Uniited Color Choices For Bathmom FXtuM~ Now Available - Amenican Standard now offers home- American China's exisiing color. home- 1.6 gpy toilel. M&lchmaker Color ihis business agreemçnq with Arnerica owners an .unlimiîed color choice on a omners hill pay fecs rangina from $140 gy&tems is availahle through Amerîcan China to offer ihis'aniqiîe bhefii. clectio.n of bathroomn suieb io $500 in addiiaon to Anscrican Standard distribuior showplaces, as well The mou4 popular American China col I The Matchmaker-Color Systems pro- S> andard's lisi prîce for fixtures. For as selected kiichen and bath deaners. ors have been in the green and gray fain gram Ileis homeowners match china, bath. cli stom cuoors, homecowners* wiii pay a The prognm is also offered on selected ieis. according Io Joseph Scidneî r0 m Mfilre iCo . hric smaichcs, deco- o0e-lime color-match price ofo$SSOO china prodacis of ether, Ainerican American China presideni Qiher ti iirîive lucs.' pa.. tompies. or cvc. col- E iimated lead lime for cxssing colons Standard divisions. includîng Porcher sellers have încladed lighîcr shades o for nro Amerîcan Siandard's plumhîsg is imo io six,welis; custom color Mî. and Ahsolute. Innocent Blush and Deseri Bloom. producis compeliors. Amerîcan malchîng wi reqijare an cight-week 'Homeowners arc api <o selet colors Ameriman Standard is carrenily nelloli Standard offers Mais hmakcr Color Iead orme. for the hathroomn then they teed iotally ating Io purcifase a conirolling inîcres S Ysters through a business alliance The Matchmaker Color Sysîems pro- cotefortahie about eieir choices, in Ameican China. Ame-ricaft Chin wimih Americali China, of Phoenix, AZ. gram i% offered on Amderican Sîandard's observed Wade Smith, Amerîcan manafnacîurers ils oten vitreons chîn SHîsmeomners can chonse from 60 best-selling Heriîage lavatories, as weii Sundard executive vîit #resident, and prodaci line, mnrkeied ihroagh Ritche exicing colors in Amer;cas China's as Amerîcan Standard's Tîlche pedesiai chief enecutîve officer of the U .S. and b aii deniers ansd pinmhîng mhole pîîritolio. or reqarsi cuions coiors For lavaiory. Madval bidet, and Hamilton Piumhing Producis Group. *We pursued sale.di sirihbutors. p Iý n p 1* -- - - -- - - f - - - -- - - - - Gary Ihomas Brîîker/Owner----------...878-7777 Heather Ashtee-...878-7777 Carol M. BrCo ...87S-0067 Carole Budworth .. .878-8545 9- ladys Cranford ... .875-3039 iseph Fedacsek ..854-9949 Ron Furik ......... 878-3337 Sheryl Gray .....875.1121 Clayton Hackenbrook ... 875-07-71 Richard Hierman .. - 878-5806 Betty Ingle........8'27-4286 -Sharon Kerlçy ....854-0474 Joe Manchisi-.....875-9990l Lindsay McLaren..854-2451 Jàe-McCrudden .... 875-4586 Mâturice Mitjour -...87(Î-4577 Lloyd Moore .....878-7575 Mike Morgan.... 828-8093 Paul Page.......... 878-2995 - John (J.P.) Pehirs..878-685Ç9 Scott B. Prior....878-7777 James Snow.......878-2172 Jean S94wden ....875-3915 Ane l'ylor.. ... 854-9833- GlenfThomas ....876-0987 Florence Walter..878-0231 Katrina Walton ...878-1588 KAT1"ATON ai9 78-77177P. 878-I5U î .825-440 NATURE LOVERS PARADISE igreat buy just around the corner tram turns Conservation Area. 25 acres wits 00-f açt franiage, close la 401. CaH Dday for details. Asking Si151,900. I have quaIfId purcha..era Iooking for: - Semî-detached or link in Timberlea 1Backsplit or Bungalow in aider Mîlton Ifyou a-re Interested In s.Iing,' s peoplea urodu GR844-15000 »= O4~~lluà &-aCo çumes m. ------------ -o ------ - ~ r fr hi ma àw -0 9* à*JDinPJ .V" jw. Imm ou Mufe "w pRu. wlmu.