A MIoii C.aey -eupe WI 137 No. 52 WD YETME Box 451 DAKVILLE, ON L6J 5A8 19% 32 Pff 754 îoerb&âjhd Cancer calrvivor Ev. Fltzpatrick, 60, of Mountelnvlow Drive le titis yeties T"'&y T.Anmsi. for lt.e 1900 Milon, Terry Fox RuIn. Eva draws from Terry .wellspri*ng of courage, hope By KAEN SITH The Champion Cancer sn bc hcai uUsi aAl Ibis e.rsTerr.i s Teammate tisa Fit/Patrick, sWho sý doîxg %ci] aficr undergoing vraiment lor hrcast cancer [oui years ago. will bring hî.pc and inspi- ration Io other patients as the special gscst ai Milton*% I CI Fox Run Sunday. Sept. 22 MIS Fitipalrtck, ni Mouxtas' nve% Drive. leels lusky ou hc alise arler bcbng diagnosed wilh a malignant tumnour in her tureasti n 1992. Tie 69.year old grandmoihcr underwcnt surger> tu remnove the. lump atni. afler 25 radiation treaiments.bi-s ucl Since the treaimesl, Ms Filzpalrick receives regalar check-uup, and ecverything i, quite s luxr.: sIte s.aid While th, nds thal she %iill reniais cancer-frue arc in lier faour, bier mtndJ us neyer total- ly ai case. "Event lbîugb i gel gond qtcsi) rçsuliv, 1 donti sjplause lIlI gel il ou( of myitnd comS- plctcly." site said. Her s-arc'with cancer is pte- cssly 'Abat Terry Fox, who 'aas duagnosed wîth boîte cux- ver in bis right Ieg sn 1977. wanled lu slamp out Hîs leg was ampulated six tiches aioe his knec duc Io the dis- e, . Whilc in bospîtal. Tecny was su uîsercotne lsy the sufferisg rît cancer pattents bthalik decîid- cd lii mn across Carida Io raîve - au INSiIIRED on Ol 4 7NEWSLINES Il Please post numbers T'ie Milton Fire Departmnenl is urgtng rural residents le gel on the bail wben il connes la posting bouse nunsbering sîgus approvedl by the town last yea. Pire officiais have noîiced rnany rural residences baven't intisllei tihe greed anid wite stgns tn front of Ikîir peolpe- tOea. fpr bectter vistbi#' is case of an esnrtlency. Il's "imperativelor your safety" thal lise aigris ke posted Io avoisi any confusion in an emtergency, latd Mîlton Pîre Depanstnent spokesinan Mark cross. "Preciaus seconds msybe iotit wisen an emergency resporider cannot iocale a per- son tn trouble because cf an tttconsplete mddess ti an tttcgt- blitani.e on sthe maibox."* W nid. Futher information on where *el NUMBERS oeilg po IMME' Mark Cros M.C.LS.Ou OPEN flOUSE Fati Fashion Preýew Saturday, Sept. 7 i Wl k,. throughout the Mily qw