FRIDAY, AUGUS 30 WMDFR RUA NY Amity Goodwill A& P APBiway Loblaws * Loblaws Bronte Cleaners Wal-Ma rt KADE SCHOOI. 0F DANCE N EFRIOAT Principal: Deirdre O'Higgins A.I.S.T& Member of theR.A.D (TD.) Iiegistered Teacher Melissa Stephenson. Kristyn DiGirolamo and Georgia Simms, three stu- dent-apprentices at KADE perform the SOUS-CHEF TANGO, a ballet- comique routine, ai the recent KADE original musical seen at the John Eliioti Theatre in Georgetown. Ali three dancers, have trauned wuth KADE since they were 3 years of age, atnd now help pass on their knowiedge assisting their teachers with the younger sitadents as they continue their dance training aitihe school. Classes in ballet, tep, modem, jeu, muaical theatre and drama; e@pu 3 end up. TO REGISTEA AT TH4E STUDIO Tueaday, Wedreaday, Thuredey September 3, 5, 6 pro -à pin. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 878-M65 photos b>' Eecl aumorSuney venélng the fAitofi cruisers ga111101 In the Canaie Tire peridng lot On Maricet Drlva ta show their vIntege rad Inuaci.. Il'. fora & 00d cause a well as fun, alncé th. group giv.apraoeeda ta Miltaon District Hospital. Above la a 1941 Fard Pick-.up. Th. grilla at top loft belangs to à 1007 Qamaro 88. At loft Wally Mahnle &«ated hie ldde Bronsan, 8, end Brittanry, 5, te, a picnic prlor to, lb. eho RETAIL STORE &DONATION CENTRE in MILTON Southview Mail 550 Ontario St. S. at Derry Road, Your Bargain Hotline 875-3533 Donations of good quallty cloUihing and household items gIad v accepted at t4e store! Great prices on clothing, housewares, furnilure, books, and mors! amitI, A non-profit agentcy pro vi dng jobs and job training programmes for people with disabiliges and employment bamers