Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 1996, p. 21

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Mosquito reps are in the hunt* for gôld this weekend. Thc Milion minor nio%quito rep hasebail îcam wuill k in the Tne local crew staried the 12-leam. double-knockoui goums- for the OBA championshipk, Puis marks [bc tird slraight sea humi for provincial gold ihis sseckend in Oaksîle. ishen they go mentiti fine style, edging Serallord 5-4. Froin there. ikey went i Ib tis group of pi3yers bas rccd 1he provinuaW rials, hc ad Iii head wih scrn olcr Icains in fice Oniario Basehaîl (o defeai Martingrose 7-5, brîmi Peterborough 19-4 in Cive 'R*eetn hi omngyii zkn lb af Assocition lOBA IChampionsbîps. innings. and keai North Yorkr 7-4 kefore falling go Strafford un, a Rpeecn bi omnî h~weeds lkDst Mikoh il ffas 1k irsl ot îw(y Ieams Io qualily for Ibis weekend's remaich. Aggio. T.A. Au.enaulq. Tim Colling. Ryan lÇcîel'ars, Hallan 3g sýhosucse. when thev posied a remarkahle 4-1 record in the King, Chad Leakey. Mail Masirangelo, Nick Mai. orago, Vroy ~, Central Cltauo Basehali Assîsiation (COBA) playdorn\ý GoodNwerall defense and explosive oiffense klped Milton quaiify Squance. Lutim Tennani and David Tielemans - U.aus. Yo. Md t. Maill BiOi* of ylm taes mom" ý Téf1dout more Cai ?HU'WI~II Hiton'i 7-027(ezt 103) ~j~ MI~k*Nô shortage .î j% ofnew faces MM01 by GRAH4AM PAINE Milton Mouchant hopefuts IIstnr Intently se à coach goes over hie Instructions duelng puu-..abon worioute ai Moma Arendt Moh awk kicks off the season Sunday Mohawk Raceway bursms away front the stanting gale Sunday afternoon, September 1 fr [lk 68-date fail meeting, whicti wili kc highligbîed by lte Cadillac Breeders Cmown, October 1 S. Opening week action featnres lte $2 million Grand Circuit Week. sitowcasing Norlth Amezicans finest Iwo nid tbree-yesr-old pacens and grognent. Racung wuil be conducied Fridays tirough tuesdays. wiîh a mightly, ponitlimne of 7:30pm. and Sunday matinesai 12:45 p.m. The only exceptions are Salutday, Sept. 7, the nugi of the Family Fîteteçeis Festival, wken the firit rue pont wili kc 7:01 p m. and Sunday. Sept. 15 (poit ligne 6:30 p.m.) he firei&s e\vening will aiso offer many activities foî'fhiidren includ- ung a petting -o, poigy rides, face.paunting and clowns. To celekrale ite Septeinten- 1, return, of iacing to tke CampuelvieL plant, opening day offers include a special $1 admission and,91 peognam. The tradituonal Mohawk Fall Fair Weekerid will kc kld Friday, Oct '18 and Salsirday, Oct 19, and wilI fotature handi- crafîs and baked goods dinplayn, along wulh a wide vaie<Y of special enleniain- lIn additiop te four $500,000 Cadillac Breeders Crown races Friday, Ocl. 18. which wuiI likely delermine North Amiencan juvenile divisional honiors, lte Iegendary pacer Nuatmnn., now 19-years- old. wili milie a special appeanrance and fans wili get a phtoto opporgunity with the fourner champion. By STEVE LeBLANC Special to, The Champion The Milton Merchants mnay h ave lon several big namne sel- erans I his seastîn, but don't e xpeet lbem lo be lacking in the tlent deparîmnenî nexI monlb when bhey hogin iheir 1996/97 Jr. A hoîckey cam- paign. tÛone Io the nverage restfl- l ion are Slgye Adamn, Phîl James, Dave Aussem. David Boldoviîch, Wes Barhîîwski, Kevin Lamb, Pavo Kekki and star goaltender David Dolecki. Sel tr i ll the holes key've tehl a- ieast mmlt of Ihemn -ar a hosi of încomîng mollies and newcomners fmmn across south cmt Ontario and keynd. One newcomer causing àk stin lhmxugh the Merchant tanks is 17 year-oid left Winger Mail Van Arckle front Richton. Illinois. Van Arckle, who s"iud blpi defray songe of thk logis on tige lefI sie caused by the exil of James, was a top scoren wilh Teain Illinois lasI seson and us kuing courted hy several big namne NCAA scixiols including Notre Damne and Yale. *Heul definitely put sorte numbers np this season,' sid newly hired kam coacht Marly WUlmamson. The Milton skipper shonld have no shorlage of scoring ahilîly in bis lineup [its seas>n. AIon& wilh Van Arckle. GM Sîd C?rovaïî, has Ianded 19- year old centre Troy Walcak Thbe vetan junihor collecied 80 poings. with Ibe powerhouse Caledon Canadians rvver tbe 1994/95 scasrîn kieor, taking on the mile of part-lime player for the OHL Norte Colis lasi year "We've also, gi Trevor Dîîwney [roîm Collingwoîd He's a 19-year-old lefi Winger wbo was ril of the Bilues tnp scorers las season." added Williamson. Thrriw in rrsurning velerans Sieve Clarke. Jeff Haydar. Réith Reid. Bnian Jones, Doug Janjevicb, Tom Baynlon and Cory Holland, and the Merchafils have a sllong nucle- ,ls of forwards wltio can bolh lay Ihýir oppongeuts ini Ibe hoaeds and plu the puck in the net. Williamson said ki expecîs Io have lwo of the top foeward lignes in the enlire West' Conference ibis season, and glial a stong, balanced rosier wîll once agaîn be one 0f Miglon's strenglls. The Me[chants shouldntI kc lackung on*defiue ciher, par- tiulaely wîîh lte recent grade Ihal saw Milton acquire Sleelsvilie's Jeif White. Wile *su NEWon pg. 22, Moioef VALUE TIN~ E VER!I 5 &iirz 5,Kirzsl You'll love the stufrwe' re made of! Hwy. 25 & Dorry I' AK Rd. IS-AK 5 RUEnt; r ýni Caui FûLSUCH IT'S BIGGEK! IT'S BEITER! ASK Mo MIAU, Un STOR. ~IIut~ à. SPÉWI a

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