Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 1996, p. 1

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Police union warns cuts- 'into bone' BYJ11111 WHITNELL SPW99a Io Th. Champion Iim Dawson 4sn't happy about songe of the working "Conditions and changes being thrust on Halton police officers, and h e t a high-ranking officiai with thé 1, provincial governiment know so. Approprîateiy enougis, Constablie Dawson, president of tise Hatan Regional Police Association (HRPK>, had tise finai reÉuiial tu Attorney (Jenerai Chsarles'HÙarnick»s speech lant wcek ai tise Police Association of Qntaro's 64t1h annuel Sergeral meeting, iseit aI tise Barlingion Holiday Inn. Cons t. Dawson, this reprê- sentis well over 300 officers, tise majonity of wla3m are front- linr constablies, aslsed lise Conservative mînister sumne- wisat rictoricaity itow Haiton colid lie ander-servîceti fronta polîeîng aspect whien lise fegtont is %o wcaltsy. "Polic«a stations have cioseti bêere and tIsere are fe o er 1 cers despile. Hautin bitlg tine lishe iritiesi regits te lthe ivlnir." 'Coolq Dawson bold r* Hamîcis belore a delega. ln tii senerai isundreti front- .une cillicer', andi adminisrative memisers répreseniing police [force% [rom acrtiss lise province. CoiaDaweson appeareti dis- . Dr. JtgAnn McKinnon -875122 satîsfied wiih Mr. Harmick's geheral response to bis coin- mnts. Early in lias speeeh. tise attorney generai had said, 'Because therc ariof addition. ai dollars au spend on making thse system htgger, tise solsutions we' have go [anti are ihose tisas do not require noe, funding. "Il as noi a marier of asking everyose [o teor harder, il is askjng if tisere as a better teay lgt ligii rmne wititout throwmng mcgney ai lthe proliem.- Bot funding and front-Jînc policing are durectiy Flated, tresseti Cost. Dawson. -Au We.vc solen is more (provincial) leansfer Ipayment ) cols. Wrre dfrcily invoive i n changes tii tihe staffing formula. weve cal welii mb tise bone. 'ise l'tnancaal imperative is whal". driving everylhîng note. We'vc 501 Iri look heyond ilait andi consîder tise peoîple Imper. save.- me»0 CUTS on page 11 Kler tommtes Scotch Block split on* development By ORAD REAUME' Thte Champion _ Tise planning isineprinq for a 85,00<) people was passai ty. Moraday nîgisl, noi wihct cor 'Titis is an antilous plat .50,000 more people," saîd planning direc- lur Mcl losmo. Councîlior John Citallînor calîrd il iMilton wîish . groueti breakîng' in Hautin Regîon andi iown councîl among utiser munîcîpalîttes in Ontario. and îstoversy. atides, ls supenior le every way m0 previ- s to gîve us titis plans." But several conlenîtous sections oif Mîlton's frit municipal officia plan will itpin e studiaid taniser, or are awaîîîng demi- vreeai sions te tiserjunsçdmlîons. oney wua Tisere appears Io bce a spli bieween îigland, ana groljps for astd againsi deyelopmn in tise Scotch Block, an area mast of Hîgisway 25 di gênerai 'anisouts of Firve Sîdeoad. Ir BaTtpIOy- Deveiopmeei isad iteen m"besidered for tus ll te tise area buit tl wsi removei foirm cofnsider' s.aios ailer a Juee puic meeting lei wici (ad a the uires whio support Scotch Blotck trrmain- pae7. Cg artral came nul te lotte. ai :Wr sere ttti isai il se sati nu objet- lion lu tise proptîsed plan thosn Wr dideti have lgt do aeytising, saidi Scotch Block, resident Tom BIsall "Asmaile of peopÉ looîk ativaeîage mii ur aitseence and cisangeti couecti", mnd. Oe meetieg aed a hantiful tif people shooid mut have tisai kînti of influence one count.il"- HitweverIojemîllor John Cisallînor was unconvinced., "Yes, tee have go react lgt lte resitits whio lave an tise area hait tee alsit have lit look ai tise isard facîs tif developmeet," saîd Nst Cisallînor. 'Raastng tihe issue iv raîsîng faise espectattons. A i of isard services setuld have lu go te, ils partsabiy niot goang toise develuipet in my lalwimc", Other secitions of tise ne% oitfcial plan came onder scruttny. Landowiners te [ise * seri OFFICIAL PLAN-on page 1e ifyers beip Leslie \lenT1jrs of Traflg~ar GolI and Country Chaib raasad a $65.W0 lir Leslae Wels, a sumnmer ensployee wiso is 1 bounti aller a pool accident eariier lia cuanver. Tise ir raised ilirougli a tourneraent for 280 goilara test wei aesooiated dinner andi auction. 'Tita was inifglit by agers ci thse go# lu," sat manager MateO Watson. 'aIl in support 0l crie oi tise ees. Ste satid tsare a also a trust acecaintl or kt W, Main Street location ci lise Banka 0l Nova Sconsm te Miltor Ms Wells waa a summer student emplcyee andi woil club as a wattress. Phtios oi tise touimarnent eppearonj PCioCOLLISIONi RE ImiriEiN CENTRE ai iae wTot okg nSoi Gallinger & h staff a Gainge, Motes a C . -The Sign of Excellence in Auto Collision Repair mg$aia Gallinger Moroni. A4 i tb@ r in r 5 Collision Centre Managerý %il banngs wttg hj*r~ a aro e tNM ose, 1iyffearo bdyShp eenanen A nFr 5Clio ooroe 0.0 arndan iCAF yrelesaloisa 655 MAIN ST. E", MILTON 875-367,3 EXT,238 FNqCFIEEENON

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