy lthe commtce. "'No( aIl parts local support systemn for lthe museuin. Thte rernainder of the museunt car stay open dung the Wigter, but of tbe visitors came mosily front seulbwesîern ose ide& we've badt iî nsulafisg the Garnbrel Bi- O3ntario. "Mis informtios teili bc iqselui for adverts.- Cestessial Barsn and usîsg il as a yrar-rounid thiltre ong uurroev enIltos o hs acs pro- faciliiy for sucit aclîvities as dancing." said Mr. ElIiot. mofin futre evnts. He aid a number of ares groupsanmd bussrcsses Along wihwidespread attractions andi activities bave exprcssed a willingness Io support lthe musqumn available duning regular museurn visils. lte [estival Among [itent qrr sunterous local farmers andth featured bore riding demrosstraîîons, old rime base- Guelpht Holiday Inn, which will dlosage $I of Ar~¶ bali, a loy sitow and sale. antique cars and dancing meal te lthe museum from now unlil November Il. "Ive been br (Ontario Agricuîtural Museumn) fi ve Mr. Elîtot satd lthe comanitiers goal is to bave thte )r.vix limes itefore mnd 1 Chinât it's a very important museum break even sn tire years. Added Mr. A6tlls. bart of our henltage.! 'm boptng titey can ilise enougit '*Weve gui a multi-million dollar lourîsin site un nosry, il would bu nie go see il stay open,' sai Mitos doorsirp, but t'a go(te be cisangeti.' )aville's Maîaret Thomson. wbo visited lte festi- Upcomsng fugidraising evenis plmnned by Ostarpo's al with busbmnd Jin md grmndsoit Geoffrey. Rural Heritage Preservatios Comminee isclule itis Ille museuin cuiresly operates wîith a $1.8 million eeklendas Chrtismas CruEl 11r - sciteduied tomsu mutai budget. mnd brougi in rougitly $300.000 in 10 a.m. lu 5 p.m. Saturday mnd Sunday ai te Ostario aie receipua titis season. Mr. Ellioi satd lthe commit- Agricultural Museumt - and a farming equipment eflels ttrmusen auoprse privaey wittla $1.2 sale a( Bian's Farm on Highway 6 in Puslîscb taIa allowancr. 1 Friday Oct. 11l. Wbile bu said fundraing efforts wilLtrmîs ils Donatisns te lthe lthe Ontirio Agricullural Museumn hort-trrm future, lthe commilîre ts itoping gale can bu madtie 0lthe Foundatos for Rural Living, ceipts wtll rventually make up more ltai balf ofîthe ORHPC, P.O. Box 281. Mitlont, Ontario, L9T 4N9.