Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1996, p. 22

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inted 145 General Rel Wanted ho 110W 1MN f M IlTO1Ii VOUA PET NUTRIfONr CENTRE EXPERIENCED GROOMER STORE MANAGER PART TIME STAFF 15 tiledf EkPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST Pmelsably wi duiIes wanted for Unnsex Modern Beaulp Salon in Buap Plaza SALON FINESSE 5- 1M1530C LA"i r Civias LICENSED MECI.ANIC nm.suid for burap Aulonotivei Repui Centre Sautec iignoic sklis naded. Muet bials aI une caud a s bondiend macine. Plan: 8P78-2952 160 Mfie HMsa F -~ ., -i -.-o In: Globalt Fo od Stores fer. 5917 Lukl si., North York, Onl. M2fl 1S& Fax 416 502-3756 155 SkId-HeID -ACHINIST -TOO. &u DIE MAKER Minim 5 «Mm esOrlOeW APPRENTICE MACHINISTITOOI. & DUE MAKER Excsaent wages à ben"lS Cali 905-478-0578' or Fax 905-88041 160 Ci elD 1* MIDLAND WALWVYN BLUt CHIFP THI%%IN11- 1 INVESTMENT FIRM SALES ASSISTANT Thirse top parforming Fn~aia Adols requine an additiona Salms Assistant The candidtm Mil havie t ollowrng quatifiea- bons: *Suceessalul compieation OfthOe Canadiaoeudti" Course *Excellent wantten and verbal communication obus s *Energelle sndb outgoing *Stronq attues r * frimum fwo Yiasn;business expenience The successful candidate should consider this position as a peranrent, iong.term career endeavour. Pimase sutimit pour resumne inF confidence to MIOLUNO WALWYN CAPITAL INC. Affm.: Karen Georgios 277 Lakoéshoe Rd. E. Oakvillt. Onalo LSJ 1H9 E or lax le: (905) 842-7114 Meadlowvaie manufacturer us lookunglfor I Hum4n Resources Assistant wîth two ycars experience un a sailar envirolimeni, a post secondary administrative or business educutuon, payr(tit copenience andS skilled wilt Microsoft Offuce Producis. T'tis hîghiy organî;ecd indîvidual us [amuliar wuth appltcable legîstation, capable of maintatning strict levei. of confidcntuality and is a 'pcople-person' witu excellent communication silis. Pieuse fax resumne with cofir (citer by Scptcrtber 23, 1996 tuo Atin: Iluman Rrsoiurcrs (905)821-2W15. SERVICE WRIT ERADVISER No ialinical expenrencas recyuad. Canidalas muet Posasa .EXO.ONMI oeefnmies"o aldIt . Eucellent puple @liM Candéiatsiud bu dnng mith dm. grumai:m people Ou, Clairat Forwaud rieIcil GkALLIOER MaTOIS, OU MAIN STRE! a., MILTON, ONT. LOT 3.12 ATTN: NS COILTER 17fl fmuwur CtfuLO CARi availaie In Camptiaivrilae infer'i eehoe or afler sclroni for Brfoolcarte. Refereoces. Fleceipi 854- DAYCAAE Avatabe. Ae pot iooti tor turi rigri por- son to iook aller1y oui choid? Lcenced and irspecied honise CaS Perin 88-4688. DAYCARE Avaiiable. Canng mottier of two offlert day- cars moue*uail Nuifoous snacks and flurrefre provid. eolt Lots of TIC anou 0.00 play Fleferencés avatf 876-4165. E5PRIECEDdapareprovidler fias openins. CarrçkIMMsl aie eres a mSçui prorndBe 854. EXPERIENCED Batipsittr if look aller panr cfoidiso sprer ix nu fourre daufp Pieaeç 878495. EXPERIENCI!O Disyair aveakbe ai my lam for cis.- dreo qoit crie afive Pas Carl9-7-60 170 Davcare HOUE DAVCARE i2 tir. expmma. Mon.- dam actiuse Nwla hisit saud mudu. Exemiple: Algis 2-5 $100. - - - 878M.i1 Km80 WANTED, a"d panal CPR.L lPduuitul MMm WmM mua or d linrda M(u m Mli 131111(&). Rulsmaom à Reoéi. Il76.1774. N*8BMWVILLAGE DAYCAI l oopii mgs#dca o dil a soiuala 5pins. Memng à su claitdi ogami ammbe 8 7562. REuIABLE DAVCARE, ki-lb. S DMt. pures msplurlieos. Plan. cd 9M7-078. 170 fltem*QOIP 250 Business OnootuitSÉ RDLEXOLMG. Enfn ymrc,. Smi you C liikin Ck ",dw, ai SeptL lmi.C Euna.. 76187 25 Mvnc& MiMa CAM $t00*0E, 401 à GWiOliLk riss. RsanBlu6b rIE. Cas 864-2D12. mamiaiyOliyMi Sinq. BIeu, cm, Wbi Tulor. $n à up. Molarec"ý dis, mt ud, $125 »ison CEMBCO, Nerval, 877-1876. 278 For Loos......... 2,«O sa PT. UNIT, 20WMM O i diu. Dm. aion , kla fro nus âce eiut 879'-630 MN»O omih.Tua on. wmi laohm pur MIE BmuET COGMm . boWUm. houss. Plua mxl durast pou hIE la dol Cal 878- 2.00090. PT à UPWARDS 200 Tutor 1876-3033 OR VOUR BROKER SEM PRIVAI! HOCICEO ON PIIONICO CLASSES ARE NOW 81010 OFFERED AT WAE à SOUND0 CHILMNENS CENTRE APPRO0PRIATE FOR CHILOTiEN AGED 3 - 6 YEARS. SATURDAY MORNINC3 CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 21 ST ATOUR MILTON HEIGI-TS LOCATIONi WEDNESOAV EvENriNO CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 2STH AT OUR NEW 467 PINE STREET LOCATION. (OPPOSITE MILTON MALL). PLEASIE CALL KAREN SAUNOIRS - B.A. B. ED. 87&-2110 A Free home smoking cessation pro- gram is avaitable through the Toronto Hospitl i n connectiou¶ with a research study. If you are 18 years or aider. PLEASE CALI. 416-204-17§5 ABUUED nid sirsfl? For lip, cuit 87N-MM65 a 24-houcsr clm i for afassd umrnen. fdlaen Wqmia Piace la ai OMauirma showl avait- abI.le abiaaxmd tom.n ",i i duioh un Hal- lion Rigion. AI catés onmod ARE 001 essient pou problerne? Narcoica Anonymociacon help. We mmnt Fridep nights ai GrIa Anglcan Clrrd, Mi, 504, Milain, ai ARE YOU SEM1 .lisolmid by aa.mofsas *Ws dIihg7 AI - Anon Fandp Grcup clents arA Mondp noghl 8 p.m atlSi Peurs United Chrchd. badu dSm (parking lot enéraince. 1-800-M1- 4862. 18 DRINKINO aauahng lieu probimmac? AI- ocliolics Ariontimous mmi Ttmdzy nmghta ai Graia Anglican Churofi. Mmi Sinisai et &30 p m. 1 -800-M9-M82. 225 Auto Parts For Sleý 4 MAC$ (Alun) 2.25MIS01 mili WuM. 30Fils, »mtlang Couguar Tisindiqid. 876-2236. 190a 9MW 318 1, 4 dam, 5 ipmmd, fonaitd. jet b"d mint 9015117-90010. tallit MAZnA 323, 2 door. 4 cylindair. séorso, suniof. km nu. $2.900 oertimed. 5104S3- 0564. 1M8 PORD, EIICORT Gr"d sail ca. nion- srnléing. immecaili oor.-Ors on Os.. Nm lirdos & mufle ifor xtra riur paris. 90.000 bau. $61». 0.B.0. 876-3312. 111111. YAMAMA 55 440. enowmoble. rmbuull mngu ne" d iu iymo wore. $80 km. 876- 2238. CRE017 POULMS? No, --ior b."d crutCOn 4JIC. FIA, WCB, Sanlirupt? Med anothmr chancis? W. cm blp Fywmrec Aum 0"i 05-339-2335. 23lruck 1804 PRGHTLIER Dey Cab. 4W0 Cuiml Rebulit, Nmw, Dii.. Chlh. Springs, Braaus Punp. $80M. 9106-878-0652. «HOUEWORKERS UrMielly .mdsdl Yp la I2Oiciarf PSalon incélit proicic ummnblp. laoplion. worc and pubication dalblion. lasyt NoWç.lf Noemmic nmoemup. Prm Intimatiocn, rsh faugse BASE: Hommucilur, 6021 Vonge St, Suise 1012-AIS, Toronto, M2M- a *cu«fl. .n unirlenm.,î,n $lOOO0~1n plisiusins. Avaat" USpisunki 30. 813,823-2510. D1U014TUL3' Aii ctioaln ail" for Oc- i IoW 1, hmbu h iaut hmad gaulo m on a pauilla lard admois. No doge plumea $S95 Olu u««.s 5194-40fl75. EXCELLENT CONDIfKTINew M.u mnobm. 3 be*omm Ocbk ltl$,00. 876-IM7 or NOISE STABLE, Pa&tbu, 12'X 1 Z ox stilis. Bach«alOr ful.n we&O. HOMIS FMN REMY. ava*0 Octobier 1. ad appmmi. $1100 mnii lus suIs. Avait- ski Oct. lat 8-3766. I1HRE E DIOW dshsd hcom. Cloe sa, l amei"s. No pmta. Avalablm Octotier lit. $1.150. nmniil 878-0402 MOI biecoi bungalo, miih pool. fui1 isu yard, min, Imni dm.nlaun Milain 112 bssnent re.,d Avls lut15. $960, Moni, Oka 2M Dammt Fr %nt 2 *DJACB<nAPART MU oulal locud, yard. parking. ne, pmin. uImudiai pci-al. reliruncia. 644-4273. ACTON, large ans and Imo badroomn a iGmorglau, *ru and esso bmrhclm aparimmnt (519) 853-604519) 853-5352 FRE9HLY pednisd. spaelouas 1, 2 & 3 badinons laperments. Quiet laal bighriru in Suasgmo. To viw. 333-Of48. 12 -Sap.m LARGE 3 Dadre.. npibaen avalliks Ct lui.S0. rissndifly plie uUMM& 81170-841103. LARGE, 1 bmduocn Imnl apérimen, ap- Plianons îucliudsd. 1 mule soiai of Main no pois. Firat/ilal, refuerons. $700. maaiithyudti8m ndudsd. 876-4272. MLLM0 TaPIRS.- C0 UJIDE Ml UT . OI LEASMNG i m.*mm ApalrmU aval"e anomle à 0e loiséal *- UM2 Nome. dmM enular Issa ommt, boaulplir cnild 2 applises en-lMe sMudrp, fnoilt. i Wiium (assaii phons à odis) Fms paring, o, p" Releouai ulidum. 906-876-1249 AMWl la Rmmldunl Monaieg MILTON DOWNTOWN: lima smtiord Mmo 2 mcm batedor apalmmrl. -wxk heuL SM menai. Avalit" Oclbmr 1. No pmis. Cal 854- M05 uith kW die" and r1 ruom. ONE DED100W APARTUENT, applMaco. al"dois i. Cas J». 87&Q.090. 1 110000W, inbaemnt apulnisml. in- ckjn imuplosai. luldge. slaow. $700o kwclmsia 875-11 . AVAILABLE. Jui mnwvai S48. monul plia 11S of suillm. Une of ORishlm l à tant (Prmlmratulp non-aumaing) 878-3760 or $8- 1835. MPU NUI O M W * masr W 70.00Weal t/Mien pOUlMUM for uculdilg paisan. GmshIa pruleind ".ml> 87110226 PIJNUI N00Wm n umy. Ms of Ivn s.4 launay. = *.ava=.i No "h worb 86787&=. FUR M cd i Ir. ndmmenim i, C--Là-AMMRRR ..... izîý

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