Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1996, p. 10

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Municipal elections may be held one month carlier Go GREEN. THis WEEK. EVERY WEEK. " A' fur much of thc reitainder. -munici- palldehl and itnYcclmenl wules ani cire- lions. ltuose lhings ted-fine iunîing.- satid Mr. Krant. 'Ibey arc mue nuis andi bous things. Thcy affctî lthe ciîmmunlly indi- recily." Who Docs What panel chair Dav id Crimite recently anmu)unced.recomrmtda- tions Io %implify the Municipal Aci Mr. Krantu sauf lthe announcei changes were îînly the flosi wavc (ha( ihe commînrec Win recomn i) ulthe protvincial govertment. Legislation wilI Iikely flktw titis fali. Ttc mosI noceahie change reciîmmettd cd mn the muve municipal elecittins forward one momth ii Octoher. l11a, accurding le, Mr Kran ttV, is expecîmi In encoutrage vol- ers lo Conte go the polis. Municipal dlc CANN- lyBADA UME The Champion Many of ihe changes lu the Municipal AdI recOimmended recenily lhy the Who Dues Whai eîîmmiltec only have an indi- rect affect on the cummnunity. aceirdi>g go Mayor Goîrd Kraniie Bur iine propitccd change coulti sec viitcrs leading goi ihe ulls in Ocioher incteati uf November. This vandal mnay have a damaged'ear A ciilpnit heing siiughl lîîr damage ai a Gecurgetîuwn argta golf coiurs& was ahi> a sîcîîm ut hic itcn acion%. Cue St(ipprs hiipes soitieonc bas înlîîrmatîîîn oi ol fer litai ciiuld idergil> thc suspect Daring the nigiti of July 27, simcînc droce a car ouit, lhc ourse il the SNo> Hafiîun Golf anti (ounry Clu> i Mapie- Avenue ai Trataigar Riad. The ichicle iras cf d lthe eniire course. caucing d.uitcge Io green%. A cîimpuiertied irrigation syc1et1 sa, alsi, damagei bhen tl suas crack t> tec vehiele. lite irrigation sylen actisateti. ciîmpuiunduiîg the daltî.ige h: floliing one fiole. lite initial ci i mite fîîr repairs t, the golff coturse sccetai abou)t $S.f oi Daring the damage sprc, one ,I the vehîcle's lire% suas flaiteni. andi damage was done tii lte chicfle itsefi The fii tire vias nul citanget i n the colurse. flic tiners drîîce off lthe coiurse onî the lait Bacei min eiicce li ai the scette. invesiigaiiir te c itee arc limuking tir a reti car wiih damage Ioi one conter If you tîint yîîu may inoits cho j% recpiinciile gise ('noe Stippers a cai Il yuu hase an> inlimiaîiin gîtai lead ii' an affect in titis oîr an> oter case. liou nia> te efîgîhle fur a cash rewarti tif up fi You neeti nul gise yîiur naine ant your informtion wîll kc ireaieti cith cimfielc anunymily. Crime Sitippers docs i suh- scnib tut caf I dîcpfay. Cail 1-8100-222 flPS>rl25 liPS. Crine Siippers of lia/lion is operaied b% a buard of' dirc flr made up ouf 18 1 i îîi/ ian., fnîum ail arnai imf liaion Regin. lThe retwucdjivnd reiiifnim i/mefingiti îîisp pari of business, indas'n'. sert ie i Iabs andi prit-ai c iiieii. . lhebtxrd ffdurcifet tra ises thme n'îîneî, deri4cs i,i the amîîunt oîf rewards. and acrualli pa)j thme >e'wards, Chise Sîoppets i im-ourporaied as a chiaritable iiu<,iia rnn, therfuure ail donuîriota ta the rewuard fiuid are fa-r deduî îihfr lions have a tradiionaIfji Io' voler lurnoul. which has heen Isiameti partly oin wcaither in Nuvemiter, lThe prposet changes cvould also: Gise local govemineni mgre choice in hk suec of councils, slreaittiineceleçion prote- dures; reduce daplication anti allow mitre deiegaiin ofi responsibiliîy litsentitrstafi. Mr. Crumitie sang lthe pattel will loiok ai ouigr aspects îîf municipal refitrmn includ- ing haîlding codes. Iibr1ns anti landi use planning. According lit Halion Norlth MPP Tea Chadîcigit %orne il lthe rec(Immendain, wtlI fint ILtir iay ii, proin tcial regura. ttîns whule olhers wilI lie prceetcd in fCg- "WC wult lîke lu se changes occur ai ilie local cl.saiti Mr. Cftudleigh. "lis the phtkîsupty of our whiîle gosernmeni litat îterc lie Miore local decism making. 1 thiol. vicl se a deoulin ut powcer Accurding lu Nr (roîmhic th changes rcm t cdwill give Municipaliiiec mu ~~ Ioiyl deliver services a( pncs re idents can alford. In addition, Mr. Crîîmie caid hic recomîucndalîons woulti seil ittits lo u nicipal piiwers. &.s ippiised tIo the carren sytem. which delines thiise pitwers exaclly. ihere suit hit jeanngs on some ot thsCý isiues.; Mu. ChudIeiýh saîid "ixing itur municipal pruhlecoisc a huge utdertak- ing. Pontiac a Buick e GMC

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