t.entey utituzen se once agaîn siaglng a fashion extravmgenza ln ild of a Woulhy ONuae. Grab your tickets early for popular fashiion fundraiser' Dy KAREN SMrTH sit Thse Chamion ÏiLqeokstidl srmtea in Thiise pilanning tii attend the Green Ginger lushuicn cvili include lingerie, and one uV-a kind bidal gtins sh,,%% for breast canicer rese.irch had hLitr gel thvir by Tîrontio designer Paul Coinsh, Ms Lundstrm. tikets cari> her'ieii. wîIIli Lion hand. and ciiihing wilJle bLmodelled Designer cliithing boutique iiwner and event cîrga- b> local suilunleers. niier Lesiey Goerien suid peoiple siarted reserving A elutrodl4ipelesxpcd10atn tickets lti th Sdtlay. Oct. 6 Nhiiu un Matich 'Thai's eciling uaheii people doi thl aisd Ms lt snwîh~I /ufaueJu rcs Giefienhen -ho annuali> îîrganîees ili majoîr lutsdrais- PresideRt*s Chiiu hors d'oeuvres donaled b> 0r111 hall', hreast cêWr Lihlal. s, and lise music during dînner. lise donner event at fljitn hisl. Place wîîî ieature On/y tickets lo iifiane seats arc lcft foîr %ale ai a sinIger Okliaîî Otbe of lliai iaîînd hçr dance grîinp, cos ii $35 cach, Ms Goetien said, DooL% open ai !i sl/iunscied h: ,the Waltziný Weusel The griîup vvîli P ni. perlonmi a 2/-i inute shoîw alter damner, prîior ic thse Tickets can bc purchased at Grecni Ginger (Main sait he pipu. ai]Cmdan d a n de ie fah n and Martn Siet iKtuteô wuW COwe hu! Brian, Wendy, à Chris Pmyne would 11ke to express our slncere thanks to the following people & bUsinessos for maklng Mlchbel' wlsh of a swlrnmlng pool corne true.' Dt'rmsî' Douii1,ili À4 \ cîi ý uFidition (hot Riugh s I3rcXucts lvi IKlci k c k hl~ 7irînr .d (ulisn liii Zvomin Iîînilv (Macr, il Kicir Ný & Niooir') Ken Arinstonij & Aion ol1 tllî'c H j1iimuince iSolers [)ctn \c îPcs.~iKichuird SteIev .Mdcc. (jillrs & Tuts Of Hdto Pools & SPl Hcîlîon Krintcti un ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I MM MMIS s inucdiiiyilC ilDDEIR One swner grey onpi 'eni2iis0km *~ AS~air aouae b/it cruise. Cassette onty 38 400ki ,onOy270'u .a MU k5 L 3 iVElu/y na/O ciponi, rua and 0nnY nus 5 upleed manja. cassette. powter windn., JUST ARRIVED U99 PARK AVENUE One Owner; champagne on tan, tef J1OID unnai arendt Iddw th ail the Buick luxury nga powter Locts cansette, ABS, nid -options only 47,000 kms 8.00im 195 FRADS AU Or One owne, Wccpicdc en 0clnik la0ite, rîtop lac oeck upoc/e, traaion con 19( VOLS WADEN JETc Acu eond- ic,,VI oiayvr oi0 cuJadd ici/ PO-e iccnbmi auti honing> 5 speed maneal .sete, ciniy macelraiumsinon17000 Anis 75. 000 kmýs -Umm 15 .umYSE 24 Oe nntr, dt/igren Wit' ÇIaune 4 A V6 accicnucie ton C/SI/i 4 doot, 4x, fu/ 0 06 31 16 aon 1"ene lcnnUru, CbeoiMe mdi/c nd air 1000k n;sbtu~ t 8 LIKE 'ALWAYS MORE TO CHOOSE PROM NWE WARRANTY &SERVCE WHATaWE SELV, Ç CC; rn