IN.wi&MMmI Dr. J-n MeKlnni îLAZ322~ 14É Im P= - a~ f o a sIioU wI Co487 loa aix hit or program- eut maion leyies. seiscitmale up about 60 per ordinator Robertl Rossini bold committee cent off tise propeoty lax bill that Halton cÀould fl borrow money for mn ,You can only taçsons h ie way infrastructure because il has reached te seof provincial downad<beoe pres- "et ceiling allowed by provinciai lmw. to sures ENcore te greai." sid Mr. Rinaldo. flsere.are hàsd decistons snd choices to oce "We are going to go through titis gui- btc mule by counicil." said Mr. Rinaldo. "fi wrenciting pce.ishere may bie a rechsc- mnay mean a induction in services or an id tion in services or tse elînsnation off pro- 'increase hi taxes." or grains.' , Mr. Ritsaldotaid Haion's cleb oIca was 66 Wednesday dse budget reviese comnfut- *rasosale." He called tise region's ability u- tee iteard t(sat furtiser provincial ftinding to move fromn about $19 miillionin provin- cuts. sioseer titan anticipated assessmEnt cial fuiding Io $6 illio.'*a mali achieve- growth and crumbling pipes and roads mient" but acknowledged furtiser cuis could have combined Io bning Halion's budget to0 nt bc absodsed as easily. lise beaking point. RegioWa Chair Joyce Savolîne suggesl- ise total tax a&W raie jump t0 Hallon cd tse viaous consponessts off Halion's tax ridist old easily top tise 6.4 per cent btill be classified fostaxpayers, so tley will prdce yregional staff. T1hal number kssw taw, mucit tlsey psy for eacit servsce asmunes a relaively lenglsy, period pf 10 and witich amras are inceSuing taxes. yeais for tel'itsing old cast iron wateriains Despite tise fart tisai police services ame armas tise regmon. . expecied to add to thse 1997 tax bill jump, Halton:sfredicameni was laid bare I-lton Region Police Service Citief Peter wiset Mr. Rinaldo admitted 10 Burlington' Campital Iweçonsrd tIse public wriny. Couaitlor Rçjs Marîssac dtia te reglon*s Tise budget proposaIs cail for a fftve lier. proposed budget polacies %tre nol adle-, cent reduction mn oserail spending go cover quatte 10 sustain Halion's infrastructure. 'espected sitonsfaîls in mncsy transferred t0 Moments laser senior policy budget Fo- 84, muE ION oin page 3 fIENT ANYTWO WEEIKENDS FROM DISCOUNT AND ENJOY A THIIID WEEKEND FREE' Sout restinetiom a pply - «Ve warntyour business and. weY corne ýig1t' to yourfront door to get i:!