Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1996, p. 22

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-COOl 18 FINALLY HERCI Prtud parents -Ka and Chvis Sisoente mnd -Bhg lirclier zedia miiu bête go ihard ait OS staff, Dr. M. Kintg an DSpplfor lie sale formai of "Ccoi Spartes ThM" et "NlIc DallecI Hosp"e ce Saiardat August 31, 199 ai 1 10 Pmn, meigig 7 lb. Oz. Proad grart*arenta ame Faedy mnd Barr Anc Cr-lford cf Bracebradge David ai Adlen Mallette 01 Medonie. Pmui grief grsecpareca are ier nd Wnnifri Crawford fI OXes Soucd and pmoud 9meai granicioier Jean Wil ccx of evA 05Brthdavs BIRTHDAY PARTIES ei Spricgrchge Fane Wagon rides, lent anime%, coct a chiolugn- en,. haystachi>mpig, privae party mo ntn hanich Miltari. 878-490e Love Mim Di, Ty ,NIdI an. Des 12 Photographv PI4OTOGRAPwiY Weddings, Portaits and SPecial occasions. Roncel* Pnceld Relarncet, Cao Stev o Louis (90R) 878-4660. 14Wedig erIces WEDOING PI4OTOCIRAPHY . 100- 115 psola e abum pluas nogatives. 15yIaent expeotrce. Roli- "an ld emoresal PicOar Psesct Weddin Flognupty. 9064710, I IoIIy said YesiI rana inn. alewart end bsaan Hepburn of Milion and Mr. and Mrs Tom andi Ann Marie Galkny of Kitchne ar ladt artoe.ice the engagement .t their Itn ELLA Jloeph Rcobt- Peaceftjy et AWedoli Millie ce Thuusdoy, Augusi1t, 1996, Rota Ele cf Mlioin in his SSci yao, beovold huabon ofci lai se Menthea (nes o <000). Lovig fihier c JRoald nd Gary. Agio loved by granichlii. Michal. Barry. Toddy. Troey" Steve and gros gmlefvkre Sean tnd Chri all of lie Wu e ara. Fwiora Sermme mas heon ce MOday. Sap t omber 2nd mith informent in E'vergreei d Cenîtery Milin. Arrangements tirougt lte J e ScoS Early Funeal 'Hime, 21 Jaes Si. i.MlIcn. HARVEY, WIllIam C. <N.d> - (Lige Menthol, o *Royal Canadien Legion, Branci 31, Toronto, O Peacefully at lte Milton District Hospital or TUesdsy. Sepeniber 3ed. 1996. Bi Harvey o K«b.'eved husbatd of tho laie Cuhts <Non Harvey. Lovieg lattai of Bob and hie mile Mar . guet Harvey of Million Aloo laved bygmridsora Ryat fnd Kovin. Reaieg ai lite J. SottlE Cbi * Funorsld Homoe, 21 Jarnos St., Millon front 2-4 and 7.9 P.10, ThUrday. Funeta Service iff bo heud ce Fnid yq j 110'D AM. grainte Funera Home, Cremnatice go 101cw In lieu of Iloint bice wouli bio approciaedby el.il StrentHosad rig on oe& rcy. August 31st. 1906, Cdvin P=wFr Ne. 801 Yer, de 'rter 0f Roy nd tu vile Merlons, Poison ot Callot. nd Huagit md Ne Mite Lama ot Lovmio Pmomcess by tmbe Ver. lng mnd lUto Powel and broteri Oifi., Charges, Murnce. Lame mdAmecli Povrolf Sacly mmud by maey nocesu ard niophiwa Fanerof Service, wu haie onTueoday. Septembor 2nd Iront Si. Georges. Anglican ChurcK, Loarvîlle. Arrangements titrougi lte J. SotsI Early Fun.al ltgn 21 Jamais Street Milli SCRI VER, PeuI Joua. " Suddanly a ils rai" Oflen occident ce SePtembor 1. l99M in Pac. Peeeeylvannia. Peut Scrhver cf Milioen, i:fng ace of ..im m Bety Samiver of Million. Sedy Md by Nsne . Kat VInlled of Pe Wyaneja, hé sister Nancy mnd lier iaed Dwve Mulihl and Nes broghe Grog md ha iacc Charai of Milio. owe grandoon of Cor, and lIm laM Rus Scriver and the laie Bath and Dîchi Récfimcnd. Petit %vil &%0 be mea by auets, undles, cousin md Ilonde. Reosn ai du J. SCOcS Eoup Fenmro Homo, 21 Jafime S»«.t Milton. front 2 -4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Wodneday.Funeral Service vit b field ce Thw" ,àt 1.,0 am le feu of ficaier, dons- 90" 10 V»CNkiwIsli Foundeillon mciii be aWprcabtd by Uit. fanilly, STEPTOE. Peler Joaspet. AI t lMillin Distt Hospital ce Sesurcby, Auguel 31et., 199. Pater Slope of Million belovecd hugsband of Dorathyh (ne Coq>). Lovang flatter 0I .h4r md lier huit- bond Di. Hotece, Frse and ha YMil Nancy StePie. md Donn, nd hi. mil Shirley Sloplc aIl of Milton. Alita loved by griclio Micae, ichaflle KYlo Doon. Chligelophar, TroDonnie Jr., Nicky and grisât grardUwild Damien, Chaasidy and MuItm. Sadly missoi by niecs and a nepher ln Eegland Funora Service mas field en Tueoday, Seplember 3rd. follomai by intormeet in Evergre. Carmet"r, Milton. Arrangements lhrmg lte J. SolI Eufy FunaHi ne, 2 Jniwe SI., Milceon mm; RallBEMSRANCES i on1 tom cfdn uutJ lThe Millio District Hospitl Fualce o1.1 I. KOCHER I<OCHER KO00-IER 0FMcKer.sie - ý0Kpc'1EE *Crenation 4 Burial Traditionftl FtieraLs rPre-Arranged and l)-'rcid Funerals 114 MAIN ST., MILTON 878.4452 15 Memorials - Jim Sîr 190 Ontarlo St. Milton 078-6522 Monuments, Marliers, Bronze Manie s I Cemetery Lettering 45 Mive rsare The famlty nI ARTHU ADLAA DICKINSON wîsh to invite Itmtv and lnends te, an OPEN HOUSE in honour of tueir parents 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY At the home of JIM & CONNIE DICKINSON (3 miles west of Elora> Cotnr go Salem and lofllw the balloons. SATUR DAY, SEPTEBER 14,1 1 PM TOI4 PM Voue Peesence wui lie theirgift! lTHE MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL AND THEi CANADIAN DIASETES ASSOCIATION ivite yo bliu to n anennngo ,bter ARE YOU AT RISK? Millcn DistritHospital, Clinicat Claasroom saplomhier 91h et 7 p.m. Pisse RSVP 878&2383 FREE ADMISSION Sponsored by, The Milton Distnct Hospital Fuyndaiîon and MedicAlern -Boenngr nheîm HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCIION 1151 Branle Road<Hwy 25) Qakvile Saturdoy, Sopt. 11h (IndooS> Aucice -tu S.3Ooae AICTIO SALI OF 1011 IICYCLEEs nSaMnO NUcun PUOEHy LOIST, Cigi émm, b" fende god i eyos. -Née oStea fipot Evorgroo CeeiIoy ongts Seoi jet 870-070. DARK groy cae d*»cuen ilion. Phoce\87S. 9471. F01540,Oul soiax 10 speed bigot oq Deny Rdý Caltsoldn bw 76-1277. 78-Firewood A vlll FIRE.WOOO itarâvde I quaitus S o n 3e b u ch e rd s 9 0 5 4 7 -3 7 62 ý 8 or Sae FIRST qually, roc mcmn G"«e 85 96i.q yard For ai your carpet iesCai Jim f177-6ýga-e- ysnm cf sapeneecel INTERNET ACCSS URF -TitiNET, Nrt Haton's largeaI einfoomelcoa provider Cons- Plt support . profesatonal custonor service, no busgy signails -6 Vie ameas loaroat rates Surf gt. Ni nent Seric, 905-873-2602 £ .0 TIN 124Ironte St No. 7. mlfon 87842801 ROUGH LUMBER Onk, MUPI., Beach, Pin.. Cherry, Ath and more. Drid 50s/ft. 10,000 ft. 905-957-0892 MU=I INTRUCTOR eoie »copsgion lot' *a"oy hoamoe Nid Piano looscea. P. cd Tonyo 876-1173. PIANO LM-M.NS Cihuw & -Adulte.*lg SOM . lot C d0 ch bIole 8 -01 8 ra e l Garage Sa111e11 brbughî tc trou by: *The Place Where Fresh la the Tasterm 389 Main St. E. 875-3212? 50 Market Drive 876-4142

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