o '.5 i i c-) s Installation, Sales qnd Service w o<w~sc;:' ~ Ken Wilson Plumbing & Heating Inc. & Wilson Pump &Sevc uM uui T. S., Un n a , MU g. ifMmm * PUmlrlg . PUB"p a Hattng * wet.r Treetuu * Ce Yfre CerntraJ Voeun *Air Cenilitionisg *FWnuingàAneileO.* C. Piîrchase a new natural gas furrnace before Oct. 5, '916 and>mako no payments 'tii Feb. '97' And select - front the following offérs*: >. $100 extra bonus for installing an air conditioner with the purchase of a fiew furnace. CInt a GRAHA Pffle Côwning around Helen Curley clowns @round with eve,-yaor.old Sean Whitead,*who won a beatb.II ln IDA'& putt for Prlzee tourney at thl store Salurdey. il wa ail part of the grand openlng of the phawnecy, owned bylri Mistry andi Mamnie Eieiey, near Laurier Avenue end Ontario 81%eet 9DEFERRED O YMEUTS AVAILA#LE TO RISIDEIiTIAL CUSTOMERI ON APPNOVED CREDIT THROuOiI UNION CAS. ALL OTNER OFFERS MOT APPLICABLE. OFFER VAUSD AUGUOT 12t,14% TO OCTOBER 5, 1996.TIIERE ARE NO SET-UP FEES OR EARLY PAf- MENT PENALTIES FOR FINNINS. *ROSIPENTIAi. CUSTOMERS ONLY Dli APPROVED CREDIT AND FINANCEO THROUGH UNION CAS. CAU. FOR OETitILS. .ÈA.ABLE ONt.Y TSIROUCH UNidU BAS SALES OFFICES. jhen tiiink about.attending the Union Gas One Day Sale Ewent! Saturday, September 21k 9am ta 4pm 8015 Fourth Lineé Milton' Call today 335-7310, Special Savings AvailabIe and No Payments 'tii Feb '97 b~R >UnionGas %Yeg 5.S1 Signing courses on Thc Canadisn Hesring Peel office set 3034 Paistan Society is offéring a 10-week RS&l Suite 201 in Mlisssmuga course in American Sign Classes otfered include Language (ASL) beginning Signing Naturally, ASL l01, Monday. Sept. 23. 102, 103 andi ASL 201, 202. The classelatre tsughi by 203 if there is sufficieat reis-, instructors who have extensive nifon. . training in linguistics andti he ln addition the Society is deafculture. wnrkang ine joint tienture witlh The cout is $I110 in level one Sheridan Coliege to produoe, à 10 andi the matenais ame $75 extra. corase titis fai. but as furtitre sets of couirses. . For more information cii Regisîrsiion wii taise place Lits Irvine ai 896-7667 (voice) from September 9-13 at thse or Peggy Anne Moore ai 896- Canadian Hearing Society's 17(d)<Uty). E c b(jy <i 11(,ýv iii i(ý ýýi, )1 (10 7