Success seminar women on Women's Plac presents fic "Resching for Succesa"busines eminar. featidng two dynamîic gueat: speaker Who erjîl outlne a combination af pet.o n d financial expeutise, nexi Wednesday (Sept. Il). Fundis raased witt benefit lIte shleter's "For a &Saler Tomorrow" catiapaign tu matatain quality childrOn's prograsnming ai Halton Womn's Place. % -WeIl-ksot carporate motivaiainal Ireakfrlie Wysck wilîbcon husd Io in edu 1990's style techniques ta, increase personat productivity and suc- ces. Joirling ber will tic IPMO patiner and nelwspaper coluinnisi Deb Mactuerson, ta, deal with thse pragnsatic side of thse future, relating bath ta peroana financial planning and plhitazsthropy. The eveat wtil tske place ai the Burlînglon Seniars Cente, 2285 Newr St.. beginning ai 7:30 pin. ai cd@eIttlfore l0Opim. Gaunnet cakes and calice will b. serv6d, There sejîl be raffle and door pizeç. Tickets aic $10. For mare toforma- (ion and ta order tickets, ciii Mania Stîteler Simon or Jan Czuba ag 905-3ý2-1t2tJ0 @ .Put yukkIe soe plasce! THINIK PEAeÉl JOo th offrrorn0 1 ,ais of ide «fho fonsto sm a peacetf woiti Idi~ Grn 0fa nnri i o mai ef f. e .one h.o . mnrn f aSonit on the Uinnit Ntions intrnarontl cet, 0f Peace. Trresday, Septefnber f 7th 'A Peel 0f for Pueser fit eoery pair on the th rd Tuesitay of Septerber. ongnafein f555 Il fis been heat in Mrion a a prolw icof fhi Mittor CSnrcif for Pue for a fntme, of limars 'ibs lear thre Mitton Bafrai cornnunitp s atout- fritng il Ifs porpese sf0 tceiaetfe oor serfs. of friaf fit Ononne th rS mora beirg amrid0 tfre ,,foin .., hope amit el or pusce', icniinq toi Toront o aria 'A Piaf for Peser' oMranra Miton ares schetis. bauirrefis er80nffardres hia" buie Iorto lm0 fea frOSi?.of aiterfce eft onn Sn tfhe 17tf Thoin fyripf nfalri ffafee pyli fea fY fifre -nnga SeNf efrraOe. 50r5. shof CtaP. loup a horn. etc. Mihnm Coinnimle for Pesce PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the Town of Millto) endarses the United Nations Intematianal Day$ ,Peace. BE IT THE REFORE RESOLVED THAT Tuesday, September l7th, 1996 b. declared «United Nations internatianal Day of Peaoe0 in the Town of Milton. Ail citizens are invited ta partic- ipate in a Minute of silence for Peace et noon an that day. Gordon A rntz Halton holds *Md ;j.w vt ak M'Is0 piiipii lb - RsgioUa Venal uM lUe a aiei iîtsiy or MW, MWWCU~W& oe11111liio - , m" ' là e wedis for vm' «psi Wa»y troix 1980. yeg, le fsfhss ost if bbb- social somvl44wo Uil. A tewlw ef mml dsit Hbes go-om MW it49*s md k*ma" isoit-tenu 0epa . 11W" bws bsel t CaOff Ire.a ms ms coi bl ollu esn Itadn ' Utes rfltSOwo Pe? olacmil a<pe" #Pm* àue. aà- plumed ua du. Pmseau fl1wt ss e' hWei qpmds bailla "' eg oser direct lisers &aM jolast qMie *Ri a OÇ i ul & ai d &M slaat .saw Mealdiy Cofsmualty pImposais *om 3uees progatin aill bq ~ise III. % edgo vu ,udaced 20 i Hlithy Coumuujty parrlo , m'moir 1996 OP'EN flOUSE & SIIEEFDOG TRIAS September 21 and 22, 1996 94 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., dally Bning your family and spend i ' u-fiied day on a faimr! *Watcti canipetitafs iit hilhiy traine*tIiepdogs challeng each other at 9hepog Tris. *Thili ta fast"pCod Ftlbei OoerrStrations. ses the largest ftack af Shetland Sheep in Narth Amenca. *Faily Gantes, Canadian Harse Rides and Refrastiments. *100% Canadian, Shetland waai, fiascos, and yamts - in eleven naturel caiours - wili bal an sale eactt day. Unique waal bWanets latin alsa b. avalable for purchase an a fiast-came, finit serve balis. n Admise"~ la $2.00 par aduit. Children 12 pr and youngW ar mu dmttd for fre. Corne #pend a day at Fan»! For furths Information oeal (519)6823-262 or 1 (000) 461-MWLD> 9453 Lacated an safari Raad, betwielen Hwy. #8 and i. lit6, juat east of Afican Lion safari Halte. Reffion eniple wnHl hol a Simf MIap aile Salstday in Useir ongoîns initia- tIves ga taise inune li dm. tte% air. fice sale, erfit - oin S arn. la lp .m, erill bc hem ai tise »ton Reional Centro. 1151 Broeoft.,jmgnoitof*tseQ6W. m A TIME TOILL Fre àasiet 57 à fil Sun. lo Turs. 7:00 fundraiser~ aofie on oui, gSa a bauigan or t.0 uid eisjoy the day." sad Hiton Negional Police sipokesman St. Frank Phillips, who set ont a prIfles elea"noncin Ure ente CROWE i TAXI SERVICE Wii be C LOSED 'Fd.a lllwlllw& until t h Turs.7:0H0I _____ ____ ____notice, SUN.TO HUR. S,25dueta illness. "SELF DlýFENCE INgThUCTION" "'SEPTEMBER SP.ECIAL" LEARN- GAIN e Self a Confidence Defence * 5trèss a Self ,Reduction Discipline * Fun & * Respect l ia Fitness CALL 875-4494 550 Ontario St. Milton (Corner af Ontafio & Derry above Amity) Pull " Oais are as close às your teeho LEARN TO MAKE TAXIE8 PAT 387à MAIN SIET RUT, ýMILTON