Attorney General: *iQ1ent crime climbing I-, ,t mce k %Ilrrne.v <criera i hmres flarnitk I' ;teti min 'eteral ciilfive poRtle mTTg and Jui e syq fni Isuesr in its Burlinglimmi pre e hL mm the Ontario A-icit atiumn 1,1 Pl 'cet t hîct, t hie iTlitig kipîîîi lut h [lie iiinr andi hi, atitliemitc îy r,%d ts al ml, tha mie O iii th ic treac "In t>mTarm ' licýf t 'ime -l ,d noi ifec Iine \i le. T Il ""lil Y< pe, N!ent luplher îiiill: hnani i %as a Jetatie agm ViolTent ounlu tr îiîc Cn ' ct i rr "cIl, Ill Tic i i n, rcee n he ai Mlr Ilariit praitei hifoîrîîîu ir Tht rctcîîîly pastçd Viimt Bill oii Righi, tic inlt udlud aiiuig uîTfer Italturet, a t itiTiis julste lundt andi an auloinialet ie- onti ntiiclmtimm c Timthit li slit keep iheni inliiimed i l the prmigrmfs ii (Mal, anti flic talus mît perpefraluirs Ou the' cîmnenniuus issue (if vitil cnme. Mr. llarnitk sai theli prmîvtntial (îîIîser%4dseý tmiusier fhlf tiral Youung teîder, At a faillite .WC helleve al»oîne aged 1u oir mîlter ,i 'ulti hctnet i mt aduli tcourt WCe taievt' fhLinmes ofl mîuih% tuutctd il scnious. ,Lofienf millense% shmîuli lic miatit publit. mn fIle mTi.texel nI îiniuriaitN .fl -Wt hlieve fhl veirai j mivernmcfff shumulti .lliox prmstui insî mime tac,,, %iere flicemilfentier il untier flie âge tif 12 Itlimn ReginaI Poilite Assat aion president Jini [lanun sn'T tîuuuîpletely tmniiTncet plaving iartihaîl 4iThl vmiung mi Titiersm t lIch l f a -f lintiT cif i! 2n4J- fy vermîlistIo tcourt. Tf Jusi la1%,1ics thleni ah hle ,"slent a Raising the, flag Mayor Gord Krantz (Ifail) and were on han-d for a receni fIag raising to kick off Arthritla Month ln September. Front lef are Audrea Lear-Costigan, Hellen Powers, 5ev Mehlenbactier, Marilyn Bahnman, Jim Powers, Effriede erynkus and Jatte Comber of the Arthrltis Soclety's Milton branch.N (uts into the bon e: Cops -front POLICE on page 1 tîotrm at id athle raio of pilite ofiiiler% iii cîitim, ri flalimîn i. mu. i, I (TT) I IPA .iiiiiirmr Paul f àCiis id fît hfiure pui I fallori tri luh aii pmiiiiii ms, Yfork Regiii mi mît Ting ai ie i i t iglei jier tapicà ratismi lithe prmu imw fhliercl rio lai k, mmluppm iti Imr pxilice budtifs. there's. a fk of piîitif til,1 niuiel Ciit flati n. a ielereiite im VIr llarii.k\ t Iherte rcn% aditfiimiil dollars Ti speîiti* rcîîark l'art mmI mlii Tniiraiui. flmie t, MiTî Trîîîî te rettli ufttîsîîîî m% Ille ll'alim mm Regmionil Plite SertTce Io hire a pnri lune, Iront- mine offiîtti 11i ,a LIuee ieî lf,îîîld \1 iifflOmn. *i TaT %liill' tul%. laid (on DaiT onii Vit,' ricedt TulI humie, tmmîîîîîmmled imiTiter, Vçe &mLI T mceti irait- menti liîlp \V - tar is mmiaid irc iighli attimuiumahie for %n iitc di V. fit mmmi imaki fie cali imîr par i îîîîm pi litin nemd dlcutmt.iic mLii fnil-111 iu 1-mT tr 4W>9 CHECK ELSEWH GUARM oPRII DResgerý TOUCH MICIQ SEMI-GLOSS LATEX P- d h, It . g 2 4 2 PAInERS CHOICE CEIIJNG WffIÀEX 17 Ni.'f ýpn maniaihý & p.éqAD AdsB S .>'-Z( a £q lln 4 lir m>ecorttng Mot Line efl 1-800-299-9940 éUI> F .- SERVICE, SELECTION, SAVINCS 0