Gnilled Salad with Garlic Dressing Serve tus a"a, maide wMO fra.Jh Iocly growrr vegateble, wIh a"BU foir a fIa- vo<fd ul a&lVllr aifpar. 3 104 ebdves gerbe, ineylWinod 1d 2(redW wine negar 2 UM (25 ML»vgaemo 1* tp(15 mLdropped parley 2 sp Il10 mL( cèiopped tlymev or 1 t2 top (2 niL> driedItyila< oreganior 01/ý2 tsp (2 mt> driad oregam1 Sm8 and POppef l/4 cup (50 mL 2 4 smogl Ontario Egg4ait ori1 medium, 1/2 b (250 g) t0w San Swet Ontario Pppers (<Bd. green or Yalow or cobiéton red Ontan On voetableil smal Ontauio Zuaihin'. 1/2 tb (250 è) t51 large Ontario Nushrooe1s Ontario Escarole or Leai Leftuce Gagtic Oressnin aman boW, wtoak t09.81er 984<0c, wlnegar, cil. Parwey,lYrfle aragaml. anri ait and peplm to teste t.î aséde eti 888< 30 mian; dressng cein b. made lie day balaie, cosareci and rein ad Salad. Put egglitaius i 'heu honzotaly: p1ace in sire nd ipnrrdae cu aide wilh sah8 Drain 30 mn.l (d using medium egotan1, mit four eiffl houlzontaly( Plce pappers 4 to 6 in, (510o 10 cm) tron madium hoti mata Gril. turTong oiten untAI ctare amt OSer, 1516 20 nm. Place in bovaed aauceçà or Mae, bag 10 <non. Ramos outer ia frorn oer< a, ilaavig roct àrid stem< aridsieb td~ in haot croaawse itrwh wri od. Gril 15 t020 mion., or urtil 1015v1 cteed, turning a.Reniova clianed sinand <t aahUNonMtOquIis. MBUOWi.feu i cole" in hid horlzcntaffy. Rona. oggplia nde 00<<id rning watai ansi dry weg. Bnual zucct* eggplant and musirowms wu8l oit. Grill zucCtlin until goïden brown (»Wu ý mn.i par sida). Gril egW and< musilroonu &bout 310D5 mnn. iuning oeejhmrons oUten. OuarIer nxMroonlt. Pe. saed nd cut peppers lengiaMrs6tor 6 s$Wes. WNas any reanwg adinato Garbc Draaamg nd <liur ovai voetablt88 Semntrre adilte-. ly. or mUse aheaad and0 mantnate in refigaralor serai nout. Amr"g voeOU0ta a1trfo tiveiy on iattuce-1ied plattaf. Servait 4 Preparabon Time 20 min. cooting Tirpe 20 n. Standing ie. 30 n. ,~jo D~USI~T 1 COTRCTR il eOKMTH&SFM S1181117 ANK PUMPI mehffl noe,. td. *1808 h f0 f«r c.N faZ.. M aC, dsltChed Iruck5 to Se"v you si - W. M8888.. PMU bd-. »% 0 hft110 S<, Ooflrp -«y 3 '- <81l18e3-BOOAd. As 87dn aNe.u-B a OISLIGSRIE Kitdwar Cabdaellefacong '. % r,vid .vp-,c11..g 'ArCaein ilins *pnd rn S ,, Free Estmates! D"- 'A h'l ff 87(OI l7ý a C *s- ecTo 1 MASONe >dffoo Batfurooms e Catiicnne 9wi'fi * Catoi tome . asemnent Finithlnq pà. 4 9054876-4327 * Rnoalit o ay epir!I your hlouse 1 «. -878-72080 ie ÇT.40 h-j Fa foi ROBERTS & AbOCIATES Custom Homes * Bathrooms * Additlons * Bamsements e Rnovaitions Rocifing <905877-2807 & 1085, SOiSe . MI Eth0e<ay Ar ide< *Carmel &on P- a. & onaAh 785 Main Sireet East 870-1138 (Semvce> WE-2700 (Saies( I 1 s- EPTIC PUMPth [ FURNITURE REFINISHING L CABINET REFINISHING 1 rýMETAL SALES 1