4 t M _________________ AL I RT ATt.8.. MlItownI (adrutt rrrbA- e s2rnp2ter Et.« ard tp 19M 14-1W Servicesri o> nn ~~ j Compute Softar Seteetru nesoorles Md Supplées ufty Pleronla AnuitaNte ijucalrh I)Mto A -allable Sere & Traing 751 Ma , Strict tan . Sal Mitton - PRou 878-4631 - F.. 876-lt1E P EA All: 9 - 5:»0, SAT. 10-4 - <AIL TOD)AY AIM 1 VANC14&G IRA MAS iKE Mim Hmuimt c0iHPTLOC'y PE & PAMS;IiS*Dons CIO >ERS MOBILE *CIMRI L Ï REC MI5SEIi ACCE S (GRISA: *uepieEnEYIG . êEC IIYC0NWLIAISN, %RVICE F AISS 1E1 878-SB CO-STEEL eli BECCLING tr WBUIY.AL METrALS Stdtng. Cai, Uned Equîprntnge <7 Structurai Shapes, lRartir, Stamp.tsg. Bbwlam ec Cep.,Auîui as, laps. > e> g; etc Elcna SArCoiAumrnum, Donc. lasdc, Ahrum Sdn.ec CO-S1EEL RECTCLY9G - Mitlto.n Division- l&n.north ofte 1 on Hwy. JIà E (9W5) 875-4800 trok.tria .r.m*, e aiqdinBa hqa- 4o Rockçwell International: Workîng with the Oommunity fo make Milton a bellter place tâ live. ~?RocwellAutmîve 150 Steeles Ave., Milton <905) 878-2305 161 Cinuhoiri Dr, (905) 875-3818 Milton, Ontario L91 4IA6 Fl an (905) 878-9701 Eorrnerty Herigate in)m bInai For Ssioeaa andi Famiy' 76 Booms Famuiy Restaurant -Executive Rouris *Relaeîng Launge *Bndcai Suite O utdoor Switeeeing PooE .5 anciuet Booms weçtding'* jacuzzi Conferenca packages *Patio mClose ta amenities - Goit Courses*- Siing e Oeacres *Hîkîng - Conservation Arias * Cinerna * Steamt Era * MueS Morel ' 20 minutes terr Airtrer aed oliy 'aiEEgfloay A0 & A H qtway 2fi 40 inrutes. rom Deeniooi Toronto AJUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF a eÀA MILYtON mmURECNMENT - Junior Achievmerît is enrerîng ifs il th year in Mtfton ant is lookîng for Adiîsors for our Company program. Business background preferreti, no esperience necessary. lraining offered. Tttrougfe the Company program you w#i heip hîgh school students bo own andi operate a business - f bs s a iearn-by-doîng programr (tat m.es weekly Septemnber uni il May. HeIp the yauth or aut commnunlt&y becomne tomnorrow's leaders! To find out mare about volunteerlng contact: Et Lawrence ai (905) 878.2467 or MIkç Shepherd ai <905) 878-8105 SI VbÉMgp oWuàsdeNew Directions:' Y,. JWHAT'SH A Monthly N1ýwsletter of the MICHAEL BOUROON Il tsasti*t lrier long agir thai vie ai aborut the changes that wulociiu Agrîvuilurai Museum a., a resui irEp Esscntrali, the Museem rivas din I summer and sutîl cilose effective Ma înevttaile Not ncessaiy,1 isouii ik eCity tri1 nette you fii crimle and hie a lire On Sejrîenrkr. 1,i fmmn ii 0air a ave The Ontarri, Agra Mas Mtueum. Priicees r t o mad Muscum Ironi is unitetely fate The "Ag*' Museum i tonire of the finesî ci Nîrnh Ameneca and deserves a heiler halieti The suhjecttve laits are tbat il The -Ag- s a great place loi admit' irpprirluniiv 10 get a reai sense of irr ilook ai the itigeneri> and entrepreneur pioncer, l'in alsuays amaied at sirmeth me a glirerpse at the îreattsîty if oui meuh a chalie4nmg sttuattion The aga-hesines coirtunils r' an ir the Miltoe fbusiness rîmnieuis ami tfhe Museutm shoruld fît 1,.caied iCrre been a reaf tgeririi.aîlîaîlîîre andi has etrues tir the iné epomrtmunît>i Th attractlion. uperrxals at a limie suhen M .igttrfrcael aItraiiun. s irulti Li a ij ale thîrughrrei the itifl itl>, and a as~~~ ~ raîr« iisfn ppoînunlly jr rall andorn hav a reat day ai the NIW MEMU -.i Ciîrîc Si Jacques -Manager AMITY GOODWiLI, INUSTRI 5Si0 Ontartir Streeti Milton. ONIA li S4 Phrrne975 ;531 1 Amrit> irrenul CHi Irdusirres is a non-profil .Egtiit pîîîn ding jirEn and frrh traieing prgmils Ir people vr16 disahilitie% andi emplir> ninîtl traners We atu.epi dornaliorn% of flood qeaii> eseti îlinng arid hrrrasehild relit, shih are orld in ur relaiE sores flicI pr- cteri terroI uriesrc are tien uct Ir proide jurEr' and <riE[Trare inE!pitit EIfDWIN C. HALES, C.A. PO ors 21(x), Mioe, ON L9T 5lEa 8frn4s 75-21157 Crimpetle atidiîieg. Ian A:îîi)iiing and lFîekkecpîeg Sectes Spe: raîieig en helprng serail oieecs s 6th Financs il Mainageent aed r nîpîrî cd prîliairî iris PersirnaI t:nancrai Planning 4Mrnrleag» Jrrhn t t llinet Marîketieg Manaerc IIAISON CABLE SYSIEMS INC. 21 Main Street Nîrr T Aiîre. OiN 1,7Ji lV9 Phîîîîell<Sî0:a i2ii3r-TS1731 CIc e iireo syslcm crs icig Mlilirre, Camprelslic. Actîre. (ic4rgcturne anti Reikiraurt Mat Berger & Manien Malaisire- Osuner SPOKES N' SLOPES 8I9 Ontatbn Street Nîrth Miltun, ON [ST 2T2 Phoire 86-7676 Brke & Ski Sales anti Servtce Tht> storck over 100 Morentare. BMX. Hyfint anti Rura i Okcsý HALTON CREDIT UNION Proudly Serwing Members Since 1957 EARL DOLMAGE Branch Manager C44Main Street Éitt Milton, Ontarlq, (905) 878-4168 "I, Tourism Cor BraS lemenîs - Chair Shtrley Rosenaurst> [aura Hughes Gary Huttîre Glienn Weaîheralii Praul Attacit Anthony Ailîsîriv Bert Andress Adamr Smith Peggy Hr$gîes Bruce Maget <enrIfer Reynoldis Bi Smith Santi> Martre mifoee Hasso irss Fieaenoai Semrsî,e Chudlighsr Sprîegrîdge Ibarrit Haltîre Regrîre CirnserNatiinr Authorits . Ontarrio AgritailarriI Museaum Haitîre Regîrre Estuuit Diisceîirsn BIA Andiesus Sîttutc Aires Oeiarneaisaeîe fesiai Onlai <irrite> Club Radiai Ratlia> frînstui * CAHA Tome tif Miltrie Trime ir Miltion Chamber staff Governnsent Rtelationa Comnaittie Çarul Mclioealti- Chair Hîgh Point D*ltrpmenls% Cîrifeen Bures Co-Steei Rcî*ý1 mg Roliandi Stewart Derlan Acrospace litr Thorne Milton Hydrur Davuid Hrpgrave Tori irf Milîton Mtke Shepherd Haitîre Commeerit Credri Unin Santi> Martin Chamber Staff Golf CommWelli e Canrol McDonald -CI*lr Joye Hagevik 'Meltssa DeBroamer Marl>ue Reck Cure> Zanatta Markettng Enttrpnises Royal LePage Real Entat Donaltisue Brrurgtrn Fteancla!, Services Ontantu Auto Colltnion Carstar Chan4ter Staff _____ I heard Tht Mtlton ChambroCmecr ntalupof anrs400 me cui at tht Ontario eut> homne iraseti husn in manefat ung tlclutieg sersvice, Pi( rnîtal i*rdgct culs. ta the f argest oi i îmuntwt ver 750 enipliryces, IhlC oreduteti hours iht.6 Miton more proifitahle andi remuiEný îch. 1997. 1s the ed We provtde business andi tountst infrtaltoe un a >ear-round to take tii rippirita Park. Wc aise irpn Monda> Io Fnd a" -5 affit Saturdays in Sept ast tn ynui owe honme Our Chamber r' lid b> a sirleetee Blrd ofDirectors. tirS pm, thert wuitl kL Prttdcel Mtchacl Bîrurgîre cern rail> hield ai the 'Pasi Presideni Scott Sîh lrrth*uer an effîrt ti sase the Excîtise Vice-president Joryce Hageyik dry tacts are that the Treasurer Brll Mencer ewn% Il i bistt type in is Vie-preitient Mike Shepherd fatt (han tir k mnth s a lun plate tir go to. Towun Cirunri Rep WalEy Hunier and kitis aike. its an Dtrtur Bti Manuel agriieltural pasi and a Dtreciîrr Hirmard Mlii shtp rtf ori agncuttural Dîrectrîr Peter Haîght ttng tir trîher thlat gises E)ireîtir Marion Shannone ancesuirs slien Eaîtd Dîreîîîrr Jamie Burion [)îoraicoioiet Drectrrr (itrge I akakr ie are hnrerecti thrat l)trectir iriiecen Hum,. le gisl tîntes. il has Diretirr Brad Ceîci hrirughi addrîîrre.i re, - (<encrai Manager Santis Martre e Iris, riEbt iNtreriser Aditntstrative Assîsiani Crr> /anaita - iion i arana ir rhe :eging suties. ICI ir Chamber Eais on flie itoruidcrs îrf r Chntic er ariesal neei ut the business commeeriI We saiuie the rlnse Cirmi arge >îre ti supprl the Miltn Farnien' Market "A"as sdil HoIard Motrt- Chair Huiîhtesrrin Thîrnîpsîre. IZIZ IZI!Heedersîre & Mîti Bi 1 ltair *Hîriden & Sieî air ESRire Mule Mulet Enierprîses ESAnne Gaffant (juliant i atm', Anthire> Alîmirid Ijinuoin Mili: S.jW*4rtanin Chiambrer Sîjlt