TIIEIIEARI tOF OUR»COMMUNITV NEWS'AND INFORM MOH Founidation Vice Chair Hottier Penmon loIft) accepte à choque for $1000 front the ownere of Le Rose Bohery Emily Lizzi (centre) end Moggie Lizzi. THUMBS UP TO LA'ROSE BAKERY1 Thic Foundamon wumuld like tu extend lis tbanks to La Rose Balsery. This wîmndcrful sbop field a barbecue un July 27 and 28 ani raised $lt88) for MDH.. UPCOMING FUNDRAISERS Tii.e Hospital 50s 890 beld August 7 raised $225 for the Foundation. 'Me nexi barbecue will lbe hcld on Wednesday. Sept. 1l tromf 11:30) a.m. t 1:30 p.m. The menu will bic a surpi»e. Conte join us fomr a FUN time'. Rcemtter it's only $5 per persori' * On Soturdoy, Sept. 7 Mion's newest drugstore. IDA on Laurier Ave., will fie holding a Grand Opening. This [un-filled day will run from 9 a.m. t0 5 p.m. Activâties îîmmenclflg ai 1l a.m. will include a 'big bomuc adl a aican wbo wmll amaze children of ail igenc. LaIicmuicued lood wîil also be available. Ail proceds froin ihi'. eveni wîil bc-donated lu the MDH tumundatioin Thank ymîu IDA! Il you would lîke lu become a dollir to the MDH Foundation please use the pledge lorru 10 make your contribution. Feel tree to contact IN., Founidalion Office (878-2383) for delails about umîber ways you can con- tribule. iiank you. Name______________________ Address ______________ Postal Code' -____ City Telephone i/we wish lu makie a gîft ai tbis lime. Piease findt encloscd a ebeque payable tu the Milton District Hospital Foundation in tihe amount of: $ _____ Thank y o. Your income tax reccîpt wIli beycnte~ you. ~ miL âd ~Help us h ATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPI - Sponsored by Big Cumre THE SALON IN THE .HOSPfTAL - EXPANSION The MDH Auxiliary is proud-to animîurI.ce the Salon in ibe Hospital. fonnerly known a% 'Me Beuty Salon bas becs esîended. reslovated. relurbished. rcnamecd ami is fully operalional sith ne% addiimmal services. The Salon mn thse Hospital, wjmcb is lîîcated oin the second floor of thse Hospital, now boasis fll and par- tial pedicures. manictures and as always fll service bair styling for patients, staff. visitues and ifhe public, (men and women). Chrisiane Banks who bas been thse hairsît>1Isq ai The Beauiy Salon for several lyrars, andi has a vcrý weil esîabiished hairsbyling clienîcle, bas nos* added io bier -services by takîng cerlifiesi pedicure ami mani- cure courses 10 gire a More well-rounded appeal lo The Salon in thse Hospital fur cveryonc %Vhy nul pop in ami let Chrîsiane gîve you a tour î,î thse newly expandesi Salon in thse Hospital Sec tise fantaslic. prîceless-paradc umf tise "'mios p'crirmme oin the Niagara Esc.aepmcni. fromis the new vîewîng wisdow ail year round Then %il. relax ami Ici ymîur- self or a loved one lbe panpered. Gifi'ce)1ificates arc asaîlable ami make an excellent guif udea for patiens or for anyone anytime Mottier's Day. Faiber's Day. burihdays or Christmas. Aller ail whm> dtee>n' feed liciter wîlh a new baircul andi style, pedicure or mani- cure Tise Salon in lise Hospital is open Tucsday. Wednesday. Tlursdays (exîemied bours). Please, cal) Chrietione Bonks (left) and Auxiliery Preslident Joan Griffith show Mayor Gord Krantz the oxpanded selon et the hospitol. (90) 878-2383 Exi. 2425 fer mn appomniieni, A)) tfmese refurbishmenls werq made, asailable wilih f unds' from-thie MDH Auxiliary. Rernemiber wisen yosm paîruiniie Tihe Salon mn tise Hospital you arc also bclpîng support yeur local Hospital. as pali of die fc you pay gmmes lu thé MDH Aljxiliary. CAWNG ALL VOLUNTEERSI if you would like Io bcoîme an <Auxiliary vîîlun- meer pIeuse caîl ihe Hospital ai (9(1) 878-23&3 ami icave a message for tbe Direcior of Volunteers, iiiank YoWf ýponsoreà by Cmroe D. hu HOSPITAL SINIVICES CHANGE SIGNICANTtY pHospmlals in Ontario bave dramamîcally changed lte way ibey provide services, wbite îreatmng the sanie number of paients Ibey sud es years ago ln tbe pasi decude ibere bus becst a :25 percent decrease mn aver- age lengib oif siay mn Ontarim bospitals. amdi the pasi few years lbere was a 25 per centi ncreise in da), surgery. In 1985 tbe average leigls ofl sîay mn Oniano bus pilais was 8.3 days andi by 1995 i bldeclined to & 3 days. Ai MDH the average lcngtb (if siay bas always becs below tbe promvincial average and currýenl> stands ai 5.9 days. Another slattsltic useS îmm mcasure isospital uqiita- .lion is the number of patient days mn a year per tbowi sand population, ihis ;po bas declined dramsiaîmically mn Ontarmo over thse past decade. F romt an average close ta 13003 mn 1985 the current level mn Ontarmo is bclow 8003 days per thousanti pop- 'ulation. In thse bîgb growtii arcs of the Province,.lilic tbe GTA, tbe bospital days per thousan.d populaimon are signif3cantly l<iwer. Al MDH the patient duys per thousansi population in 1995 were under 5M8 days. YOU'RE INVITED TO A DIABETIC INFORMATION EVENING Mloniiiu Hospital ssould like l, in% ne you îm, dialiei1nbtaion evenisg on Sepieiitr 9th ai 7 pin, in the ¶-ospial chiuial classrmmf. Guesi speik- ers 1Cr tbe cvenmng will bc Dr. Ronnic Arumnsos, Endom.rinologisl, Denise Jensen. Presîdent of the Canadman Diabeles Associatiomn and John Imîsie, Diabelic of 7 yeaes PIeuse RSVP bo 878-2383 as seating is fimted. Ibis evenmng i'. sponsorcd by the Milton District Hospital Fasindaion, Medme ilert ami Bocringer Mannheim. DID YOU KNOW? 315i babies were bora at MDH fast ycar including 2 sets oftillsm5 TON DISTRICT HOSPITAL ing quality Health Clre fo our Community., bo