Counùcilafrets over plan Whero s, .4e kçeftI wei ofa Ilea g etoeaby n *aId ram A PLAN on pope 12 Refemnig 10, an ansehof survey t0 can- vass counicitlors on theic pnontiekwithin the st.rategîc plan, Milton MayM Gord Krantz insisted the emphasis be on reduc- ing propeny taxes. "If we can reduce taxes then ltls da&oed I do it." saîd Mn. Krantz. Mr. gu reîninded commitîc mem- bers of the confinuedl ruanaged download- ing" of responsibilîties front the province ioi munîicipataIies. He said. despîi.j prefer- ences v4ced by counicillors. "budget alto- cations wmtt hc chaniging and rdviewed many times hciween N~w and the end of the vear." "Governmcni's arc always being accused of uitsng weasel words and puitîng forward reporta dha ame cozy," saud Halton Chair Joyce Savotine. "In Halton we've rely taken a positionl and weare recognizcd forif i isusi con- tin1ue. Mr. Dennison said there is a big differ- ence between encouraging tkcp$munity tc0 accomphsh certain goatsnnd direcily~ prongang them. Mn. Burke said dhrýsurvey is an àwknowt- etigeinant that municipal govemnIent c'ars. not do irverything. He said the survey wîtt iperety point Io any preferences councit- tors mighi ha'e for speniding. The report on the siraicgic dirctions came out 0f a regional workshop. In the report Mr. Bunkc says the con.en.çu. wwar thai currcni strategîr dirctions are sutl valid. AGRICULTURAL MIUS'qEUM g* On. ol Ont ado's unique athocfions nestIed beeah the beauti Nigra Escaipment at M*IR1on. our final -weekend T-hursday A.uust.2ý$th onday Sep ebr 2nd o Costumed lnl'erpreters ii Daily Demonistrations is Interactive Dlsplays o Farm'Animais Openi 10:00 arn - 5:00, pm 144 Townine (Tremaine> Road, Milton, Ont. (905)8 88151 Exit Hwy 401 at Guelph Line or Hwy 25 and foflow ttbe.signs., .g4 OTI orOeF ANNUA MEETING rFTHE-MM.RS 0F JUNIPP 9 AOMRMNT0F MIÉTON. Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the members ofNUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 0F MiLTON (the 'Corporation") wilI be held at Halton *Community Credit Union, 44 Main Street East, Milton, at 5:90 P.M. on thie 26tf% day of September, 1996 for thie following purposes: à). To receive and consider the report of the Chairman of thie Corporation and thie Fine 0fthe Cq loiW thie Mernn etno aadometoadumetshrof DaTdithi's a fQer ,19.b re fteBad0 b)orecs. an Presidenes aod Chîmnt h o It's .not just a PC# It's an HP.' New in Canada, the HP Pavilion PC., What makes this PC différent from our other comaputers is that ail HP Pavilionsi are HP ReaiLifelmaging ready. This allows for prag-and- play with. various HP printers and. peripherals, products tIhat have set industry's standard for quality and reliability. The HP Pavilion line provides your family with a variety of options, from aeaffordable yet powerful entry level model, to a top end, unit that has a bttik in colour scanner. You'Il be sure to fild an HP Pavilion that will meet ail your needs. Why not<take a look for yourselfat your local retailer: 751 Main St. E., Suite 2, Milton Phone: 878-4651 or 1-800-268,-rO34 I9< II HEWLETT PACKARD