ItIs M(iiA%5K R.sîîss (cv,%i CLi e Lis,F, NusRiiîii >Fliii 4(11. f.*sîi 1ýTnt f Photo by GRAHIAM PAINE Miltons Neil F rd ipolishos up hie RumeIy trector in prpniout0 for thà 301h annul Steam-Ert Reunlon this wenlcd Aum.ely .LJpmnl lit the apecial futlure et the four-day evmfil, whlch opens Frlday. a i -K T he HAIt Block Incone¶ax course can teacli you how to enuhoey during tom elasiont You'oe invlted to attend an Op«a Bouse Saturday September 7th,, to, learn more about the H&R Block Income Tai Course, reviV class materials, and meet Our experienced instntictoru COME ViSIT USTAT: From lOam - 4pm 387A Main Street East,* Milton OR FOR MORE 11*0 PLEASE CALL - À si, Talk about a career comeback. Watch $1,.710,000 iii purses for the week: an exciting program as Standardbreds The fail racing season premieres return t0 Mohawk for high calibre stakes September Ist. Programs and races during Granti Circuit Week. ,* admission are onlyS1I.00 each. ..Their homecoming present 1 Our welcome mat is always out.. li N full- ?4eam ahead for a weektnd of-ieosta1gia rcai)àd und polished sieamn crgines - hec puiing of old cars and truck% and thîiu- largest display en eastcm ('aiada. , s ands ofl miscelancous displays Qefiire electricit> simplified farming. lThe fiMi-MtacLilar eenit aIl he Four days of istalgic fun will go full lanner% used gus tractors - anîither fea - parades ai 4ý.p m Saturday.* StFda,% und sîeam ahad ai the Milton Fait Grounds jurej.l s)how More thin 150 tif the 'Monda> 0therýacîtieis %ill toi 1udc FrtdaY eflue province<4 rich agnculIiart eng ?n1,ý1esseld for chorc froniýashing Ihrc.%hing competitiins iSaturdaN anîd Ilertige wiul tu n display usecr the Lahour clothes lit grindiig. grain % ili hV oni dis- Mfondu) afterriionsi and antiique traclor Day vvcckcnd ai the 361h Annual Steain- play IN pulls (Saturday and Muinday mrni n,,, Er cno.But the special feature will he the display A country and western ale n nsi l - ~ Thetnudition will continue as the volan of about 45 Rumely traciiirs. whiu.h arc he held Saturdav esening and a sarietI teer-run show is presenied by the Onltarioi Seing hortoured aikh %i programi will4£reiîide the entWyainmcni > Sicaire and Antique Preservers Asocation "Our show% reflecis lit jenî and rural Suda nîh uirnt Monday. 15e show wîil onb& again atrnospherc oif days gone by.' says Ray At thegrandistand. loîg %awing. hag tjeing n ficature thç real wîîrkholses oif agneculturu - Whalcy. as.sociatîion president. and siteaf tying wiII take plaie titra rogular gas raciors Aboeut 1,0 fX îthemr reprcs4-Ii Since 1961, lthe fair griiundls havé conte hasts ihnîughot the weekend nsý i sitan <il 60 years lin the tarin will Se alive cet>r Labour Dav Wcckcnd nuit Coîuntry cranîs "Isl tue lin displas a up andninnini daily. puffing siear englues. chugging gas trac- wiîmns' lavourite '-ad yiiungsiers wî ll Also sicamed Up and wofking viil bc tilts. hurnminst uasoline crmes. the nuit- *S0 SIOAM-EAA 0'ne noma.