Bo 4OPINION Bo Man48 TUa Cbuadia. Chhelo. 1a11141,1911iref ry Wednesb da or iy ai t e oti O n ?4N Main Si E. Motion. Sort, i9TAN9 (Ba. 248). ae oe ai Thse Murjordni priniro M lion TPubuosrrrng A Soitbtirng LIA! group ai subforga comrpagnes whocir ineduites 193< 78-231 * Ajax / Pickeiog Nows Adriner flarr. Atteane, Bramipton Gtardmn. Auroingrîn PaIt City Parent, Csltongoond I Waîaga Cantolan, Faut Vort 2 fa ied: 875- 3 300 Kingstan Tis Wee, Lindsay This foid Marnlram Ecdnomnt A Sun, Modtaodi o) o Pesenanouîslreîe Mirror Mosostauga News Newroraiet / Attrirla Fia Banner. c Ian Ol1w, ipublisher Nortirumberranda W thon Yor VsOMirai Sahooll Beanèr Orritia Toa0 trN ilO'v, hýime lo- Oshrawa 'Wjiy /Cianagton pros Week Pelersalogs Thon Weeî ihmrond R: kio ely( i.' /or Thooni n, Vauoghan iberro Scaritrug Miros, Sabrigo I Siaunsoojle ' Kacen Humsmar.. olîruiaîîr Tribune Tçiay s Sairoîs T'. C (asa. i/i Mioe' Adverrtoing on acceptai on tire condition h1t os lthe eînive Ira l ir i Portirin el thi aiod8rsirg stac tco (jni tirh~e aus ietem fi. Coria QeMer w'iMorî - sî h aV reanonatile alononce for a gnalure aiti ni ire chargent loi, but .irha u ne Diir ' Ad, Si t he V bMUUrc 01 thi aiverlînîmeor nuit ne parat loi aI the applicable raie Tise pais- 'lred Lindsay Hohe ro ui liiî. servar e rita l nIr caeon ze ..n,'.n.,,. 7wasjust hit Wlree dod ihe sormer gro! O lai Ihai<.whai w .oiways asiv oar'so.'îe as Augrast suonus dlîrm' I wasjosi hiftiing an> sinde i neculeul orne mer monts (ai leasi f ir cuitite ira my îa.aior t'nbe Morde, bot alas. lime watts lor no orne 'the>" ta>, i'e haul my chance tir reinx and n Is' tome o gear îp lir îbL7IOI -o iii. fs - uictioîttes roi ie andl mine. lBut, 1 lament. i havent reau rieuor enirrgi ronfmance noveis (Jus suromer. Whi wil keej my rromaatoc heari tockoon.àmgh thé Jean wtt ter aroiihs O i Aid tise III yeonld and i sucr bared> hallway throrgls Tom broyer. Tht -"Ireeb onoter" boîy, suc stil prrotoag ri theor istand Wrii we cret y abandon them whea ror tetesisorac.k ta trîsu ronce agaon casis lis pieriaostse spel0 i ail butlrosi the aorn roi Jl Ihos ye.or. as loi as qaiî crottage trime pores. whaî suilh fonag aroonnd tire easi croasi <or orne days. stayrnp ta go000 (hot. hot,. hon) lir a sueek Irîr daaphteî's pre nour c hoior reisearsais, and lretîrap lor il da»s %ohil e sh iropi i optan tise <ride cirantey Tise tir year 'id ron lise rîther ls.od. had trio crado odie tome lie piaaie iroi despondency- SWho, anr 1 ! Wkre at 1 prooagr Whisa s le r ring M' stritie W' On t) e t' A few thoughts about health care Poo huhy as he nhapicq cmpe ofail Heaiîh cure os orider attacks fins omme Afte beig spiled am yarw h a, I Ontaeio heaith care os larigithe pr essore of thrce-monai ieaîe ni absence, he wa.s iocky if kc rosoîg corsîs duiro an aging pepolarco,. isogis l h__________ manageul 14 nonit cenurrs days off. is graind enpecaions luer cafre, anoveesaiîy. adianees on plan han heen tri take care ni business jusi ltta medocal sience ani iraud. -R eaum t days each week. bot îasieud. business ilook cam People in(Canada have camne foi eapecibrit io liIe canit sec hus way cleaur fior air officiai caee oi-rfiasd. Tire> voat la ciorsoli a dîrcior - iith e iralda> uni aotaan mien lIre huniers conme a- ioneiery tille ache ir para. even prxoleas thai r shoîlrtin' and a-trampin' iserugcrgie r wtsd norî sirbpi> clear tireniselies ap. Easy aceess tirki Hobby 's anosal tory tir coloker nons tise uhe sysîem n îli no empissis on patient t-espion- I UI paîhlec broui moir isas proie Ir arnre iseas sobtîri> invitia irnise.t. en Weii, arluail>. or, a r'arrshackie sisedl hînd In a perfii-driven secret>, peope wCo oti uney lise trnai colîlage. lHe empîîed iris treakeis las& tos indou l bei..u Il. 1i.u.. -- cao r recaîl wallrrwonp on sucis uncrtarni> uni I sprong mer a new-o-i s mati tisai sa lac has wiren lise> nant il We aleerady haie a JwsIntieru Ie away. suas ai leasi 30 Mayie I suas a laie siarier. 1 haie gien us arr strige, bat I am cii isnlding my systea, woîh millînons nf dollars drairgne 8y A feno doctors takc adianiage rofthek sysiem arr prblem nons Intriospecion lad sd hoco reats ion kh reliaiiiy aif iechanîical mansi frisa Canadian medocal facolîtien andl 5PCIi ont Tise> are, paîd an a Cee for secsvice bass so ery. bot orne asoaily apes tir nmre uplilîog la is. stead. wie isau ike '69 Vrolkswageo hecile cate ta ihe Unrieul Siates. Fonrnalimng lint io- hiiaan'naoee kicks ion and samte take as main> enligiînseni than tise teen enperoeoced gliai ortis mer io>inrimenr suane porche ier, loeeed appenacs and keepong tise anne> on patients an tie> pansant> tan. Il yaîr dacror Nrriîg lige scisooi ami a pant lime jîr i, o direct *rermoniscing aboi lise lime in their roies nohen Canada noaul frec upi scaece miedical rennoatees irabtîoaally keepo >0<1 waoîîng foc long petss.ik lus mind elsenohere, hîopis, lise> deo nse ie nIhese lia> cars. I waialdo'i Adiances la medocal science allSociet O Ici or skt pýobably aier-isonks. The i3 yeae nId sisawed kir age tits sommer, hase been hobby>. rtf couese, înless ire had keep peuple alîîe longer Tiese adimarces Isitial- Ai lise sâme lim'e y nar daciar os self posnin afront roi tise minror. painting hec linger- seiecîed lise irardyma/'s% spertai of lises ei ly iake the innis of igir cent procedures, furiser employai lHe ha Ir pa> for is o ffice, staff alto nais esery gami> cooloror omagînable. and arocIei- cies. l'ao ieflong yril I hail tisai mâry parts tisai dnîîing up the cati ni Isealts cotie, We amc ftnim- suappliet 'riese aisl sceat rip an average of 40 per iog kir iodd assommnent ol apparei. Il site siasat ncedud eeplacong hobby woaid haie teadeol me crai iclîms of nue on screîtific saccessi ceai nfia dacýtar's hiýrigs. scaifnr dîdoti haie her airse on a brooS, sbcise t ycacs aga for a nen oidel. bai he dotes Crn There are man> mare Ontarta isealîli cards !l>cns are koing largetel b> tke goaiemmeni deci ýred aller bireulrar. licnog tir me1 as drul thon durS blue aumpaf ton Laie os bind gition citizeas. Ire frec care os paized b> peuple tx ke fornt ail a small part itise probleon w w~b Tire tru liis oscadis of liese ais lias ta) Se LOSyouryoungster 1ook clumsy to yoie oahcin, iigve'dqalhai Dr\a> iai yor chrid os choms> es . oe i dlsashd i ftobeo are bytestage la lise an average lie bots in bfil lomuhsas sdaliin rnsea lengmn amd qoaity. Thal mais baits care saleti he O ýseeo la nauiare accidoeons. tomps and lasksiisat suece jus( keyn iseir abîiity. bol ocre equired in lir yniis and the *tlitiy ta acress braises tisait osîhet- eidrn 1Do yrrar suamrngs quarte actarate an ia.sks tisair weoe weli beynnd. n' caie as 1k>y age. prrea a 0eroi pou jodgeaen ca usn ,n h l er he De. Piomn ase % faumi tisai chidren noelavec- - 'Tiai cane sisaîid tatc tke fat-tin of kcaitiroue plsait ri lxson e o r ugmnra 1 esiomaied ikîr alsiiies use mnos enrncenced a unls ohc eacis citizen reelives ta equal pro- Inthie Soptemker. 1995 issue ni 'tise jiomai greate 0ok aiacdanapmses~ opsrion, enoi ta adeqoatel> las( ait aýeeage Co0oldP>eo'nlo.potrn'. rycsorooisiJade Pomely acctdetits. as t-epaeted b> tiseir parents. Whule lalectimne Each tnme a tsccsun accesses tise sysern described~~Ff ar moratsciso'JCis ns- b 0 il cectipl> soggess tisait a pînable i veta n 'ei- more ants speni. Wisea yoo mun ouit nf tits.I called daums> cisildeen. 5k assesseil siow gisea m * ailing oacis aIl ay pla> amrie for cisildeen tisais If. ritdren oete ai dîffereni ages ta jodgîng ikir ILoise are accident r sn. 'Mis systea nonil pu[ eveiyone on the saine oni pisysocai abruties. TIre resalîs siere sorpnis- nieresaimaimi ikîcr ariit> Io iseifori tasks liti iset suafse ambilon hem for mn pareats, pîayong field. [t aise oulul stop people fren mng anrd iateeestig. ocre keynd iseli. Tiis oas nom lng trcfor Tise vasI najorit> o nitçlosy" cildreî.uurli aesing ise systearo baîinlunli Sik askeul a groualns 88 six to eigi year nids tugs josi a littie keyn ikîir abilit>, bùt alsc, fox imribne noits age ami leJpeiee. 'flic deiclos ala aséddition Io titis basic leî*oaîre. pepple aid a gop nf 201 aduita ta periarrt tise saine tasirs oeil k>yond. -igg hemto motn contirai mord dir joudgeerr ni oai siroull kbc b pureisase more wttts in a sec- lasks. Tke iaqks înciudcd remnîîang an objeci la ai important ioiiow-up atoud> sire Jet thetire> cuir andl cut'i do becotres'age accorle ond lier n lire scese. Thîs oud afflao tlrese faim a isigi skif. rcacing fbc a to> wile sqoat- citdreafo practice ail of txIee miat, aiteues icirel Ai childeenas perceptions taprinve, (heur buaPs iro liave tir mems 1 ose more irghcare îîng otholut tnucing thkîr isaasd or kSn to the nf dhbliculiy, go sec irot auçs tiseir jiugement ami Iniis decrealse. h a> scera brutal oh îht.nlaeace but tt'onid flur. niepptng nier mo plrail sticks tisait ocre oul tapnsie Tiscre ta asoffler mressage hrer for parents 100. encourage heathy lifestyles. l is nidicalous go plare a ditanace apan., ami pansing oaider a han Tire cigii ycar olds stîli oneetimaicul on t-aslis Ib your cild lb six or lens, ils ggying In kc awful- speord millions ai dolars on elderl> patients vivfi lrmbo-siyie woitloocing tire geongd or jouin kynd ihkm abilit>, but 1k>y becanre qluîte y isard te laprahe tirai cirild's ciominess ir h ave shor flie engectatons and Ilde quai> of Snockng îke bar off. Eacis tank oas maartpalaicd acrorate an tise Iasks tirait nocre oeil eynd. dones no goddgo brookeai tise ciîd, hecatus ige Ir kc oieil oiinjast oîthîn.josî keyndor oeil Remarkati>, the six year nids dîdati scea la coco il ire dires ka- your cuions kes iraîîag I*doat lunnow okre tisIcniresoould k deuoo, tcyrsnd a chîld'l abilîl>. henlt pi ain tram tke pructice, aîeeestîaalîtng troble jodgong okire and noien _g appi> tkam But i do lunnow oe canoet coatinue ta ignore tis Dr. Plumairt tourni tirai ail cildeen cnnsîsîeîîly thleir on abilit> juas[ as mut-b aiter praclice as He tinks ke eut dn'myirng. geooîng pinsileat. Il noon't go anta> sentenis or decline