THE- -% ARTHRITIS s.... 1 iIAA. - 87130 - a mmu SM figer4 folt hl,48.4 1 AUATIC O Ait Ds. ilns çeptendî "A.- dt a stsi ar ne 86.ittt Main rS.î, E.,nr 875-2424.Asé.L.~ M SPECIALIZING IN THE FOILOWING * Ns -Crct * iNCRON Toé Nm,î foe ANt AppffT0St CAL cîfofcsros (905) 702-0111 (Iocai cati frein MwilfS) -> EDffl 14OUSE CAftE FACILITY INC NURSINO HO0ME ReTIfRNT NOME -51 97856-4622' SEMU.MLroeM AMEASOUCIElus Ma Milton Seniors Activity Cefitre ( Current Events by Tiiiiv Hw ks u bIct' "4MIXýMATCH99CURRNTEVENTS Wed Sent 4 11 18 25 and Fi Sont 6 132 27: - wih a. faN iî,î. "Corn Rose& &Dalhnce D..$,' qpome sociatîze at the Centre. Every Wedniesday :Join us for an eveningpyf great Fait fare ... Corn, and Friday, if's "Hot Motel Deal" day. Greaf f ood tomatoes, cukes and more corn tollowed by super and good tellowship. Tîme: 11.45am - 1: 1 pm. :dance music by ftý¶ "Johnny Mîchaes Band"(formerly Pat vix Band") ..and ail for Gmt. Sept. 7: Visit the Mail fo, "A Teste of ooly $8.00/person.There wîiI be a refreshment bar Milton", a Fait Show4Ext ravaganza ho>ed by : anl 50/50 draw. Doors open af 6.3Opm,dinner af M.C.I.S. (Milton Community 1nf 1ma4ion 7:OOpm and dancing 8:OOpm -12.9p0.CaI the Servîces)and f Town of M1ton hi Centre 875-1681 for tickets today! actîvîties ni thXiton area. Wlhîle.there, -ý,sit the Milton Seniors Centre exl4ibit f0 see what is new, Mon. Sept. 16 - Fr1. Sept. 20. Ifs ltumn, and Perhaps you feel if's the right lime f0 sîgn up and lime once agaîn for New Programs enîoy the. Seniors Experience ýpac1icipatihg and Schedulea voiunteerîng) a! the Centre. Ail thîs week the Seniors Centre wîill host an "Open ouse" Come visît us, meet t he instruc- Mon. Sept. 9: il's "Seniors Day mt the Mmli" fors, see demonstrations of bot h new and exîsting Corne on over f0 play Bingo, socialîze, make new programs.. and tien Register for your selection friends and enîoy Speciat Shopping Values' o f fait activities' Tues. 4-t¶0f: Joîn the Soers Lunch Bunch" Thurs. Sept. 19: Join the Seniors'on their day on their monthiy social outîng to a local* restau- long bus excursion to Casino Rama in (5rittia. rant. See the vhy attractions inctudîng great restau- A lime- and place t0 make new frîends and hear rants and per&ps try.'your iuck at the tables? the latest. Time: 11:3Oam. Cati Centre 875-,1681 :Cost: Just $24.00. for September location. Cati the Centre 875-1681 for intormatiojnd tick- ets todayi Wbd. Sept. 11: Once -agaîn it's the Senior Cenès' monthbî "E venln'g Euchre Party". Joîn Sun. Sept. 22: Another great outing for Seniors us for an evening of friendty competît ion and This tîme an excursion t0 the Herftage Theatre in social conversation.Light refreshments wîii be Wîngham t0 enîoy an afternooni tistening to se'rved eli prîzes award ed. lime: 7:3Opm. Cost: Country Legends. Trip includes a deicîous Roast $2.50/person. Beef luneJeon at the Wîngham Legion. Cost: $42.00. Caff Centre 875-1681 for info and tickets. Sait. Sept. 14: The Senior Centre sprîngs înf o Fait Insurance SAge;cy Ltd. àrp LU*. 245 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON L9T 2A13 OFFICE 878-5788 FAX: 878-3692 We are SICA TAAVEL PCAST aRasonts * Tours i Insurance ,878-2886~ SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR CLUB Z POINTS '" e III OU PH... C MILTON MALL 55 ONTARIO ST. mi-e M..i Ci. 9,3 -:0 DENTURE CLINIO Ful Denues and artals Sème Day Reue air &M ustinmn 1"- Doun tmfn'o NoGST NoPST aaii<y inS ~, .e/a.4dPmwogaa in*OÀe: Dddg, &w» oebapi, Dj»,g Cap Me & 5ho$bkw4 BAtpete Pr Tal .na Sokt0,TiCM o. Ais. Avaitabis: a G~~~00up, Of Paining, Fundainnal of Dra.,g~ I p<aU40 à duly Pm-, llbWy kw«pwwa LOW COST DENTURES& Tee,., Pot Luaoioe Lunch MèeUPiC oewr Clb. Semw LsmWAiue PAUl *~m *.»I HOUSE CALLS 40 qDERRY ROAD THE ABO VE INFORATONI IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LUiTfATIONS. MEDICAL CENTRE 83 MILLn STO 36ERRY ou further dtison activities etthe Milton Seir Activ., Centre, *IIII HctB8fOlU~ GEORGETOWN 0106. MILTON a 4111,dai81 7787 7110Cali (905) 875-1681 * 878-1100 SENIOR DISCOUNT DAYS Monday, 'Vuesday and WeçlResday The , Creenhouse COUNTRY *MARKET 10% discount applies t0 ait grocery items, plants and much much Ivoire[ Be Sure To[ 7)y Our Gram" Amya I. Foled ChcknL 454-5388 i HOURS: Mon.-Wed. 10 amn-O :30 tom Thurs.-Fni 10 am- 7 pm Saturoty JO : 530 Pm 6 ,