Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1996, p. 7

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*O UR READERS WRITE Almoat got kilied A frue leason in by a truck driver economic theory fleur Editor: fleur Edkta: Does tl take a trafftc fatality at one of the i %vote ta take exception ta your recent editori- major intersecttions on Ontarto Sîrect before ai concenltng the dangers af removing rent con- sameîthing is donc about speeding truck drivers trois. If the faiiowîng sounds itke a ftrst year wla Incitber obey traffic lights nor pasteti speeti economics iesson. it probabiy is. lumit signs? Von wrolte that ýscarctty wii drive up pices- The odier day wasas closecls1wold whittIn and also Iandiords wiii bcfreetluchage wha caine ta a near deaili experience. A monicntary tlie market wii bear'* Weil. weicontr ta free lapse in my normal moutine of aiwayv checking market ecanomnics. lte very fabrîc of the free tn hotIt directions ta sec if any vehicle r, ninnting warid. The facte are thil il is oniy ilirougli a mid itglit, aimasi cast me my itfe! scarctty of goads and services thut we have an At 12:45 pin an a ciear. dry day a truck driver economy ai aut and iliat any sales person out iiiegaiiy drove through a red lîgli at the intersec- there net ge!tng "what the market wtti bllea for tion of Ontario Street anti t1aunecr Avenue, nae- lits or ber producis'. slouid bce fireJ. rawiy misting the reu af my car anti forcing te Rent acclimmodtafion shoulti not kc exempt vehîcie that icas folasiig me theougli th inter. irain the taws ai irc market ctnomîcs. The section tu came tu aniu xpt stop. The truck dri- reason there is a iack of reniai liousing (whex voqba us unabie ta stop. eiber due to exces- there t-> is becaase the govemment, Ilirughli us si peei or fauity brakes, or bath, ran the rd commandi anti controt style rmnt contrat, lias lIgI;t ai tliîs intersection. matie being a tantitard.jess. pcaiqiahie. sur- Ibis ix net an isalateti incident, as i have seen prise, surprnse. tes.. apartmcnts are avaîtahie for tl happen many limes hefate ai Iiis saine iter- rent, anti ihase which do exist detertorate. section. In addition ta vehicutai tcafiic this iv hecause gavemment controiled revenues don't aiso a vciy husy pedestrian cmossmng anti sonner aiiaw tandiards ta maintain thera property or lter anc ai these trucka wili bit somecone. , Scarcity sboulOdrive up the value ai cou- We neeti siîncter eniforcemeni of our posteti rmdities anin su goîng lte suppiy anti quality speet i tmet witbmn the town tîmîts. anti surveil- of the.,e scarce restîurcet wii aiso ulqimatiy tasce ai -ced tîglit cxînners, especiaiiy trxucks ai increase when the supplying oi sucli eraducts major intersectians. If the Town. of Milton bas becomes profitable. As suppiy alicreases <tess any influence wih the Halton Regianai Police, i scarcilyl, su the price witt tal.It strongly encourage thein ta cerctse ài bo ave If out local govemment sstshcs ta contrai the the police enforce the taw as il pentains ta reti size ai Milton. they bave ltai preragatîve anti tîghts. those wlio value ibecir resîdency in the area the Barb Campbell mosi wîii remain hem. Govertmeni ha.. no right M/ifon ta mietdle in aur Ine maciut csormy hxîwever, Thati nerference is the recipe for short suppiy anti pour quaiity. Donit woriy, (base big, bail tandutirds ont there wîll ont kc makîng fortunes on the backs ai defencetes.. tenants. A free market -ccanouy wouid neyer lt that liappen. river tht long terni Tiat iv. ifyou gîve "Econçoutcs t01I a chance to wous. SA.1 Carr Edile' mue/: The point tif the edîtarial was tas indi utc thal free markset cîiinoenics s.oaddwIa prevail in Milton oser the foreseeable futurce. sinre due ta the grî,wrhfrcere. a s'ont rii-ed situa- tion ske as nia r*etfarces. Hoping to save the tlireatened museum Dear ditor: Samnelîmsschv auat iesiehn kifore vie miss it l'on anceneti that may bc die case ailli the Ont(rio Agricutturai Màseum. sahîcl iv locateti riglt herc ix Miltton. The maseuins regxlar season entiet on the weekcnd. No, provincial funding sîli kc avait- ale ta apen iq nevt season. Funtiing endis Match 31,1997. On Saiurtiîy. Sept. 14. Onlaria's Rural lieritage Preservatisîn Cuiumilice. whîch i.. corn- miîîed lis prevcntîng tbc 'permanent stasure i the muscum. is holding a funti raising fait fesli- val. flic gîoup faces ting ta muise $t million ta keep the museum aperaling i flic festival lias been wett ..uppsecd hy vistun- teer, intent tin re-viialiiing the museuin Y( sîll neeti the attendance ant i nancial support tif many from' Ibis area andi (rom acros.. the provin.e, This museum ini our midtis h. more\îhan 3b) hîsions. builldings.. 1 5,0M artifacis. 3.it Cuhî i feet of archive matenai and river 7.(X rani . reference books. ail on aný 80 ac 0. C def Hig>tway 401, I i.. regarded aone o ich and mosi extensive collcciians in Nortlih, 17A ," iargest pubic maseurn in Canada tc face cinsure. i urge ail bhise, iho can ta bce a pari of the Faita Festival Saturday, Sept. 14 at lthe Ontario Agricuiturai Maseum. JIm Dilia .Million Looking for eccentrics Dear FdIhor: Arc yau ec..enuc? Do yoa i(now someacne oh 10 1 4m writîng a book about CanaditaxA eccentrîs.s, past anti pre.sent. ss.hetiuld ta bce pubulsbeti by Knopf Canada in the fai. of 199T l'Io coilectixg stortes about characters who have desoteti themscives to anusufi causes, hutit pecuiar houes, worn ouiandisb clihing, or in any way liveti tises tbat arc off the heaten (rack. Ait iepties appreciated anti acknositiedged. Bill M/chardaon c/o Cannadin Ecconîr (ch PC Box 30M UPC Vancouvaf V69 s eml:oddbli*aRxionetc f Fax: 604-251-5 ?27 Edigor's nolte: Bill Richardsorn ta the httît tf As tV(îu Like Ir en (lC Steret, and atalir osf thec Stepyhen Le.ai k uisurd wnnsng lxu. neta BaW,êi/or Brrsthers lIed and BIresakast -STOR-C, M07kawkR Inn more than a great -overnite stay SLO IY SET &GRECAT RTUE ,, *, .o ( ' L ' f 4, *I ,,H h , *, i 854-227 8 TIME JUNO AWARD WINNERS.. I 1 . àMý Am ý4àM Luu DNfllCImI FRIDAY, SEPT. 13 TICKETS NOW AT MOHAWKU Il 854r2'277 !N9AY BRIJNCH* E,-wo %TURSDAY NIONTS lfrom 7te; 9pi.Et-in onIy Comer of 401 à Guelph Une hm NeIto Mohawk Raecwuff 854-2277 ----------

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