SCOMMENT B oi, 249. 191 main Si E, Tb. cottrur C00 00(obi. -oi W.a---. obi Milo. Ont L9l 459 F,9 Iao 9, Ku..nSI E étaon 0 4 L9iOe1,191 148, o.a Aa lt 111-OiO., d înii POIshn0 GS Oîigi. n in oi C Fax:878-4943 ~ Pn COtnowoe '. ConnNiio-n Fail i4 O (ro,.oet Gaidn Cfroîoninonmi Aclo, ie Cl'.sified. 875-330X) "-ain Inn Weea LIn., I, W.M %MUlbr Oaoii£ l atj Olivir Publisker 5-n m'dand 1Pen,:.qs"ngoee moioooo,. non'u e .2Nt[ Ollir A ....0.I',îhh , Mr 11-o DIF.Oio Tooîin, Wni 1 Cuiioen eRot Kelly. t. <fr9 0 Peieiýn ti lb, o ý MoInnono 1.10,1 1ii Lo"Rn Htuiler on tr nlfi, .uoonoc. Vaugh.n (oie,.t ScatOUougfl% Mîrro,g 1 ot'iiole Tm., , Se-n' AOýai.0 , oPitd on Ia ,odIII O Term Co", *'<o 11, ii, A.Ffuiger III.1 nO -Ia ColtO O, fyoQne a n t un liait gn a e;I .Shoo aune .Jiioo dcioa ,,feioîeî ,0 i , na e wiiLiai itI. Ted L.indsar, t'oo kIl iiiLîîo,îî'îo Ifi. o W Pai latteiej~oni ie *Whe"e's your teèn? SURGERY v HDRGUE I Onc oit theBu1*ca( l e l cc.'ioon 'latlions. F'cdi o nnoouncc Ihat il wo%.11 p. and [li o n i. iN oc il they kncno Cs'hcre their chilrcn vcrc. Sonne pcoîP* Lfrlonohibiou,î donti For the I W.icr0 iniînth' your aigent h.o'.had the illuminaing oppoiunilyt hil firsclcinki Main Street dono f10 non oiid i,. rcgîitarlv treat cd -i asorc offler nîo doubt to noi'.c and. lochaNiour s. cli ecn any acccpt.oble lesci. Italc at ighit Monda'. niglit of lis.c il a'. liiciJ ' vouilî' '.ktcbi rding up aond doiss ie nidcha1k, îîîiil: flippiL! thcor iord, and Ioooling ar; un.! !'loat.Ci tic c fp dtro nt kd, o arne - . i Oooîl~j argc Agr&jd But nol ailer iniodniglît Aîîothrc gro1op oit %oîutdi, vNa iiocalldcriig aohuu do>isiiss at thicnei torne. I .o.îIrîd night .1 oIn! entirepreneu r'. '.t.ord a litcc ot Ilicasy equipnient .01. doss risi construction %.otc, .0coordiîg to plilîce, and but tor the intcrs cnoo n of t oolder ciicn tl m.ov haie iicrrily ploowcd irit0; 0, a vehiocu or s.tructure. Agin, fins' w.o' .oroiugid mîdilîglit Nolt long bclforec e cpl'.udc, a.irilchoid) puolled aî '.m.o'. and grb ai al do%ýosîin îcssclr: s.toire a t.oinily hu'.inc" Ton hi Ince. hords.orkong people, Ihoî ma.not hise hccn iccn.îgor.. but thc las. i oscrages points.I il t.'rncecI si n.0n ieen, Wrccm ti s.oidor toromnd doiwitos.n flleî ait night llicrc arc '.ccrl lIctîcr ii tioda'. s, i'.'.o prair.i'. floical ie. loir gonid thong i îhcy do. Wcrc Ccrî,iîîi milt o.ondcmrning all kid,, or cscn îîîany kidsc Il I, à0 'inall iiinoriî'. perpicîraoinig o aidoi.î .îîdii )Io4csntowsn (in a0 giveil lait: c/coing I So inm' pecople h.;'. a goiiî to . grc.ot denot I ro oole toi niaisec oiio doivw nlovs.ri on ittraciice pla.ce lor hu'.inc'.'.c' anîd h.oppe2rs all da:'. onily 4 o h.osc Il haniîul oftîîi.îitîi offtn prom ;i nighl, îrao'hing hord- c.0mCdq proiperty and iing a nui'.anfce o tihein'.cs. 1'lc.o'.c, Ict'. not hiamc the poolice, %ho ca.n'î bu ciler> wherc .1 flic limc. Let". loxl ok lourco Do you know whcrc Y'oor tccn o'. aitriod s< îht! Doi yiu rejîll kniis tor '.uite Anod ol)ou donti. why not ýl-Y -Robh Kd/i. Was it worth it? ih l a' Michigan,. In the '.culement ch i , o'Ilsq4d beinen Molton iydro and rowogîi- of; ilpaci. s Mho doîcco do.grÔnilcd cmlîc'.il '.cn'. the.ýoimpariy lia'. miain- î,airtd thc uppc halid -ai Ica'.t toi the exient oînc '.de can bx- '.iod lo 2)le hoaie u.on N * 2 e li thc !orgcr picturc. moi raole loktré' Trraioon ai lois chh aniong j. unioîriiicd lo col hjdroi ciioplo O c'. titr a ling lime 0.; corne. fi s.oint hL io id lor mîanagomnti nor cîiiploye cc'.hu'. il s.Ih1Lc god lor Miltin - Acii itsdrii Arni'iroIuIg omoîng -Mil liat lo.tint hccîî '.uid,, hooheie r, the i.îciicol. il nit s0'trolcgoo. cIclor'. 5of '.ogai W'ecill, t hIi îg ti mnagemcnt. l'lie osoirkcr'. c'.'.cîîoi I'. y ii .î dainagc coiîr. l î;orr rcgirdong o iiinîlîtt la'.oîU'.. h,î'. oînlv .cci flic date i l ii '.o "lhr '.c o I ilicor coIlcaiuv'. pu'.hcd b.c IoJnux >l PU'd ,i on n ndced I)rn a purely financia fItroînt. thc S 1.2ff1 sîgîl; ,n ti îî' tir onkon, roco c contora, i toc'. 010r i hci il lio.oi r toico'.c ls( I. %ag5 oci t roîîî a bîtcr labolur di'.pIIC thai dragged oîn 10Is.cck'. In tic gron rcckonong ihai o'. the t199, lor poîbloc criiploiyce'.. il~ J '.crnî' a nec'. ouallon oi rc'.tri.nt mu'. cvokuio Molton Hydro pro'.id cd àr a ino'ic'.)oiniito coample o*tai phiîos'oiphy in pracloce. Mnagemnt ' '.tubhkkmly helo th ite, andt chcjW .o man.ogceni got most of* what il s..ontcd. For the woîrkers. il wah, an exn.%nsoc excirci'. Perirapo il was loir uitt.ooncemed einoiomnalty - But moie than arnyoinc i o'. the unoonî;cd emploiyce'. who must as.k lhem.scIse'. il thi'. nas ait woîrth i. and yýhcther lbey mnust rc-îhink theil.c approach lo buirgaining. Porhaps noîl no -w, whcoo emoîon'. st) rose hoilly. but soion. RK. Pages of the Pas t One Year Ago Imthe Atagust 30. I995ç i.sýsu. *A scnu' rock I:1lonhoig ikhal.p ai Kcl.o ('îii.ri oiii \rca hlîolatllon Rcgion ('i'c'aoioAIoril i lioîotIRCA; oIt oc4'.calloîig oopoo the g(ioniniii lor air cillorcc.ohle '.e:oi I îîînhoîg îoiioîo t or e hr iii goI,.crnnenl '.iidar orot e sp'.oirt, moakiîog; ios.'.liil foîr Ilie tIRCA li silo..- cloiîohiîog acilic'. on us laond'. - Th lic tîîoîd i.of i Mo ion na'. ïcoiong '.ct i kick oi11 il'. 1W5 tundrao'.îngconpoogn ohilli a revamNo d. tiotiercd goîlftiooroaineit. T'Me actîioni, '.cleduled Io loke place al tire Fsxcurios lairsa>'. Gjolf Cceotre on Milton, included a noivii-Puii contes[. and a barhecoe lunch.. IA Mittoîn woimân wl'. wxwss.' toi a '.pFIIuluar fijehaîl i1iâi '.ircaked ihrouflit the riflât sky thre paeviuus week. l'li Becl Schoo Lire rc'.idcni hhatched tie birrght light for IabOt ID> SCCiM,n' as il croisscd thre '.ky hc.0ding luward Hiamitoni' Somilar reporaI. came [ront noithe Ohioll anuhi.Iiî4huio yel Io pinti% anymTrace- ars Ago rom lire Seplemher t. I9761ssue ion caloing fir a iralt on the '.al tcire o lo Arcnt oh 0' gaioîiiig giioîiiiciiiono a,' Il eoiL.olaotl loi; rc'.îdcn'.t irglio, c ounicd nmore ilraii tires tfront 0 cco'.n Irir~ng ioî '.aitc thre liri Sitreet ilt - Eparoio.oi plaon' ai Moihau*k Racciso' li.o the On.ono Jook ey 't'luh aond Illion Region officiais negiiong thc cern'. oit a oI '.hari og Program dcsignc o iciimproc Giuelph 1 -e. lie. plon proipoî'ed % idcnong Guclphr Lonc i, toiur taores troîm Ilw> 4111 Io the nîrlh cotronce of thc ra,, irack lhceqcs o'.ioIî'. oerc nouide li r0.ciiooacitec higlic volumec cxpcicd iih the OJC*ç 4ll.oeoli 4uarc fo,o,t cîpasonon Motooisk'. grand'.iaod. - Stoilloin rc'.deîîî Btruce tIoiot w.0' gclig cl io renrc in [lic up.ooning Caona.,i Cup '76. Mr Hîodis.a'.ý ato«oinipon) ll tndiy oit Hamîîilton .o.' the ont> profes'.'ion- al rctCre'. in Ille ioimni. 50 »a rs Ago Frgm the August 29, 1946 wSUe * Agriculture cnthu'.la'.i' fromi acros'. Cauo.oJa ohcrc pte.'d Io hear ïhat Ile Royal Wintcr.Fair on Toronto %is goîîng lo r oîpen in miot Nçoiihr I hc*lair had iloseo Il, dor. in 1938 a'. a re'.ot o th l i r, .niîh )Il loir '.rc hcoog îi'.cd a'. a training centrc lor [tic omoct toircs flic rc Ip dit;lo ti he Roil i înler Fair coIoriiodcd ah t1 hc rc-*oieoiiig (it t tiice .0 i n Cicoago [lie ollier il Nîîl Anici,' grc.oi l.oor. i More Ilou 401 '.ro ,cîîie andt ihcor vh ic'. os rc hoî ilurcot oh ta ba nîquet ai boîchoeu'e %lm i al H-ati ItcîcerenJ W, Arjcile (Xiîlibctxll ohon prec.Ln o sa>hO gre. jîroiPi'o i toast I Ille kinîî4 oid ediciélc Flic RoIl il - 6> Steve Nease 1