1 4S1eCLASSIFIED IOURS: c Ssi e d Mon.- y-. 9:OmO$mmls.OOpm ýou 1ssi ed Hotline 8 75 -3 30 0 10 Irths 15 Enzagements 3Elrs 7n sm me HPUL. falleu -fi foiagmoey of a d.m bclade a io Uboni nime Sep- ~stoberS 1.115. A yeur fhm pasd auddeny RC9ITU, AânadCame, (nos) l~KNS 1 wud fie wu aoeig f oouid do Herour, *9 plead te awow.oe the arnfeal of FLOWER SIlO? Th "'mW'* of pour kffughtan ed amile themo eayMm Ailaen bora on Apt 3. 1M9 et _______________ nie wul thî extra muée 4:52PM. wegicig 7 ba. 0oz. AMille broffier for 1 loveu mmeO< tflei mords oemid a hbcole. Probd grandperesit. aie Mm. Heroux of 1 fk WO 9beWfo int tobuWu wy Luton Mr. à Mm. Domer. ef Guernaep Channelf- 1 brion pour. happy up aboya for - sand, UX Knid Mr. à Mm. Coppawwvt of '~cari'. foZt lt orove Meaimeuga. A apecal thank. Io Dr, Woo And 7In Memoriarn But ellen antoyAe M aeà thA ait nursesa __MiltonDistrict_ Likg Ite mt pou à the hadst part Of ai meu a Mtrn isrit oatii lie fanrhes o Wt tueanteecnds tuevery dey 05OrhasKara Krdd aod Joseph Ar.dews sas u fri a Maa 0 ilà are please r« aro anrrnce therir eogage.nenr n 1 Seca. t dc me a kei auat *IRTHDAY PARTIES ai Springnidge Farm. Ju / 2f.,1996 Fot hul deacrbe . i peutfa Wagon nded faim armna, coba e cfladreea lire,,r"ed, rrr/ lake place, Falloi l9Qý. Elt ira poiettfeae b. uil 0i àeo m e, aytef.fu pri pvae partir rocm and ,sirtrrhes are exien&ed frorn dn m ai 9aap o goe-b lunchi Mio. 7-40 Ir/p, Bu/r,,,, Lundun, Shelburnte, yg eit ughm»Ansport Trba'rn, 1/e ina., ý &aroachera nom or eeinm UntU we mneo qai LOVIIGYOIJALWAYI USA OHap y 2Ist irtday Nta ccmasi cf My bU, tey 1 want lst irtdag ~ "'~"'~""~" "In 10009 mmory of our dcar brother btui #m m amlnd LydOés femily for Coes Nelle ffhpe tragically vaisg béet on@. ait en th"fin ./d...r lu I,.., /laiton ta a y tfrom us September 1, 1995ý Ra he rtPeuRdLwe aeo Teroren that mrean pe have of. you Jbrp Mael And Mayror tCruir for t«r bard oui .rl'1 ,- stki - ii-ert.ar nlerrO u-otrr hiaaa o e mp«lfr cards for ahe r ~/,, (.....û,flay her-t nIcreee~lr sler-fom cf my beotier. ~~ ~r- ~ ;'s.. .u yo Oareo es.â, Mtiq y Siblar fligit To Ai Amle4snle thst c0lht a roorr THE FAktLY fft ilNeleewold am 30 Deafti~~~~~~~~~~~ Ami yor, .11 alrraye be rerereber-l tai ad adiiha o mi togtu Wlr-tere yO. UCCOnlhc 0 i exproaséoné of pmpeffip tftrough flowm. MAROat Adolf . Peeeed âaeY P6aC9ýitp At he For the- love you fare to othe-m cards béat wW ard dado Saicer. a- hont, on Dublin Liue, Acaie on Wad«eedap it .a ta wo c , 5 ay qooutye w sor-er preatioe in eaur alec f0 temargorry Au".M 21u0., 106 in fNe 7»1 peu. Lounug tu- wý ,Jc-r---,d mrer thae rat tAc hie t/, ff ad fou staff et Mi ah District' Hosputal. bond or Elzaba Deau faim of Trudy and fier l cn, ,-RwaroerSomftud ciff A hiuabeed Peter Llftàkei Aid Susu, and ha, hlua- 'mth en"ha oqa RvrdGWS* kinde bond Michfl Cirapenon. chorâd gadate le the borrt t re you rec here ta J.SonSEafp FWIa -Homie. Loi?# Fr... bar Famili of Peter Jr, and Paut Leminki -ni Leur- WII bc 11.c- hear-t* for r-terty â0 o m Sm, h Chap.,en. Lovlngfp rememberad by he rW Ama il oee- be for-jottee THE FANILY of Oie tW PMc Ani Gr. brOf-er nid tam a"e.M ineemi Fiands udi. .'a.fury ai i n 12 Potormahy r.ceued eit he Sheaker Fineri Lcsr Airsays Forr-er moultie b for * Oral ntir. fwemnd -k a edupimF~,i o.P-i e oy- toufm"Nom ànetm oui "mt Of cmecw W. P9nOT0GIWAPHY Set.ruhp, Auguet 241h et 1:30 P.M. Iforamnt mi a.a asHmdmnHaie o Weddings. portrait. and epai ocos Fainvie., Cemeairp A4 expveea.ionf aiampaith woeldcnti & a o id Hptal Dr Reondily plcad. Rarenose Cal $iv rdnO.mpbumd iOeVO r ai HNICee ftmmm foieu Ciel., coista tfd cm a" aricia, . E Louls. =90) 878-4560. geoAid DuisM Mamortàaloot Who wu tdm, from-ue one peu silo, Sep- for tIhï buidoee. Aiea bi Caterad AIfW for 14 W Mnc S e 51 Funeral Directors Ro M f« bouda .ri aidg :>çdey.eu WEDIO PHMOO y 100-î15 p .S in ma wre ot #wra b e pou CM riot expr.ee Ou bebW w - aim d aSti &pu- albumn Plus negetea. 15 peere expaiem. Rd-ý To hcld powr hend or fies pou goodbye cil people Pbe hd lnMh lie e abeAdniooba ruqpio Sdg& u ew remnember our wfiafe lile rougo Skmwry UN auradFaô MIOMe W 905M"10 1fQUfePCIr efc WdeTr woroderfut «mmne m fim. of trou ayOM0 ad 15 Engagements p mO*-"@ay- tue 49gf Htalt &'Fitness Mold . ne osV*h M DANCE FIT DO AO IEA IRW k ir cmtl ame woY Fltneaa.with a Ojifmnmsncei 0000E NCR AP'OAEW .lFIpuCe FMEE TRIAL OLAS KOOMER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y -Q7E m'NÇ Ldme.puuapuew.e @May dey THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 5.1906 fffKiersié - KocIier LOV NOMl' Unte 0A . :3P Ïurcti FUNERAL HOME ýEIPeC- o vir mmory of àdma Jon SCremation 0 Burial 1996mw, *,cmihw~ow u., mutul 0 MOTMT m *Tratditioai Funerals t Ori.gLimn M ettm »10ofm *Pre-Arranged and mffiv ehUAL DWco AT1111111T :k .1 Szu= Jami & Mor Whîte Pre-Paad Funerals PSut hISL 11111« on ta111m_______________ and AI & Lynne Bull50Cu a af au of Mîton, 114 MN ST., MILTON 87 M2 1 OEORèA MOINMYDS bfelerBwai Are thnlted f0 announce iégtdf aug.6-112hu elu Itre egagemnt o)quelfe tmatruction. Lassons limiled Io 3-4 Jennifer & Bob R 1t 'I 1 A Trcridera. sda prohelonMM nvn m efonuu ee Best Wrskres f romn Au of Us' ]K M M R N E e106.93. Next »& ats te plemer 38 &Co lober 15. Mm a citer cfmlauu o lma ____________________ -in the form of donations tô MWd &deaicd rédaut Comtust Mvga Godeon Ahampeand yoe ci albti l abo . aaet The Milton District Hospital Foundation ,M loa rU EWa 1.Jma are appreciated. c