Tractmr ried Malin Streell dulng Setuardaya Slemm-<su paradal downtown. Sack et the falirgrounda, thra.-yer-old IR1çhard Garbut? checked out the »lwaNng demb frao atop hle dadas 1001 Maaey Harrie tracter. Inspired by Terry's run, *rImm EVA page I funds for cancer reaaoh. .Terry's Marathon of Hope took place in 1980 wutu the simple oljecOvep raisng Canada wude awarenesn of the crîtical ntecd .o fnd a cure for cancer. Hi& fierce determuguatuon resuulted in hua munniqg 26 miles every day for 143 days Howevcr, hefore he reached bis goal, ha was overcon* hy the recuro of jus cýzer and died in Juue\ 198 1. But by Febmsary 1, 1981, Terry's hope of rausung $1 fromt every Canaduan had been realuzed, Te leUy Fox Maratho of Hope fond woufled more than $24 million. To date, uraore titan $168 million has been raised ai ions worldwide. "l'm tM thnlledto bea putof u." Ms Fitzgatnck saud. "He was such a coura- geous young fellow, He's such a ~iecial person tu me"- flue Milon Teny FÔx Run soit lue held at E.C. Drury High School fron 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 0- -Ms Fitioktnck will take part in the uih- bon cuffiituo kick off the eveni folloed by a warEuùu from finess unstructor Douen Cakc Particuf t. armed wilh spoifuors, 'can travel tdm rolte aroond the Ontaro Stivet, comple'x un 4ny style they desure - wh*er ut lue walking, jogging. cycling or rmllerblading. Organizers Crug and Kim TIom&s saud they hope 400 people wull take part and raise $77,500, Lasi ycar. 361 people bmoughi uinmore than $25,060. For e information contact Craig or Kimlbnsulat 878-1206. \..EMPLNWEM P ORTNITY The Tovn 4>Mitn a Owr-nty acoOM for the poettlonai of M.Y. Place L.ancle êYaUMtrem> et the. t amieCer *çrobIde a tion &oB p.emn eéromt forMM youttt aged 1Oto 14 >uar. p@pti~~ top quult veried Progr m n la qtea OPeMcf