1 e~ KOSwm9111111111 0< bSIy UiegMp ti. III, itIJIK I~~~ ~ ________17_ Wbilrlpool Corporation Wins Refrigersation Competition Whmrlpool Corporation Wina q lxpe wIjpmu m arkneting Muared wieeser of tht uper Efficienh SERP maimmi prices sanuh tu dace oif R0egurPropu <SBRPý Met Super coçtbe m o ea awretly onthe se.- Efficmen Rdfnpmstr Pengenen à ainne- heL take-aiI couptîtsc with a $30 miaihos SCRP~ Aceoe elee Ptuocn Payneff dufllèe U.S. -~c mortifiez- >SER ti pay wlÉlMmolnefnps. oss;s tu devedm an proiumâo a aqe-effi- et deliveret i opinepnmq SER? etelety ciet. C-me btisu. rets. Mms ompn epects Io eeief- Twenty-foar electnic utilities formeti turc q,çmexineiel 230]D) SER? rfilper- SERP, mccodimg tu the Edison Electric mm in a vartety of moesh biecrn 1994 lsuteuni e die Naional Rural Electnc and] 1997. de poriati cf de SERP muv_ Coopmome Associaion. , m uai duc- WlÉlPMo wieO moiei the fina SER? tric uliliey Vale atutiaou SF1Pàpda: model-a 22 cubic foot. side-by-side To scolrau the develquaret « autgy- reepuefuxrmd uquoi.e of efficceel and eviroteutally frientdly 99 oosmcin su ervei by refrngertfreczrs anti expedite their SERP utiilies. Tley atili be maikeiti avakahty lousmn udu di WhtIeo ad Kitiint burar 'remns, aho pacitu SE1? pue] noms. a well ui suner die Karmon: bnd wam ie h a meai ers m dus oempdi rae frsaey Sis. Roe " tardCa Zu. s" idf Fue. Vice peut.geump lie rdenumus ssi havn ail of dt maerketeng and saln for Whtpeto's Nurth Iaestudcmloeial alvaeces of a SERP AunemeAppW«m..om, lIecyl bus- pedWia he qmùy. tyle sori ome- fit froue iht advanced techsology, asti niesce consumera expect from every ilty'D keeow -y've hélem â: prow e h WlÈ*ol-lxk applâmm" Fdtg aide le eeevinuueet. AndL uItneUey. de'i dter- fact abois hi only différence cuecumetu tmissu h acehpopui" wcil tation ex a rediLlau in duie i terr SER? ru eet entrants te develop "alodtric biek"? disteibute appliaeeces dem re CIt fre Efficmettcy Rating Surpàkscs SERP tard ai Noas 2 porterta maore ewgy tffi- ReetÉueuts cent dme 1993 nattela. WWIueleo eell'ue A tsmeeutu"of 0 factuamatn tlee th $30 millio mma tu offst exumôin- bectter teusîmiion. a high-effwcency coin- po ant« ->n$uovu cu'aa fan nsusr mer]a mely-duepd aWw duo 1 en- ai wlinch tses a eeucaeW to - lr and aijut du kngth ad] fietituuuy of tifeni cyclu&, acSrs fer hi exfemfenly lug efkiy of du SERP mbWmwpmrte mgta o Fdig. 'For comepetieeve restonq wt atuet le disauseeng hi dbala of us ne todiilo- y %iait de SElrtfnhpmat ex in ht teei- ketplace.'* le notes. "However. I con say that these changes enabîtti us tu et SEM's vesy tugh rie ter la diemh refnigeratont bc nt lms 25 peeae more efficeet dm um melseeting 1993 lodefl, the aorli, was the kcy to replactng the CRICs conmonly fourni in roffigentiot. HFC-134a ucli replitce CFC-12 as the refngrmi ust imn hi stalet sytai dht hues lh mfreg«o colt. IICR- 141 b wll soe ieplaof CO.-l 11a blxu- ieg agent usi go expusi fortie insolation betutun hm Acals of the rfigumor hme Nid cabinet. .Yoe tic tlty's ruteal eu- in# dqurint con off.r yen Mnt enflr- noion on di SER? teffugmuan anti on ssng enrg mor efftceffly il-r*-ou yeushorne. Interior Wall Insulation Cuts Noise Between Rooms Home has always latte a busy place ... andt a noisy one. Wleat with acivit so mah hi ka"' naa piec- lice, plus TV. appliaeea computer primais. or cvmt afniaeil conversation athen ftett cosse over. Wea toi do wben mntm or dat jusi' want in rendtieh palier or relax? Whlin kîis tend Io coeecentrate, on bceé- a major reneodelmg project. Ssteh beginnieg-nhlth wht's iie your IIUaIk Insulation for exterioe aas faonr ni ceilinga wifl cet yoew tatI bills andi make ytwr honte moite cSootable. AdMing inftuior-wall imaulatbm al" helps mÏake, your home a'leaven by reducieg nioli <rom plleetbing pipes, Banes or Nowerrhk7Rolls. whtn your atails amt moveti. nsutalleti or-sfcei with neat aloard. (Saviega vary. Piai att wley ine h mIlers fa sirec on.R-values. Higher R-values mean gre-e ttuulatiegt pu-er For mor informatimon se yser tins- ekt buikling upply demi..r or cometact anti' hnaang anti csxeung unita, and eveey - -- - - flatMeuuwai at utenor-tai u»mo day living. Manville brand mtulaston, P.O. 8% *dist 'etu mmen tetwetn inacs, you cenlin ei o w-w&U insula. 510S.Denvmf CO 80217. Or oeill S> ROYAL Lu*GU I EDNaRA - SANDI KIINSALE* 87S1187-101 P» tdserl&ymurpM àfamly. Nins pete actle, àoo s Biman. ____ Od. A muat toa m. at $244,000. Im«wwbb tuasse o eom amN bao At h M .ou N4a htu.p - me=t - ~ ~ n .& VA*, @w bm nonT hp met'..OU 72he o ê u Oa~ »Mer mm tir jsai mts Ou . -u àN lo al m iNu. a..2Gy.ai h àm l ot& ceam bu s un lai es . dom ma st. mey - = lu = a. Io t $1asul