oe Otite: M7-7771 Toronto: 825-44a0 htpv«mbca 4 CAROL M. BROOKS Sales Repeeaaiasv Ottice <905) 878-7777 Reaidence: <95) 87i-007, Toronto Lino: 825-44856, PIUFURE PERFECT 256 MARTIN.ST. You wll fa#i n love ouMl th iovedy 4- bedroom lraditionai style customi- bulf home. Two fuil bathrooms. main Iloor lamly momi, fîrepiace. 10e). living races and dines8 room, beigist new ttit wdth wattiout so large extemety private bactiyaed WlOiflot tub. Muet be sees t0 be @Wcite. NSe $249.01)(. MTIAJE SALE.- GUELPH UNE --3wlw yu pl eaaantiry aurpied atueu COUNTRY UVING AT ITS BESTO YO iwtIis beautitu country bongo- Thtis propely hea evtryttsing. 1bews- lcw, AeiOty upgraded & protessicetally tom buîtt home is epacious and h&%4 deccated. New kitclen, large LIVIDIN bdrma.. Sep. lv & din rooms, tireplace, mom. firepWae, very large fansty mcmr famîliy room, kîtchen with sep eallng with B 1 bookcasea, 3 Arma, ensuite areta. Large solahnum. igrouid pod* 2 'N-%eJbew lwsroom, pond. fmnced allain car garage & gexcellent 28'x40'7 box ilmset 2 acres. Noie $24r.000 stali barnm 6 feced paddkocks. Pery aecluded. i~w $315000: JOSEPH IFEDACSEKI ASSOclate Broker 878--777.7I un Vnis CALL M BETT INGLE U&8 sates iý"rentaoWe Tee Une eaa.44a When il's lime tc hi uy or sell, teamn you'tt need quILE on yaur side were th rly ,e ie or Cary id Today! - roua 555.115 isvoq Oedwd poS.. P 'IF'. 0011 lq E. pe.ei CIra. o Tm 5 nIes OI;O bmffieo.,,w Lorge dock off adool ..Ie.e.cg pan. nIrlo 5015. -~ ~'w" UMO CUJo..~ M Finisised garage. $127M0 I1 GO R EO S Il you have an spca"icr of Il Attracire bnîc* aid wood raiao Assiqte character ieh curent cintfota finer tisings in lite you wil recognîze bungalow sel on an acre in a court- con te bioud tismugirout tis INg quahty 52 AC ES ite quatîiy matenials chosen by thltr 192 bungalow parti recesi espairm of .wood woricer dunrng dm constructon try/viIIage seirg. Large ea-in fabxus family rmmi. tirplace ano walr- Wîth ciffs, stmarns, oÇ iMa fine *honse. Opert conceptliv- kitchei has walkout to, an elaborate mgi plus manter bedrocn parti fl u ile. trees îing rmmn anti paodstove aid vaijite IWO lier elevated deckr overfoolong Frmm h Nirgir baselsierds to tise h-eh- trees ~ceelîngs, huge pare kutlltn both parthit ingor poo an fee9 yad ancy ga; fumnacelo tire glau est-in and a view. waleouiu le, sne wocjd loi. AIs a oofotelowrWe uOeon h rvh ilg alM ke Warnnandinvitng. Youl love th mlowloufoNc erleve l b e rs t oareo-k uCilieneas recreauion mom. ~U e le.con i NYOW S26OeOOO Cali Olks......$24900w C01 Miko .........2399 Cali c.*SOF M0CRUDDEN Asela~te Archer N W EMLA N 8B7777 Ia %aeRp. i8im N AI*7777 tneeu..a A bu b wmq ireu nome c l tral0&5WM e 4,M, f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~B &e r~f ib1~~f ~ilE MiBand' Newe 2300 Sq. Pt buNgWw m.eeam home. arO nicel andlcaped easy-lo-mina 2 acte r n cesied a Qgea ýam lot ni quiet setsng. This quafity home olfers a ýe gnhouood sor, greenhouse kitchen, Io, ceillngs, naturai gas ZQlades 1hoýqh1î rns beain &A/C sysems securty & muh home %$1 be 1een lobte_____________________ as4.ws 2wSan ryo 4,0 CONO APARTMENT WTH WNDRFUL ESCAIP. Olk~a hdme. «ou FUME l E~n i i MENT VIE WS-2 BEOS. 2 BATHROOMSp AppIJ hS5ný *e km. Paoo -01-' ITNESS FACII.lES. $147.500. ploie L« A JACKE MeR m>EN5GR.NPp< USel P NLeMway sm - W OIIEIE & £~ Sm ne on nOvaI tara, lice, as c- esi'-t~. 0 - - - elra. PC bl md 200dero,m f mout001 10o h S 11l ., and sînIle c mm~ .....a, .... - ... 1 7M Unella J.ML -~'*.~ UflO89 .5. MOLlIE L..j Ity bwrgalom -car garae. ce, e"o te I*al with Lots (vSt en Mmslg&àm aid unit oulti tee iîrced ait i5e . 1. - 1 lot.-Grm 4 bedrooms, foehn & IMng La. F ýt $2"3Wo'