Numbers Dee? ssy taxhitniew-buýers n o tp o sted i le Hatonu d fEucm o . a fecc iii mnss m&" iedaga$,ndis.O aMosflyl $1.3dg0 pef U oda it n Iwo childeenm continie from paoe aIpma po 55 naiiio oayteego fo tri ur.hase the signs and pmoper 1nnialla- with the collection of thecmmefi wccW decie ..W go Mha with outr.,i fair s...... comî,.....l nion is aNXuulahlc b> >.alling Fire Chic( Developmcn; Cliirge (ED&). upheId by the "When wed"Wctidocee ih mECJn HaLrold Pe*oin liî l3epuly Chicf Dave Supreme Coffrent Ca"~ as tqdgarl ier a few thene was a lecogfion things were*cbanging,' ?4ir. DeSantis. "but consianti> puttlng cosis on Kranit, loriday ici Fnday from M 30 ëmý woeks &go. _Isaidl Burington leUsic Diane Lehiovc 11ls Is the bocks of ncw hoQiebuYers Mleîs less afas>!- Ili 4:30 p.mý ai i<78-9251 Mrl charge consista df à levy pi"cd un new air ali itx but il mlua kc oahzed we do table bousing in Ontio' An informastion package nia> ai> tic reSidential. commecrcial. imdustnal snd institu- need sthools for gu*,uls.'A sehoW lipards aie Mr. DcSanti. like mari> othkr homebcuiliers, c pikd up a (7iea Staioniltrcht ai 4t) ftidevelcpmIei. The Ù%ony colCtletr! n b crabing in acrnch for dollars. Weshod klvs kbar a. in faci, bc dqýng ilnef >uiclkn A% c. Monday Io Fnday duning reg- nsed to provide adoa fuida for schools with-a sembarking on a massive rcnewal for thit more humti than good ifi enforçàng EDCs. ular ha.siness hîiur, oui further tus incrirasen tu ruiekm& achoci synteto." -Wben diucte is groiwth in tW~ housing maket Yiîur sîîluntary coiîoperairon in Ih15 Mw8 boar paswsd their EDC bylaw effective Gabriel DeSantis. president of amc Ranilton- Ille ta more money going int thie schools via prograni il; flc ky to its sucxess and! the Jsue 3, 1996, sid may now reluire a charge of Halten Honfebuilden Association. is disappoint- taxes. When it goev in10 recS4>n. less monrylis 'Ne'ii îu anmi your>*s safety," Mr. $764 pet new residenial unutbuili in Hatoand cd withlde suprenrne cout's dedision. Cros, sai> -.470 per cent of the msuftq valuse cf the building; "An new houissng prices will increase by «0 B UM'S page 14 New sWoe from Amity contined Iron pagp 3 rri.>cling and! reua. phîlosophy il, ano)Ike positive. implii.iliin (I ithe iirganizatlonN ariosu inMiliin, Mr Ciii vi>, Li year, more titan 6.S million poundv% ofi donaied teitiles vi,iiv deviined for landOi 'S' .~. I 'se~ l'he Mii n siorc , ope> i, shoppers Moinda> Ioi fr> m 9 30) ar. to 5 3<) p m. Thurvdi and I oda> limnea30 .i no i9, Saturday iii>, 9 30) a m iii 5:30i p.m'and Sunday vin> nisin tu i Sp.m Doinatioins iki ai b> madie dunng thac Donatorv oi ploid qualiii> Ilîîhing reccive iax recit. -Ws a main-w>» situaion iîîr cvrvinc învîîlsed, MAr Cime %ais ,Meet the Liberal hopefuls Candidates iiir leadership iif fic Ontario Lîhtral PaiS>, wîiI bc on band ai a picolec in Burlngumn an Sanda> 4Scpiemkrl 8) Gerard Kennedy. Dalton McGuinty. *Annan'eCasinili. ioc Cîirdianui. Dwigbi Duncan, John Gerreiven and Grég Kells I aeepem.ied ii kc at Bochringer Inglceît ai ,3l80 Southi Service Rîîad beiween T M Burloa Road an>! Appei> Linc fronm 4-7 Tickets for fli eveni arc $15 per prson or $25 per famîly an>! include bot dois,. bamburgçrs. corn on the cati and line dncmog. The eventism sponvor>! b> Litiets! Party niding sssociaimons in Halton North>, i Halion Centre, Burlingion Soutb an>! Oakville Sosuthi.l.. For nmûre information or for tickets eall John Carrol ai 336-3616 oe Marie Kohl. ai 849-7025. Tickets are aise availsble on $$ site.5 29i91 7 j 9T - %3-------------- ma fa 8ETra mota .-In mmU oom fi ui sr OGUB OD .mM E V Cm i ll U NgS8 C L U SETU am~ ... mE cJfu 40 t EEN ill 8f8» ... M Er» 0» .. M SETn C 1 Il ýWll ý