Va tétin e Datelîne is a fiee listing of comîng eei oriiv. ire colinr is avaîlabie to local commun,- ty groups fîo assist inrpromoting ihleir future eventv Only chanitahic or non-profit commnuy gnîups may usve ibis service, Wr ca o uniy guar- antee oie ijpe of puhitcîly closesi te the date of t he ocçurrenr.e akifough more insertioîns are pos- S ibie if demnand Kv iow. Notices for DateinC shouid ire wrftten and iranded in ai the oiffice of Thre Champion. 191 Main Si. E . mnailcd fo us at P O Box. 248, Mîiloen. Oni IL9T 4N9, oîr faxed ii (905)878- 4943. The final deadine iv niion Frîday for Wedneýday's edîlton and IlorinWednesday for accepted iry telepirone. Wedinady Sept. 4 Ils Hot Met DeM Diy ai the Milton Seniors' Aclvvity Centre, 5010 Clildr Dr. Senîior cilîzetis are.inviIed to join in on tise 11i:45 a.m. social eventitta fuatures a hot merai. . Wedmobdy Sept. 4-5 MCIS/Chenish Famiy Resourcr Cenitre. 540 Childs Dr., învrtrs parents and caregi vers 10, attend their faîl open bo*ln Wtdnielday from 9:30Oto 113 ba.m and 1i o3 p.m. and Tursday fimim 9-30 f o i1i:30 a m. Staff membrs are on hand la provîde information on centre programs. Caii 875-4636 for detaîiv. SaiSquadren Bout Couru faates place froro 7:30 t 9:1 bpm. ai Milton Mali. ThuruIay Ste 6 Thre Viciorian Orderof Nursev hoidri a font cure chipie ai the Miton Senioirs' Activîiy Centre, 5(X) Chitds Dr., fromn 9 aý m lii pixn flic coi is $f5. For further infoirmaion îur en .î"oniment. caii 875-16111 ji carc clînîns are Sy appoiniment oniy, Friday Sire6 IliS Hot Maà Drai Dey et the Miltoîn Seniors' Actîvîiy Centre, 500 Chiids Drn Senior cilildn< are invifed to joîn in on the f 435 arm social evehi "ia features a hot meai, Frdav di in.DaeincîmvwîI etne Kcmnraot uh.r. -8oardi o.uatfu1 -repitratio aet Place 0 ai Milton Mali Frîday from 5 o 9 p.m. and J Saturday Irîîm 10 a.m. to 4 p m, lit cati 854 3 2714,- Saturday S ept.7 The italiori Borardi i Eduent.on..s international Languelles IF.Iemencary) Protiran sfarfs Tbe 4ninnuu-enky proguamn il, open iii ail chîidren hi,m in 1992. up tu ad i including chidren in grade 9, Eighi-languageî are oficred in classes in Burfîngion and Oukvle Fur mire Informatbon, î.alI Drouih Whîlek-N i 878-1240. Tlk- Norrh Haiton iteracy (ild hiossa bar- -cofitiflod onlg Dm 1B 5 ages3 -5ginner t0 prof icte ____ 3F- ages 4and up Registrafion for aif programei Khdskate ý.anska e or... ifrmod.afe anid Miîs Moa informatin ."aIai ai aRgsrf For more information call: Vicki Visconti -878-0920 Lois Bell -878-4090 REGISTRATION NEW members: Thurs. Sept. 12. 1996 7.00 - 9:00 PM MILTON MALL RETURNING Members are ta contact thiri units. Campbellviill Scouts/Guides ALL membetu Tues. Sept. 10, 1996 7:00 -8:00 PM LIONS HALL Heather Brush. District Registrar 878-9539 SWMBOUTIE 230 DRONTE ST. S., MILTON 878-9747 ACADEMY BOUTIQUE SALE *IîrinîgN, SEPT 9 -SEPT. 21 Red Cross Prograro Plus * Giiggles. Fin%, Nose Plugs *Lel, ell Yrio Whiio * Bathing Suris -suc5s 2 io 42 Privai- S-m 3/, a- * Excerci% unsits *P-cBronzo - Bronze Md & C-i, Royal I . 2 * ALL LaU Program o OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAYý MILTON SEA CADETIS43 &ur. Y- . .. Crýý A. . y. if 2 .1 se adet ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADETS (CO-ED) .We offer. .yor cola fi, F-c F.--nr f-ue.hp5iiý-lv siO p- lvi ' , FREI SUMAU M PS Cideb. Great B.. Sd., Souk. & Suk.nnrC--, iu.,o La.d-iipý Mod.du Geatfi Sussef A»,tMt& Cooker C -la Opmilllr Md u. à Dilli anidcu Col.iiC - s BliwnSii à BO.l..l Conne C&Ws0P Alhie. L..d.Mlip à B.,d Conn- di F-Vlg Eîdlmnp N.g. Fmorh kofc yonge boa- 10.... ani.d 13 yr.n oid you me mqoîr. abkse k Fer - Il - kii iCoair OFýý MILTON SEA CADETS LOQ DoM criard nS06 Me5- BU LOiDm7b57ui<06 7- Si e* s T'e:]oà wwa TatCori 1