- -Adoerttement- Wiliam' cfeparturie as dfrector yet one more challengE Spw foi The Chanpio Truitesi decîsion 10 -ýcccpt Bo Wiliams' request for re-assignmnenl ha createt a coupWof diiemmas for a hiou of education choc ii aitready knee-deep il wodi. "Hg Wei Il bit The cureai director"s esentua swiich t, buupsg.an..the subot4aatce pobition of stilerinienden meaits inasites wilhth Fition Board o I' mo ~sywvAut Educion, already saId iath ongoîni w'N d.~. Il a Mètee salary negoiations and i.h gUgan opeuoda oig WA.i bâtan Reewal rtegn"aon project, mi% M, #« ,W dg g nom deai mîth two ntw issues; anising ou TA.y ïway AU,'. ofMbi. Williams' impending move. The Most immediaie concers for the Il *~ Wl £ ." rustees is tii find a successor to Mr gm â Williams. "I know in the pu il lias coaktr Zhbe thre Io four monthn for tlht whole process 'Thai's why Bob saii lit mould atay or until we fint a new dirtctor. Wi nerti somte ttablity,' saiti board Chair Linda #PROUD ,TO BE SCANADIAN, TRVE ACROSS CANADA anti yoa a sec tmo lhings rilt ama - a sarieîy of BEAUTIFIJL SCINIERY asti a VARI- 'ETY 0F BEA UTIFUL PEOPLE! Recenliy Il %vas ur pîtasue lu, hast the honour of attendis a COURT 0F CANADIAN CIT- MZENSHIP, astiifyoua ni t5tnW yoar PRIDE IN BEINO IANADIAN ys tou"lt attend. 21 people onginalty front some 12 cousnres mere very 'PROUD TO BE CANADIAN, EH"' as [bey receiseti [Mir cîlîzeuship iurirng-the ceremny. <T <S IND)EED VERi' STIRRING bo ste ait tevelsof goversmeni reprtsentod.as wett as atil evets of officiais iallie forra of polie- ing tttroughout our counry. Att are IlitreIci partîcîpaîr in the SWEARING 0F THE OATH hy undividuals who have applieti and mel th1e staudardis. A ver> impressivr crie- mosy, iniect. matie eves mort memorgitîr mîten the members of the audience arr tler iuviteti o stan, up anId r-affim their Canadasism by recitîn tht SWEARING 0F THE OATH Iu CANADA. Wttat a duill- makts one even more PROUD TO BE CNDIAN -wyot everyone do tl CANADA <S ONFE OF THE MOST 'ADMIRE> COUNTRIES in the wortd as confirmet i the U1NITED NATIONS whrre use arc voied i ibits dtparlmenl. WHEN YOUnTA VEL.BIEING CANADI- AN lias ils besefuts of recognilton. A VISIT TOCZECHOSLOVAKIA afew years ago wshite tjtty mere stlta p art ofl the SOVIET UNION OF COUNTRiES was anrvxample of the vueus of Canadians tiy counrres far a. a> Whes ttastiduti s travet documents, hte immigration offierr, *tbu peers oui Ilrougli a two fool quare openuug asd stad- es you uîresrty. tooketi and saw tht CANADIAN PASSPORT. ooketi hock an our direction, tiroke anto a broati gîta. sts.k out lits liard sud said "CANADA. WELCOME!""Nuiffsaid! AZORES, BRAZIL, <ENGLAND. CHINA, IRAQ, NETHERLANDS, PAK- ISTAN, POLAND, PORTUGAL, AND TAIWAN art sorte of thet cousneris whîch usere represeutrd wmtl ibis ntm gpmup who' have choscu oui country, asti are nous PROLJD TO BE CANADIAN. AIl tf these' countrtiesare umong ttçsr Catatians s hoose [t, travel to. for a visit. or for hast- urss reason, asti are Prouti To Bt Çanadian in doîug so. %>4 GET INVOLVED, VOLIJNTEIER, BE A GOOD NEIGIIOR, MAINTAIN FAM- 1LY TIES, A TRUE SENSE, 0F BELOGING, ENIOY OUR1 DEM0C- RATIC PROC , wert Sosi of the coin- mens psket along hy the audantities usho, spltFrnithe CABOT TRAILin NOVA COTIA, to lt PLAINS 0f ABRAHAM in QUEBEC, throiIgh the greal province of Ontario. ail the way mest cru the ROCICIES 0F BRITISH COLUMBIA, sucli a variety; a varîety of people fço, masy of ushon chose CIIati to lise anti rai Ilîtir cuil- <frený We Icnom they tre PROUD TO BE CANADIA>, MH! GREAT! CARSTAR 151 ellig Raid, Unit.4&5 * Milton, Ontaio (905) m?540# de Ive had an &aident. What ahould 1 do? 4.Getting lnto an occident isn't fu n but ufruae <y accidenta happent Hoseever if an accident occu,, you should folIow the aleps belome 1 Attend go intued Cuit pice mnd, il neceua, cati ambulanw. EMERGENCY NUMBER - 911 2 Ta,,, off dit, itipe nd leete tu «br ûi.. W il yu réet t' 3 Obeit, noires phone num.s., i licenc. pluie nuiflt o wid - 6 Bl pou. veicl ta aot drive", bav liasl bamd Ioa c.,itariaît oipaiU.iori yme déce, 7 Cali y-,a ma.air bvutmnlagmi é. admoth m of the. doiLa Foc addltional information contact Marilyn or Iot Rock Ontario Auto Collision CARSTAR at (905) 875-4477 or acd Our ton free custimor service lUne I -SO-CARSTAR. You con also 11n4us on thetnemsetaithllp://www.carstarcom' A comnorte of ititèes was go lieeaab b lis1ed tius week cet hart a consultant dot s develop a short lit of candidates l'oc con- ài siderai ion by the hoaMd i Ms Gloser noted that the job poistîng mit! bce adtisett within the boardi as mel Lt as outside rtet board ant regain. t The board chair also acknowlrdged ta f Mr. Williams' imriiinenî isove ini a g supeimnentns rte wil cireale an o4.' - fnnattdm position. 9 The 1996 board budget includtd a t reâaciion in tht mrcer of superintendets - from tgli Ico six. Ms Glovti saiti lita fig. 1~ lieas beta met since fan Foster reimes as the end of Stptmbtr anti Gr mBarrti i curtilty on a foo ctavt qt aBNe,isetl- giblt<foc reorcement ntxt year. Homete, Mr. William' addition milites seven superinttndrnts. ont mort chan allontd foc in thet 1996 Sudget. "Ne mon't lt humping anyone,* assue Ms Glover. "Uosi fol sure mhat mc'l do ytt. Il also tirpentis on who wa jt. for director. Thty may have their Omsn ideas.- Ms Glover suid trustees havt conctmrs (liai six suptrinttndesins will Itave the admipis- <ration 'ihorthasded."* As, for Illtqpersonai sîde of Mr. Williams' re-assignrnt, onte trustc expresseti dissatîsfacîîon wiîh the bord's dtcisiot ce, accepi lis proposoil '1 support the mas's tircision go stept tiown.' said Chery ,Craîg. Hoèever. the Burlington inistre said she did not support hîs re-assignmrrent. -I preferred a différent outcomt.' saud Ms Craig, mho nonetheiess gdmnintW. 'There is a humain cpmpontst. Il took #kotof gutsIo sep down., . Ms Craig appear t, bc in the minonty thougli a.fmosî irustcs tsprtsstd choir support for the director's tiecision t0 vOl- uniarily rthinquish hîs duttes. '*or Bob, il was ihe night choict." saiti Ms Gloser. Former board cliair Dîane Lvbiovic believes chai Mr. Williams' ltgacy miii kc frit lhrough the RenrsVal propect. . llse Renewal projeci. atthough 1 ksom< there arc many, many.coscems i lthe firt finie as à trusie on this board 1 have reccivd a slraieglc plasnting documretl chat wr have an qpportsstty for. public debait and consultation," sati Ms Lehlovie. Public sehool A Diiý ffoln irnu boaid holidays The following is thte 1996-97 scliool -- ~ T year culendar of hotitisys anti professionat F E., Z 8, 9I deselopment days foc the Hallon Board of m moffm pu Eduain T0ONT October 14 - fltanksgtving December 23-January 3 - Christmas break * Dont miss <tîiS = Ml~fty tb Mah 10.-14 -Sprng be reach ovOI 20,uu CaltgerS Match 28 -'Gond Fuiday kmata faccl Mardi 31 - Entcer Monday " Talk tOus ldacbutexciting May 19 -Victoia Day sponsorship and exhibitar FLEMETAy opprtu"IProftssionai Devt lopmetîActavity *Reserve your space today September 1 f& Maiy bogkings bontu bIel November 29 CJAU lanuary 30-31 îTHE CO#TAE SHOW April25 lune 6. 25.26 ,467 SPEERS ROJP, éKiuidrguwsn clasaes begin Septemboe OAKVILEO ON. 16K 3S4 13.Home dOr srcl ioHteiew, ake <g@s S15 017 luant 24,1997 is dtW tact chool daY for 1 4M " 8a 7.7«l2 ekw"yaciet FAX: (905) 815-0511 'lune 26.'1997is tht lau moekag day foc eltmentary teaching staff