Second shot ofmWeasles Svacci ne reqùired. by law Vwhn students rciurn go vehoo tby for religiau beliefs. j wiil bc rcquired by law go have had a Students stili rcquiing, r secod dm ~ second dose of meua inc cn. of mecule$ vaccine Who aie nlo[ exempt lThe Immunization ofthool Pimpils arc invited ta, taire advantage o! the ' AaglIakue pawems and guardans respora Hakton Regionai Heaith Deparinent's sibie fer casurmag chidinmare adeqoale- final ecmh4m meules clinie.. ly'inunnizrd agansf dipth=na. tetanus. lte clinicis achodulcd for fliandy, Ipolio. measlke. mumps and rabelila A Sept. 26 front 2-7 p.m. in lte auditoriffm reccent amcindment toilhe &ci malle it ai Halion Regional Cenire on Bronte nalory for stdents be imito ie J* ad tCi north of the QEW. No Il Foiiowing lia spring's mass imnin- Immunizatiun of junior*and1senior nization àprxmtl9 k.da rtamv childien as Iliguigl faiiy yoiacî5rcno aaon n siuoensm u p gu u~ewsMMii laest campamon againsi mesies Ot/ter May lic exempt for n1edcal resaonts or For more intformation eall te measles immunizatbon fine ai 825-6190. IiJ:NERA& TIR » . Conigratulations to, the Ontario Steamn & _ Antique Preserver's AssociatiQn's 3Sth Arnuai 'STEAN1-EIA1 LABOUR DAY WEIKUI»d Welcomoe toi aiflusitors and paricipants Ur 8laz -I jiHIr MATTUR# I 01OQAWl IEDtA4I ACI NL.8. 1M00 o018 AN 10TII! MAAA-cIASa~P. ib. Itte olo mw*ltd TAlrcE ùF-INTENTION TrO PESIGNATE TA TITlier Cotma of Utse coqgoeaUig of utn 'rom of Miko lrdwIb 1 "V" aIlle Ut o*rwpd R.lffl SWaion Md*yo Mi lisIoIh mumtic*d addm.a a bW.d of histoit s&W amrcitlslra lgdLa lanier Puit PJ offIt OMMil HMUOage d .S.O. 199, cG. 18. GUI111h Li, Pa rt c 30 C«Ofuslan4. noUIs TUOMq Of fl0 mm wtusL> Of Mdcii. Foe1#i.w.s u**ig UFEiII2- LUOW Scared tenants doubling Up, says area aniti-poverty group air BFIAD BEAUME . Mmîsng is cach persîinis option. If people don i Thte Champioq 0 muse their carrent rentim pru.letd.* said ilallon 0 .* North MPP Ted Chudlitcgh. flic renter in Milion is Feur of dramatic reni hikes in fialion is already pruaecdý by reits throughuuil Haliçn . Thcre cornes a causmvg people io double up in ap.irimcnts. wams a lime when Milion trom Oaksille reglilval anti-poveily grnup. hetonge an opion- floweser. new conistricion, lueled by fewer reniai 'fivse oppo.>d iîî thte changes 'a> il wiIi noi bce long resticitfs. a, expesied*y Iic provincimal govervmeni liefure mo,.i apariments are nu longer rent controlled. i, Incicae thc suppl> ot zipartinli, winch in iur "Our reni conivîl piloîph> sý Io profeci iipindi- wali keep relis îîwn. vîdual ralier ihan ithe unit.' auid Mr ChudIcigli 'ýW Still. ai(houl more isaIer servicing iliere viii bc arc iîîcusslng on geiiaflg more 011115 baili. if tii proubl> lic no uiev insiruc. aiîesn't dl, si wc'l look ai other lion ofî reniai aparimnNins1 Mo&lmg îs eadî "letihîvls %hort¶ uf geniiof Cluo Milton. lears are liai Iclt ie Uicog po. h rcad orsbsos miarket, relus in Miltoîn cîîuid pel aot on. i/te c admîir umie skyrusiiel. If pcople don't' Mt ('hudcIgli -as qu'le The legislalîîîn wiii remîlse Confividentin t he power of lhe reniai housîng grin mrn cîîntiii. move their markrai îo huilti an îîersupply restiliîns a, eaeh unit s ouf reniai unitls. lie saîi iliai sacaieti euNTrflt ftft Ontarioî 1wuId iieVe ha Thic iialiîîil Social Planning tavîîurahijva r aiulîl Ciinîi' lias nmalle a prescilia ... n.... mre uni~ are buili M lioln i the provsincial gîis cm- Chudle îgh atidedti hailîvi mcviplîliîngiii he c~i îî - i fflh cî%Isi oîf borme îuersip.lus new colnstrucion. the loîs% (if -i------e--n-- - ves i, bmaîld renial unmis, onis if apartmrevis are convsefled 1,1 .îîvdoîîinlm . îouIJI acn raies il, a lesel whîclî., and ithe resultiîg hîgli refis.wlW 11 building uîwners cîovert iheir buildings iî'î con Sh î,ugh Noîrth MPP Alsîn dotinimums because ilicy can gel a bticier reiumn luec Curling, icar lantilurds. cspe.iall) în.lîîw vacans>y wud be fewer reniai unis un lhe mnarket. whîch cîiics like Toronto,. will pressure lenants îi ov isen would drive pnices ap." baid Ted Hi kiebrav5i, chair ut o?&r il hike ite reiii t/te Haliîîn Huusing Coalition, an am oftihe lliàîîî 'fle vacancy raie in Oakville avd Burlinglun is half Social Planning Councal. TIle cîlsi ut reniai acclîm- of une per cent according lu the mous rceii figures niodaijon in Halion is alrcati> causîvg suive peoîple a) issuet imn Octoer 1995,. Mr. ildebrandt said, double up un fiheir aparlmcnis. -i want io maire il cicar thai I'm opposed iol, ent Mr. Hildebrandt said. the coaiion deiermined itai conirois,- saiti Miliou Mayor Gjord Krantz. -But there Onits in oew buildings would reuime abuti $1.200 a has au b#rnc latitude here. flic govemmeni cani'- movaha n mnt io jusiify Uic consrucqiuon Ai t/tai level andi shouldn'ijusa tit lent cuntIcos wiitoui sortie ptai- offent. tic saut. peuple ame more likely lu look ai ite îvg." housing marketi. *alCHILEIGA on page 15 OF "t W1111111111N pranmu nte, InuId.dr hie PmouW»t of rMuIo TK NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DESIGNATE TAENOTICE THAT the councel of th. e bidn lo/pSaOIO~eO in .dpoto ci tht own of ilion Ioan l daig- Ilwacoarc o ns f da~t.sU nala du. sgdor 0f "h houa orly etUis foluhi Whn* ta TralaIn(1d a dt Ns »LhlaMM ffmkW lsaddm«aa â g ueey cf *gw avhs frUalmn), w o rti n Ni" awbIt thé,fTi Oa9 ho ~ ity o