j UP RPET "oSO MULeH FVN" A LOW PRIÇES T001 Ph&OtS1 GRAM& PAINE Numat.ch pretildent Brent Vlcero shows Ilb. reusuable packeging Ihat holp.d hlm wlv 'n en awrd from Caradian Airlin«. . A wtnning package for this' green' Miltôn firm IyAKKB IIHThe innovation inspired company ofm. 'The champion. cials ta take the design as South Anincat A Mikon-based conipany (bat converts - onm of thie laegest souices of cul fl w- corrugated plastic ini reusable packaging en in the worid1 Mr. Vcckery UN?. -a valuable environmieni saver - was "In short. in ibis one industry alone. one of 20 firms front across (Ne coutifrY =Naeh' containers are expected to, selected for ant awudl v~ le sheif 11fe and reduce trans. Among 200 finalisita, Numatec - spe- port damage Io the milliions of fresh cut cialists in reusable pack4gng - wntéflowers distributed arounod lte world annu- Canadian Airlines Intemational Expansion all... Award. Overaîl. tNe finit conserta corrugated .twas ralier suxpnaing.' said company plastic polypropylene mnio a large varieiy president Brent Vickeiy of (Ne award for of reusable packaging and matenial han- expanding businesses. 1 wpleased.' dlwg produets. Thie Alliance Road company'5 reusable hnigter*got baohr packaging matenals are slowly replacing, ay T forîn buieres gt losled anieru more iradiiional cardhoard container wa'frbsnse ii lsddsnu especially in businesses where non.recy- ion loops to transport producis, Mr.' cîcable waned cardbJard containers arc Vickery, of "Acion, siarted the company used, Mr. Vickcry said. four yrars ago. For instance, Namaîech recenily -As part of its service, Numatech can destged a unique container for Canadian Ptost1e a prsigram itwlr1ar packaging for flower gmowcrs gd wholesaiers. Thefrc .reuse." the company prosident saîd ation is expecîrd ta replace more ihan aThe 20 award ssinners werr chosen million cardboard boxes, Ne ssid. from lise regions -Atlantic Canada, "Afler floteers ame packad and shipped, Ontario, Pacîfîc Canada, Quehec and' (N bc pxet are packed up ahd shipped back western Canada, Campantes wîîb annual An (Neir soure, realy toi lxe used agamn and gross sales front $1 ta 10 million ssrre again -saving liundied of ihousands of îavîied Io stalmit proposaIs, Namaiech dollars incsswas one of 1tbâ 1 991 NISSAN PATHFINDER ýE Auto Trans, 4 door, air tond., cru ise sport & power pack with leatAer untermior, AM/FM cass. * u~tu $39,500 monthly bank financing O.A.C. Cali Wilie. for details cerrified wiîh warranty ~Ž9r n4