Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 1996, p. 19

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Assernbling pages of our past ,}fromy= m oc an tb an pa gui s ei naines. In the course of his research. lie staried colecting Photos and inemurabitia as wcll. In 1973, 1 worked at Gcrerai Firepruufing in Georgetown,." gnins Mr MeDonalit, -l hadt brought home one of their five drawer tiling cabinets to assi hie mý files. fi was nearly ful" In 1974 hi was approacheit by ,A on Fret Press ceior HuileY CoIÇs to write a regulai teatuti The resuiting fulil page featuris ran every oihcr week, and werc enimled Halton Sketches. Tley paver! th sm ay for Mr. M1.Donalit's tirst bouok ofthîe saine naine. which was relcased in Octoher ut 1976ý Mr. McDonald leamreit there ha.in't hein much bis' tory assembled, troin the Halton aiea. TIpJ 877 Halton Cuny itlas ssas a coanty-wide puAlmmattoin, and Halton's Pages ut the Past, writtefl by Gwerdoiyn Clark tn 1955, was publîstied by tlis Prtntrg. ien owners of The Carmadiun Champion anit Ai tioa Frire Preass It hait been assembled ta the saine niannîr. uniginaingfroi articles mn tn the Mtlton andi Actun neiwspapeis. Harim Sketches was tn print tor about four years. soIt lucally by îhe Dîlls Prntnttg Companty, through its newspaper offices 'By 1980, the original was oui ut point," cunttnued Mr. MeDonatit I dît reccive the uccasionat cati or tetter [romn peuple wanting mu tract- down a copy. And for about eight years, Normnan Hot uf Oxbuw Boot-s kept asking me tir have ti te-publishcd." But Mr. Mc[Donalit de.Uied lu ssait tai the 201h anniversary ufthQe launcli of lis Hairua Sketchles t1' rewrite and upitate the original lu incîndek morte receni histoty, TI rsat, Har lSetchef Reîîsted. thîimepb tihets by M t Puhtîshîing uo rvt neth taundheit, 20 ctars laier, in theaierai building as the original, the Gallery of Halton t-ilts Cultural centre. 'Mltftdy Septi5, front (b8pro -. -A lot lias bappeneditn that 20 years." sait! Mr. MiDonald. "Il was brstory that hait to hcid.I A lot had happendtor Mr. McDonald in chat 201 years as wett. àiter a saint on Hatmia t-ilts counîiti. hi inovet front Georgetown lu Milton, and tfor tIhe past 17 years bas wort-ei for a cigarette cuinpany. current- ly as irector of public affairs ta addition tu itocumenting 20 arure years ot histîr .ry, Mr. MeDonatit cnri the Ielp ut local resitents tru proofrcad his aess sketches. updating the places' locations, giving hoili îld anit nîw naines ru rosais anit sideriad Thne resait is 15 new chapters rof updates and aew storic>. Thre 1996 editton' bas 125 pages, cîrtrparet witb thre urginal*s t100. prtated an a sufti back version witb aditiruai photos anit tnps. Thre cist wîil bce $16,95ý Sirce Mr. McDonalt bas l'tnally gîven ta lu Norian HuIts lungstanitg requist tu have the book reprint- ed. b lelt alsu hi ai Oxhuni Bout-s ta Georgetuwn on Saturitay. Sept. 7. ai 2 p.m. iu autograpli copies uf tIre bc(*- Su nibere dues John McDunald go fgunt here'I "Inm workmng un a new project," hi says John, "Andt il stîli guis hait- tu Dotty Vardin. or ai toast my fasci- nation witit naines' 'Tut-i a look ta yorir kitchen ciiphoaiit Who nias J. IL, Kraft" Who wetre Pructor unit Gambie? Or, how iabout Juhnsun unit Johnson) t'n atreanty oesearching thistory on those, naines tu act lu my collection. -Whmo knows? It mîglit tam int anuhir bot-." Croup -WHAT SHOULD AFINANCIAL PLANNER DO FOR YOUJ9 Over the pas;t sevri eonths t have itîten about ntany ifférent lupics and laat planntng opportunittes,, r hope these wea'e intersttng anit Ielpful. Many people have nul unit a Financial Planner hecau!è they, fiel they don't have enougli noney or that-it would cut to mu ncli. 'fli tarst witely usai ype of Financtal Planner doesait charge fies for their services. Insteai t hey aie paît when you inalté an înveslinet. in ino.t cases, the Font, Trust or Insurance Company pays lIre planiner a commission for the business placet witht their frms. Initepentent Financial Planners teal withl a ýwde vaiety of itifférent coinpanties to finit the muse suitable produit or service for their client's neits. Goot l'tnancial planners help tlteir clients inake wjW ditcstuns ilh iheir money. Thiy touok ai where the clients are now, 'what theitgoals aie andJ Ibm helpi tu put a plan of ection together. T1hey work with their clients unvr the years lu masure they aie on track. Long. terin relationshrps haseit on trust unit successful achieveflient of their client'> goals is nihat yuur Financtal Planner sîrives tor prov ide. ' Most people cani benefil front a financtal revîew nu malter how muci inoney lhey hâvre. By Wilam Sauil, Brau& Manage ofTUE Finnda Planin Gruop Fo« furthe Iomtico ca "h ait (9M~ 639-8777 j1[f SLIE WE.LLS would like DU uvL LM~GI(K)I3(iiTIOUFMU INI Ma Onat reNeadR iiiawaTa wi.,,,,a IILIIVIrit rtPing IV ÏULImAUISOI Cansa Canada aife gipr 1% PGd Cammnts Gla Caunry Club Capflar Lartit DireifsofTarrniratiGo IL Country MMa CaîMniry Cli Crog ticrMuhi WS of raitga GofIL&Cntryi Cradi Sata ClubipntîlluOI u Cowrkail, Soi AliÇadaas in te WdSon Piar A ILp fmia) Da lain OIt Manaixarti Cami Alao E/Orie Adi tour CrartU t h D u CTPat a mnte Pl eatty [Ice. Gamamil Cart Airi Belais kun Sports car"a Ire Dlio Cheoa" mnante ÉAty ucwi Don Clunryl (Mite) Appt-ted Coloun Laietg Donddc Ameriront; Maniaetarrg ni titre Titan Comapatny Dr B'SitINWt AluirSalon' Ebos Faits AMR Foeds Lirated Id Waaiii'gia ArlswrAl, Thompsrti, %Wi/a, F J "Uidu Arractalis Banrt ai Noa Scntia t-go Tirat-cortairan Sautm LId Rie Maud Ergineing Fidnity Irnestnrits Canada LIA Boi Bean Fîtetide Bais & M ii Barilons Carrenlîs t-ianic St-oils Bo Busrae Cagirlet Mators Ba Citaieil Garry Selîîrm BO Cianard *Gainai Bandeora; Un Inc, Gaultier tnaoaisems Inc Blt Miarrer (Barlnglar> Garan Eactic BiUin Ymqoealak Gilbey Canill Irle Burtogn Tochriilogie Ire. Alan Abatey Biuliwatiorall uet Gnlfqd4 4,M Cal bAaa. Good iuamBroais *~ Camtearînitor Guy &Jean illient; Canadien Champion Cand ThaAsoiaio Cun adas Marantua Wihyour help 8111 Glana hiC. HA SfMuion Can" Ic Maaîty Pra Bri Cailai lIrlah Caninll lie Maag Karng Bu*r ai Canad sins Imuranca Baokeis Huar Brunfi Ird Ha*anîndmhill -ew Miliait Ca. llyra Paraeliabl Carporaiin ilyprescrt Ion Gram Inige PaWin lette RTmue r JJ. Carma Mleuils J.M Scheideir en ide Trw Jau'a PFadace Josephi Richardson i W JR Bita Claub Katen Wahiai St-aal Flaces Specal hbngt K.ay Cothantus LIA Kel«-G' Ken Ltadhaaiuir Kichetner Beveiages KodiCaraa Komi aad i Krager la Lardi Ca Canad LIA Liia Fearidabon Lman Claub ai Milon LOIta MW Baillat Ire Mage La Mat- LWa Gardents Maillrtin a Mary cai McUng lnrnial MCtanat Smr & M*htida McLoi Contanerss Mari Tiariagai Ut-P Tochfolitif, Miii Farms Muit & Craitieil Ltd *Miltain Greenhtie Milton Lin Mîtian C& Sarsor Ir Malw oltisio raua. Mu ir (MiMr &M rs Murray Tathrý% Norir Bancoip n Norimom Telecomi Cali Tire & Auto Cintra Cithai LI PHl ManIAs LirruteO Paul Radrigair PCL Assacalat Paet Wt Petto Canada >~o-Westem Plasics LiA Prnteasuineal Aaiialaai Otuly rian Outu Banlilalein Bml Taihuraag Rad Stunmaase Retait liarne i Rucdd Rcherga RKhtcKlaifl Vmnehr Rctru Irhtmnalberg Ragert Vidte Rotin Vait Rayal ule r dai Rayildn Pardu c Roaldfranci soriaiu Po ra SeanCirrseam Sun C"mte amie & Mt (4umrory Signai naiaiaria Sai N ain tr Slae Camnrat Sinient Dayrh SurFi enofparge Teloede TNT Dnerlarfl Etprs Torotoa lue Jayt b<oid onion Ba iTrcalgI Mmmier Guest Trate Shle Systrmt rtc Truc Towan Temrials Tyla i Caîhalois Inc Vanga Pfoducit yn ne m ao ýc Wa(an Mlai Wibor Spoats fQîaPROn Wood"ad hWM ura rvyniC iyou for your support"! over $65,000 was raised., i

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