Look out for scamis *Coettlnued trom BIEWARE on pagle 12 -targeting seniorsr in paiticuiri arc reno- silnra nisis, sauf Ms Guren.ky. mii e câw.e lhc Police heirexe ihlese ut rupulouit prîlniiltrs liaie port hased lis1! o ht iddressit ii snîiirs. -a dîrni lie sorpnsced îl.vîîiiiint >oru dîîsi retog- ru& amiles at .U c-io r and kniiîn rriur nurie ( nethîta ai opeaqtiiîs vilii use higli pics- shirt sales iaitiii Ioll* cot.ifîutioîn -iîibs Ilal arc ne% er dJone or repatr lotis fii * nien't necessars in Ille hrsi place. slic An elderly Milton viuiman leil viclim Oiycars agi) ru a mai nho hadt a hisliiiy id sclleIing )ii home rep.air ern tces Joiir- dînîr v, atoiut liniong the îlt Tlie moulnait eventaally glui lier money liack. liowever. alter pressure tin giniice, said! Dcl Perey An imniediale donin payaient ,liouid neser lic givme Ii a eîîniîueliî wlio simply knoelts on ilhe dinir. Ms Gaîcîsky adsîsed, Ol ren petople wh l lsi r heîr îîîîncy aretd to-dealin1 siraighi cash wiliouta tîiratt, slie sd. -Anyîrnc whi. ailiîn sonielinc ti wîîrk oin their home rrlihioul hasing a tîmuraci nis îIsNing ihleir incy hefîirc a single naîl is dnven.* Anyonie wliî tinks licy haviLhcen searred ior whrr is questining a possible scain, shîîald clontact Haliîn Regional Polie il 87h-55 I1. CODE hrer&y i nie deneireMn 'OId HALON MULS Ufriug Tagei IltiClf ler 811. PUNTRE INIIFORMITSON REGION 0F HALTON ROAD RAT10NAUZAT1ON STIOY. sWr.n: serierie r. 1996 7 00 pr Openmune 7 30 p M Penenalnn Wirle Hatui Mils est Centi. Curir" Chaiuihe WIry: Reg«Wona i Cris seeking cirienrtunio aie Muiianes un Oie cigatuelin nio amrriti ronds anq à ilinimminain Majior aileruai rond newni coeih HaOW Fts CuMal ir00aiei the( Anegffl oi Hamon saffatti anii at puiî etolnrrauo conire lu expiainthOe.egrunai rosi iationalilol 5-yr =00 % " Poo ted n l h~ u "M iaauinuWinsion Chuichril Bouinnard, k4O eloaee rie m" p. wtWiSrl« n1 15 Silne R.0d Maple Avne and Pa.r Dr,,,ar ranim. - ft regrosi Sp Coies ni Pepuir PPW-44-W9 llalnzilr or the ma or Arie'.Èi Anad Nelenik.n Meainur May bue oilreîned frnntri Tori to nihlion miis Planning Déwa'"e* . 21 12mirî lîls 1cil 1i\1.1, Dr; lc r i lér1162t79AI Dog daysQ Of summer Mid co a her *M W dog Jed drn &Agday WMtenoe WUI an ,*M*et tount d i f i l*t u tdd Ce aw » ue vrd DACK 10 SEWING!e Ciloms fraoi Spécial $fflçdnao FLANNELETTE PRINTS 1 l0cm viee 100% coon.OnrRg49m J(OW2.B9m PRINTED ARCTJ FLEECE 150cm 1i0%polyester Our Reg 19.98M NOW 1/lOurRegPrlce RAYON CHALUS PAINIS 150cm wide, 100% rayon. Our Rpg 10.96 ri NOW 112 Oui RII. Price RAYON CREPE PRINTS 11l5CM WI(e 100% rayon. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 112 Our Reg. Pulce SUEDED BEDFORD & TWJLL 142cm Wîdeý PolyesterMocose blênd. Our Reg. 19.98m NOW 112 Our Reg.-Prims Spécial Purchaet 100% WOOL GABARDINE 1 50cm vide BlackonlyOurReg.32.98m NOW1sî9NM DEMM ENDS Cea fiert'Lfngffha 150cm wlde. 314-5m, leI$rsý Our Reg. 6.98 m_ NOW 4.99 M V.I.P. ENDS Crafla r LangUi.! 115cn laide. Assorted designe inciuding Xmas. Our Reg 6 9 niorparel NOW 4.99 mor péal DECOAOReCEc BOUCS l20-35cm wW Our Reg. 1298m NOW V12 Our Rte Prims OILTER'S DEUGHT PRINTS 15mad 100% mffon.Mi Reg. 8.98m NW. UCTI* ?IIAm MdAI c bUID I1547 Mal16 St. E IMiton 878-0931 Spe" iel eidbond UileS MOTON PMIU 143cm vaie, 100% codon. Orp, 98MNOW 4.1Umd aim a u PC seia SélecionYSTuso 11 llcmwvde, 100% polyester.I Our Flg. 14,98 mI POUINTS Hcmide.100% polyester. OrReq 14.98 la -NOWSM.fin -n.- -r. 1it uTinSÉ cio UdPieAyhr i Steve stili plays coy Bv BRAI) RIEAUM The Champion Halion oegiwset-'oiancillor Sieven Sparling (Oakvilleî iII lthe seeond-term councuillor reiurncd ftonm last vcksj Progressîvc Coinservaive Party coînvention in Winnirwg tiapp> - wilh th1e Tory plot(iirm ti ut5wilfîng tu lormailIy annountce hi% hid for 111e PC rioqrnaiiie, in the new federal riding of Oakrill.E lihral Hoknnie Birown wont the Oakîuîle Milion nding. pici. ously Tory. hen Ille tnsersaise vote split binren Refoi and a; thie K, in thLe 1993f lederal cletiro M.% Brown, %i gise upithe Muio prmirol'(the nding in fie neni ledcral ekmor iriJia cdaiirtsMlînnl i dn "'i %l11 iakirig a looîk ai ecr)Ihing.' sJid Mr. Sparling I like a seîîsc rit wiere ihL ndîîîg .i%.euaiin s% eiming trrîm Mr Sparlîng desnhe'd Ilie Wîîîîripg t-îinnîîîn as >etîîiing and upheart* ind ridded OcLre weie sore ihan 54X) Ontrio dele - gaies. mîri (il ni hon, ni e pushing for a plaîlorm sinîîlir iII the okAi %ish wepi lie prvncnial Tortc, lo pirmer in 1 re5 Mr. Sparling raid a (riajor planti in i pady's riailomi vas lie caIl lor a lit cul and a dctcrinanon er) affect ceaiI change Curicnily thie Pr,,grtrssîs t (*,,nsci alies. lhe îîldesi pîiliiil pary, in Nrlh Amrencri, luse in, seats in li iIlus (il ('tnimn% SPONSORED T RAINJINIk. -1 NNMLVD pu èo re oeil of orit fan& n.d fao 180 9000 Speclallut - 9 wae Stait/Eni Data: - October 14 to December M- Preroq.uitas:t Minimum of Grade J2 an4/or techtiolo gy or teclinologist training in quality assurance, or demonstrated inlerest and aptitude in this field, and an interview with the coordinator. Profiaiuionnl Sales Connultaitt - 7 ueuýe StiarlEnd Dia: - September 9 ta October 25 - October 280 ta ecember 13 Prutréquisites: Teclinical or profiessional seperrence; a good comfmend of thle Engisnl lanquee and an iptervibvwwtth tlit coordulator. WeId.er I étnd Il - 20 we.km, continuous intake Stérit(End Dat.: - May 6. 1996t0 Merch 28.,1997 Pitrequisitas: Grade 8 English, math, and a flenerai mechanical aptitude Itesting reqairèd) . Iacation: Sheridan Colliea Ouliville A-Z Truckt Driver - 6 weeks Sfta/Eid Dates: -t September,30 to November 8 - November 11 taoDecember 20* - January 60 taFebruary 14,1997 -February 17t0 Matchi 28 Prerequisites: - Minimum 09 Grade S oi équivalent witîh the abihity ta teadt and Write aqing the Englisli language -Valid Ontario Drivert Licence class "G or betler. end Rieferably lie eble ta drive a sialdard s1if vehicie. Locaeon Ccat No cont tlutrou if yoa quality for sponsored training; tlîgibility defarmined liv Humiant Resnurces Developmeriî Canada. EiIgibflity Roqulrfmant:A Canadien Citizen or perma- nent resident; il Years otage, and ont of thie réguler nclole systtnm for et test 12 consécutive monltis sinde tuming 16' Yeats nf âge; anemployed, currently receîning Employnreft Inoarance 1farmeily UI beneftnt or 11,00e anho recelned UI beneflts wiinbie tent three Yeats; Nre years in tlie case of maternity or pargntel leeve I These progranmr ara fanded by Htumain Resources Development Canada. '-i linformatIon Packages are availeble et the .Trafelgar Roed Campas, -1430 Trafalgai Roed, Dehivîf e, or oeal the Skilla 1'riai lob Ur»e 905 - :09 0 let. 2202 aIni.1e 90>459-13. ixt. 2202 (Brampton) 40 4_. ReWn.euie , SHERIDAN