Chefs, homeowners prefer cooking w4eh natural gal Mure people prefer cooking wilh efficient, of operaing an eleclrmc range. accordmng io U.S. niaic rmgniiton, self.cieanng systemos. Ilealed weihout scnrching. or for smmmermng soups or Seconommeal naitural gas today than leer before. lZ4aimeni of Encrg saEisics huniers. for casier cleaning. Osve-humer designs, sauces, lis special hunier almo wriI auteuiil"- Eaccorimng b mthe Amenicant Gas Assolualmon. Instead of lthe iradional standing pikl light. conspuierîeed controls and conlmnous griles ly restan if the &m oters ul-and ai exaclly Lîke six outi qf seven professional chefs, new gat; ranges have pulol-eo ignition sysiems l fiai enaille a coik Eu slmde pous fichu humer Io flie level ai whmch i was pienously sotý t, oday's consumners prefer naturai gas ranges Effet use an clecmmic cumreni Eu ligimi a burmFr humer wmmhout umpping. Sornie models also have Self-cleaning natural gas wall ovens. which hecause uimey provmde even te". precise erpfer- fiminalmoflime pilot lighm saves up go 50 percent, a mnodular design "ia allomes ltme c"ro to inter- nome offer hmgh- efficmency operamon in a Itou- aiure counrut and mnstant "on" and "off.' on eceil cosis% and redores cscess heatimn time cliange gridie, gril and humer comprn1s. hke-oven configratmon, are auoher new delvel Nalural glas ranges ahuri cost lest; Eu mperaie. kilch,. A.G.A. says. Amoiher poputar neme feature is a fifth brer opinent, as s lime dmsmn.draîl' rnoûýopf Thve esimmaîrd annual tiperammng cosi for an effi- New gas ranges also have options soch as designed especially for lom-heal cookmng. desmgned for kmlchrn isiands wmlh no overmeami cie R aturait Sas range ms abtuu oi1c-half the cost bmark 'or white glass dùmr andi coo&lops. ato- Perfecl for mlting huiler, cimeese gr cimocolar vents. o OVALiPAG * ~Improving j our -8 Min S. E, MitonSteve Porter ad PRESTIOGE ors0asagiu M aý; e Canoda".s r~ Q . . 1E 01 5,ro #1 killer fifllw Saut rIc~ Or y a 00 rnmr Or y nons non sa~n , 25noaon' 5r.dra.Obassvun5 5000,2 fr~',r75&~rt Onu ojotora "11 5~1 Fa Deum mn n Dtain015 II~~~ Su 01 saie dong oms 11U r~I;y lIrowacen r SW66e. Oce GAS MRAD VAIE TY STORE conerrai imerr 25 00car ftrc urdM (s 1.Br nu f neura pressiona ofurc suie 15 et rate loaion Ceotury sitre hrot on just vrIler on are ha ail ire ctrarm of trestryear, bot matir ci thre arrentles me il! lotk for on morte rrrclm vorrres Living rort teatores vugr Windows or loto 0f lgirl 4-pce bath on uplier levni 3-pcr brath on main ironS Krtcbee ors tno oonissed dimnq rnom wth ecood burorsO lirnflitce Please cali fur mte infrmations or ro vieili thil oti piopetry .OW - r wftSr3 ~~9eylieq~uoelerr t huonte bmli lOTe.= toCreldîmr "u" ,i U&dg *MW % lo rir "it fo, O". abt*qy ParisdeedIww mm(f ier ai puoeus Rrx, nh m LW EnelatOSo Cal Sile Porter xai 14 mmai 870-25u2 rn 11 T IIIULC tu Sales Represantatve fer.iateret PNebocaieuSoemÂdi Offia. . 78-7777 00- Lins: B25.Uaa SNNING IILBRIOIEIA CR Weret'uljy&&dy14P e YUR HOME SOLD S t ' p i c d a [ W h e n do y r e werre the only 3 bedroom lowssouse team you'II need frrShed base-n.. atcred arag e.hyVta nofrýt painted. upgraded ~ ~ \ Ideal cutybnao SoWk bungalo0w on te,00 wrtv ~ îh~v Krtde Enfoy Cali oadloom Prrced ai wihbig 2-car garage. th lvIarge bot à vnano cinorGr aies d900. eir ierrsol Loti of space. eojoy thme 1'1 e rCr IIy Phone Jelty for ~aowwal~ from WtYseY Not a mmespuae Today!! an alopoirrlmen ociay rcirev MeSNC SIl.O SIaiNO Gary Thomna. Brtokcr/Omener . ..878-7777 Heatrier Ashbee............... 878-7777 Cairol M. BFookS ............. 875-0067 Carole Budworth ........;...878-8545 Gladys Cr anford ............. 875-3039 % g Joseph Fedacsek.............. 854-9949 Ron Furik ..................... 878-33»7 Sheryl Gray ..!...............875-1121 Clayton Hacken'brook .....875-0771 Richard Hierfili ............. 878-5806 Betty Ingle. ... -.........827-4286 Sharon Kerley .......... .....854-0474 Joe Manchisi.................. 875-9990 Lindsay McLaren............ 854-2451 Jack MeCrudden............. 875-4586 Mauorice Miljour ............. 876-4577 Lloyd Moore ................. 878-7575 Mike Morgan................. 878.8093 Paul Page ..................... 878-2995 John (J.P.) Pears, ............. 878-6859 Sciptt B. Prior ............... 878-7777 James Snow................. t:878-2172 Jean Snowden ................ 875-3915 Anne Taylor................... 854-9835 Glen Thomnas................. 876-0987. Florence Walter ..........8803 Katrina Wallon............... 878-1588 COUNTRY