catholic ih~> rs .3 s' U 1 0 1 » U aH U i O y -Ml p ddm u o t m e p o lh .u ,ala m u farm sh a 00The ljalton'Rorn Catholic NÙ- O)COMWlIN"dUUity geidjon. School Board bua gran;ed ils pals aid depliliSiB boa* in ill P tiho f 0-.b * oYupei bicndcnea 3per eau Haleau eboa W ysmn areO m ep aywlO00 pay nain. gchlng tho maximm JOn thekr hl- M blà ,dUid Depending on the apermilen- calary rangez. "Yau 'hon have qg u"ute le ports - ~dents salaires. whihsrange feami 8-nIOl$ho ia msonn tdoni o on djlWs S$82,641 to $99,788, the raine. ffr e m. "wti apyns Svary Ilium $fl lo $4,500 aye He suid the supcrintendents'M dutdta atyr e alarie a baafozafr p whctt more pklic qruy a n lThe o tota 01l the scool b a laud bd eufox o being paid ou( ta popW with will e M5000. boudalmai Olve yenad dw we salaries 00cr $80,000, andi, ho teiîhe$2500due for aralle- - lhe raises were approved . . u.. u ..1 atdoli il dia gestes Itae ie wi bca ioot ornet ses$ ing - u t- ca ic Baîsi ameaseaitt front metnera e l the .lat bard thnuti in t tlt mber o ! 1in nat that largq. qctually," peotple,- lu added. -WC glcoeillod said Oakville Trusc Kcvmn c syutem wit speciflc lngtes Mnd O'Connor. '*We've bee. dis- they (the nuperintendents) ca. cuasing Ibis for7sorne lime. lits à movte wjthin thms ing." relative compensation idea - as a Mr. O*Cmwno uid moclýdeIe- nupeevisdr of somgeorte chic, you norales when people's natles mr the gaialy noldala WSk plac -1ý du"ah "llte only w&y arnn dmta is to lct people ktow whý ltejrangea amle IItc s-ti "i pliffin have bhesm ul Ioevend Myxus caluy. None of ie increases were way oit of latte." Cops wadt to chargée $50. for going toi false aIarm'ý By BRAD REAUME The Cha"pon Hallon Region Police Service Chie! Peter Camphelt has suggesied charging $50 for each fal4e, alarm lhey have to ons s of answcning each faise alarros is about $50 in polsce lime." said Chsef Cmfct Last yea lherc were more Ihan 7,tX6falseaIaarymin Halton'and we jusl wanq Io cover pur cousv." Chie!f CamotI suggested thai hy fun- nelling att alarm catir. lhrough a 1-900 number the ooty woutd hc înttecîcd , ; .tO cspb.el ýthrovgh Beti Canada, whsch woutd keep 'Cfale alarms would have îranslated into the pohS r ,0ice out finii sgeMnd olîc- $35$&000 More than 95 per cent o! al lions. alarm cattr. end Up besng Cakse dite tu - Il was cstimaled ihlai with ihe charge hoi . wner ngleut. misakes. or wind. false ' glarips would ho reduced and plc. Tr issue wîill bc !ssrther explored a' tially $100,000 would flow snîo police u.of- budgist deliberatiosis continue. A !drmal fors.. budget document is flot expecied unîfl 6 Chief Camphbetl admsîîed the figure w&% early Novembe?. wîth Decemher tagged entîrely an estimate. Lasi year's 7.000 forYinat approval. , MILTON GOSPEL HALL -f878-2022N f~10:00 a.OA - BreakingaBread &*-I30 p os - àoapat service Wednesulay 7:30 q.os Prayar Meeting and Bible Reading :idsn hi. hs5«n Su ist ssii -I .rd, IE fiss O MY GO!' 1 issu rAs, by TAy .j tfsn g" ,, 8o aid -esn thas akirAkitc il s . h Ba. lfh~Pr.yer à can.Ui isos phoas lbu lme 1.800-433-304 HOROAY 1 FIa I ~ OROAR Grace ý@ NEeur E, "CA HOLIC P nlcnCuc QEN TECOSTAL <Hfca huc 662 HIUNE, MILT0ONIS! 2X5 HURCH 317 Main St I., Mîlto-n.r4,r, ~ Bgyu~u 139 Martîn Sh MhlrhltjoU 87-n4I Phone: (905) 878-3358 in-6~ M:s D Mawnemo l(95) 878-9354 S878- 04 Sunday Services _________ Mats at: 5:30 posm. Satiurdey 9 am., 10:30 a.m. Il12!00noon -Sunday OUR LAI)Y OF VICTORY hMilton Helghte mdss Est 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETER CHURCH Oth Linge Trafagar Mass ait 9:00 a.nk Sunday Revs. EarfTalbqt PP, David Wynen, R W. (Bill) O'Bnien; Sister Audrey Burns CSJ. ilicha1 (Miel Grondin - Serninanan fintemr KNOX PRESBYTERIAN ST. GEORGES 170 Main Street E., Milton fCHIJclN Minialer-The Bey. B.d Lewic 1owvtîîe Diaconal Miniater-Colleen Smnith î.s1 L, acvni oS err 10:30 AM :0a SIJNDAY WORSuI 8:30 Commnio Nisrery & Suosoer Sanday Sçhossl 10:30 Comno For more înforiîi ati Paye 87840668.yP.M ar ,,l rS t- 0e.aamsn ani Wm . «000W ssaioi Far stisher informatia culth CuM sfa Milton Bible Church la mq.Ung et the MY~ON SENIORS ACTIVITYsCENTRE (500 CHILOS DRIVE> 10:30 arn Momning Worshlp *Fuit Ulnistrf.a Pesta- eNov. Jamais Deàarsi f~i8 7' 870456 , 8:00Oam -Holy Communièp 9:20 am- Informai Wosi T" * r 10:00 C.1t P-. dintr SUNDA Y, SEPTEU8ER 15, lm' .*Àl lthe 10:,30 service 9:48 ar. TRAINN IN TRuTH Thuteday SandcY Sél or AN Agie arn. - tIaly Communion 10:45 ILi. d.O vk gd THEi APPOINTUENT WITH G00 Chuh or -,ptton Pastor R ' olintia,. elItIn Evesyone Welcoine- 1 ý S A " NE LIEDA HRH( "Wm i :30 P.. 4EVENING EVANOEUSIC RALLY Pasladr MaishMMcpoang.. f123 MAIN ST. MILTON. ONT. Rinv. Bai I4yde Ro.. Siens Laingisd fSund&% Soîembr 15, 19M -L :0arAduIt Chrc chool Clcas 10::3 nWaeshp Ilb.h Sanotuauy, sermon TmS: ÎERO US" SP IRIT St. Peurs Open Houa. The oommunity la invited t0 louir lte rat urbiehed Sancucy and the Christian Educalion faiitiee Ns» bausi oinuaN pte * ene: =ea sasy t.w aiisi ec ea N«» Lem Mole tu ale a-aas l là"u cofl Hme EveyTuady qmlng Ladies, you aren mvited to >010 us ett the Church for a Bible Study that wtill touch your ide! This Paît we cre sluhytng lhe topic of «P(ayerl 1<sfaplay for ou r own needa andi for the neil of ttler. W. pray in f/je faote of conflict, anie'pay for forglivasi. 50 did Miy, Abrahamn, Moffs andi Oanhel..jms therriflP Vou won't want t0 mise if! -EVERifONE * WELCOME- Babyeting is proided. sENLARGE YOUR CIRCLE 0F LOVEM IIILNDA. 2-4 p.m, 740 Briar Crac 1 . 169,900. Jacki MeCrudden In atig.ndarsea - Rti4a M to...0 A.aIv Con. SAT<JRDAY. 2-4 panm 6 Drante St. S169,000 D6ugl Haren nr artendance ROYAL [IPMOS REAL ESTATE SERICES BN Y 2-4 pi. L74aurier Ave., Millton $21-4.900 Bearibras Crose in intendane ROYAL LEMOS REAL. ESTATE SERVKCE BUNWIY. 2-4 pain. 430 Klnggh Cri., Milton *- Joyce Haevk In attencance SUNIA,24pm 11172 l4ey 25 $259.90P pal«. Ftpreeentatlv. in .and.ncl 11101 LEMOI RI.M ÈSTATE $OMME