Bad feelings likely to linger igt hydro front BITTER on page1 "I'h was ther ont> responvihie thing ihe ý cîmmIssi0n coutslan» he s.îd the agieem-ni Us a gimd osec 'Imhn .ls a gcxid deal loi: cusiomners iii Milton Hydro." lic sailli -Iluesii'i add iii Siteir cosîs T h e colîlîn i cos ei a period t roîm 1 koe . 199 Pio lu t 1edie . 1996. s', rinegîuiailion, or itiý ilexi sontraci aie nol j ar oit -W'Ve could tue riglî hask ini iioule again .e I)Lceniser 1 t MNr D)a% v said SAt'o a, par i ti î<ie greenii. tue union tilIed wii the Ontiarioî Labour Reltionis flotîurd agaiiii siiiiionimissîn. 'i - Alert citizen haits runaway road machine An alerl Milton mas may hase paevent- ed damage [o ihle downtown cure ailler a group of youths pulird a foolisli prank. Some youthssiarqed up a rotling machine ai the Main iind Martin Street costrucion site and________ sent it moving south 7> b ou(n Martin Police Street Fnday a 13 i year-A man ishiî sais the incident jumped onîîi ihe machine and hrîîsghî ilt a thatl, Haltîîn Regarnit [Potice said. "Thot's a preli> big machine,' suid Acting Siatt Sgt lite Maitin 'Thai coutd cause a lot iii damagec The >ouIh, Ild wesi il Milt'îde [nsc Tractor-traller unit siolen A Miliom man tlos(iu $15 MM>g ira.îî, traiter uni[i o ihiessîsmighi AuguA '() The 1995 unit vas iolen froi a Nipissing Road coîmpound sîmelinie hetiscen 8l p.m. Augusi 201 and 5 a m Aagust 21t The cutpnis cut the lock on the fence*s gaie iii gain eniný Tr4c.s indicale the truck vsas drisen ass.i nîîlhboand un Thompson Road. poice said Stoien car recovered A Chryster 'seu Yîrkci stoteu from a Campbettsutte Road home ovemight Sat- aida> swas recoverest id the liamitton aiea. 'The [hier encired the bouse thiough an anlocked rear door and found the car keyn on [li kitchen tabte, potice said. Thiev'es target Kelso gatehouse A telephont and a portable cassette radio were stolen osemiiht Fniday in a brak- ai the Kelso gatehouse. The culprits stîd open a window ofthe con4envaticin aira building toi gc in. SHARON PRESSÉ R.N., LLS Barrister & Solicitor Suite 301 2W5 Mai Sto Euat 876-4656- FAMILY LAW à DIVORCE Howevei. assauIS and ihefi charges -Auoms. v "- againsi a Power Workrt~ Union memnher 'liec vasi majoîrity of castomrers saw no tronm anoiher locsat remaîn hefore the differenQe in [lie level of service," Mr. cîlt Thome said. 'The charges allege a pieketer squeetid a Mr. 'fliome saîd lie fiels numb followîng ~ management employce in a disirway and thi healed dispute and lies glad il's oser, grabhed a key from bier as stie enteredl the -li's heea a vcry dilhicultte foir ail oif building. us-management ttaffMd studeýnts," he Management eseniuaty sught a colurt saut triim his offiice 1I certainly [cet forts injunv(ioin Ioi cnniàt pickeiing uside the lhe peoiptc ihat sucre oui there. ils, hydrîî buitding. Man "ageiîieii %as ssiccss lie saîd martigement is prepaied to fuI in tîmiting Jetay, Ioi tise minutes, but aInov tiurwaed anj woik co-opeaie>[ fai les] to contnit [the nu niher ofi pi cketers, imptement ils reirsctusring iitvetu nlo The coimmissioîn hired a sesaniy colapa- ianuaiy s> and ieqsired legat assistance dun< tlie -Wc knowu we bave t,, suîuk tîlgettuci to lisrîîîî, but brought in nio cinirai usîrk pst things hacti i,ge[hLr, Mvr. ThîitWi saId Praonby GRA"A PAINg crs, Management handlrd thiLeniw *iîrk- t m .îî ptîmîsîc eseiýyînes gîîîng iii fe Picketiflg la now a thig of [he paut for Milton. Hydro luait. whicli inided iwo matir etevincaltihai way .' ""te8 follçwîng à seillerrent lest Wednesday nlght.