Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1996, p. 16

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AMan says Tories muni on drug help program Dv PAUL. M1nITCHIS&W. ISpecial 10 lTe Champiqn A Burlînglon man <hinks the provincial gos- emmenti s deliberately keeping quiet about a tpeogram saving him hundreds (if doleialnug tees. annmilly. Goirdoin Bowcr saîd..îhc Trillium Deug Ilrogram. for peuple tif andy age wiqh unmnanagc- ale drug expenss recelses fou litie pubhicily I suspect flie govcmnn diienni wani Ioi pay if' <bey can gel away wit i t. Prior lIo Ntulnhling on infoirmatioin about thec Sprogramt in a nem, s .rticl.Niu new drug user' : tees, lie said xiose told liT hl mighî lie eligible <or help i haive di~ ause thle hîgh Lost ot drug.. wî<li i varieus me ail priifcssionals. including toîur dociors anti four phamsacisui maé une men, lions th le existence iiithis~plaM Mr Bosser, wlio is 62 anti w(ieks part-in ' <e as an indus rial consultant, runs up nmore ihn $12001 in precrcnption cuits annually. <or nrwult:a- lins relateti i) lits hcaul Witlioul <lie program3wli salit lied lie hard-pitsed tii afford <hem Province says il's playing Ibir Dav id Ross, ut tlie provincial Mînisiry of Ilealîli. said il's, -atsîluiely nuî truc," the Trilium D<sîg Plan <s heing kepi quiet. Programn for seniors press relehses telling people il's there7 Ms "Doctors have ail eceived a "tiout froin lite >cnior grup tcils nembers Librman said. Titcy do it now andti len. and minisury, afid ail thie phuae<n s wclIL" sit Me. l'be Canadian Association for Retiet Peuple, prubably lbope <bey wont have Io speni lois Ross. *Weve even ahcdde delthjcibleo anot- or CARP' advises i<s members about the inach money on iî. e 140.U)Opepeam eehgibk for thte pnugain.' Tniliiumn érgralin. But Canal Uibman, pulic<y Pampltcin MPP office Mr. Bosser î.s consinceti otlierwise. - dîreclur of lte organization, agires flie provin- A vîsil in the constituency office tif Burlington He's eligie for Ifis ycu, but was tuÔ al lu, < ciq gosemrtent dueisneci to wànlt<o, publi- MI'P Cam J>ckson wrned up a pamphlet about apply for bencfits in 1995. even îhough lie ctzè'ut very mucli ihe Tnllium prigram. wîîuld have qualifieti. "I basically tînt oui lait "Lîke a lot of Ihingý iit à?ts ruoney. they're Il says <liai aflter a famîly reaches es year itecalise i was <ou laie." leting you do yougeîwn veseareli. They certainly \,dducMîlc lîmît. wlincli depentis on incomne. a Mr. Bower saîid <t was; a strong supporter of don't deny <is thete." satid Ms Librman. who.se persi cao receive hack lhe extra cash pamd out <lhe Mîke Harri Coîmmun Sense Resolutton lit organization advises ils membets aliu gtsem- for prescription thugs.- is angr wîli ilie goverument oser titis. He'»tnnIprgramî j Foir esample. a single wîiman wîîh no rsiie heen <o N4 pharmacies and neyer neen tb4 For hlose-wlio dont1 qualtty -for ail tbe !iaitli drug plan. and au mncte otiI 8,(M00. woald Tnillîum Drug Program pamphilet uts open dis- cale lienfits iliven lu People at aige 65, tbc ctist hase a deduttibie tif $479. If ber drug cuits were play. ibougli il was jvàlaile front under tlie of deugs cao hcedevastaing." andi <hey tend lii $1,WKt), the Tnilltium programt wîîuld reimhurse counler. And,. lie said. <ttree of four personal rely on pharmucisi. doctors and iliers foîr the test. minas a $2 fee - fnients in the healili carc fieldi didn't know about atisice. Tita cao be a mintakle. said Mn Limran. Anyone wîtli quesinlis asked lio cati tlic tl cîther. tJltimaiely, il's up lii you Io lie asare. tif Trîlîturo program boîlîne at 1-800-575-5386. '"1k ineflicieul, almost necrelive way titis pire- things lîke fis, <sut if you don't have <lhe chance Mr. Bgwer said kc became nu frustrateti wi<b tbe graîm ns bitng protoiteti, or i sitoulti say nul pro- lii rea th le paper toroughly and ail <lie time, automateti plione systemt -e endeti Up callttsg tbe moted. liy, <lie Ontario Mînis<ry of Health i.. you coultil ea.sily nul ksow about il." Heailli Minis<ry lu speak wîtb an indtvidual. cîîmplcîely unacceplahle. Sbe sat the programn waa introdaced under <lie From Apnl untîl <lie end tif iuly fins year. the Mr. Buwer anti lits 61-year-old ssifc were Botb Rae NDP glîsemment. anti sle credits Mr gitiemment spent St 4 milliton on the Tntllîum luircet itt eaely retrement andti <ey don't have Harrs for keoçing il. But sbe says <t's tap tii peu- drxtg program. Thie deductihie for a single persont a pension Ne diainni yet qaalîfy for thk gener pIe du <heur tsorewoà1 if <bey wan< lui benelit, wîth an annul incume of $6.500 or lesn was utus dnig proîvisions (if the Ontario Deug j3enefit l*s qaîte -true tbey don't senti itut a lui tif lossereti feoto $500 foi $.150 sin Apuil 1. Watd.o4 ___ sdto5e te Worldwîde WaUdorfmiovu'ment oflourihing'1* WI>eneier Waldoifschoo1a exsot..... froln Su'uzerland tôSouIý Afrca. Germany we Japan. lL'apberra to Cappbe1vik, ofhidre,î in Wtildorf Silools are thrîeîng. ýwr ('a1185q 0191 for furrdr information Substnctia1fami14 djsiouqs -bu, frïm Blu r/înroni,tarpoo1ifro*'oter locationi. 1k & Sk, Elemtary Grades 1-8 -establbsh;d 12 vears 83 ('amnpbe// Avenue Fast in ('a mpbeliville t, f ep 401l) ~AE KADE SCHOOL 0F DANCE AND PERFORMING ARTS Principal: Deîrdre O'Higgins A.I.S.T.D. Member of the R.A.D. (T.D.) , ~ Registered Teacher Melîssa Stephenson, Knistynt DtGirolamo, and Georgia Simms, ihree sItu- dent-appren es atKADE perform the'SOUS-CHEF TANGO, a ballet- comique rou ne, ai the reoenl KADE original müsical seen ai the John Elliott Theat ijn Georgetown. Ail lhree dancers have lrained wîth KADE since they tue 3 years of age, and now heIp pass on iheir knowiedge assisting their leachers with the younger studenis as they continue their dance training al the school. Classes In ballet, top, modern, jazz, musical Illutre and drame; egos 3 and up. TO REGISTER AT THE STUDIO Tussdey, Wsdnmsdey, Thursdsey Belpiember 3, 5, 6 pin - 8 pm. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 878-685 -7 ai Progeains sienl OçàoWc 7,1996 -- Cati now lin, reguaic Pregrians avallbie for 3 te 5 year nida, laclude: "A WpeiapIacf-eu y- hild go pLey, kan, andg-w." la ps..git ABC P1«.5s

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