îSome tips. for constructin& ,a good home/office' g eV DEAN JOHNSON 1 lime senti; bere are somte suggestions 10 rioç wais and flunt is acm of dim beal wa9s l- studa, nail dim channel direcil te thce w mpreve yenr ne* watt envirnant.' absorb unwated noise. For Usm beat sonnd- jois.s approximately 24 nches on.cen SJust a couple yearî agoe. mt he bhms said. SOIJNDPAOOFING - Neitber yon ner yenr. absorption performance, use 3k4ich-îtck rnning perpendicular ta thc direction ,K Its(h o eoct,"yucanld expeci a move £cn nords le kc distridtcd by lte deg Itarkcng lie lasillation for two.y-fonr maIls and sand or $ila. Thse &ymMl is idm ti Ioaohrciyo wýTeday. relocalien ofien or baby cring. If possible, convcr a reoe in ilrsab. and belom thc office, flc a"mi-Uc channel. trnlae a'o movê away îrern the office te mcom ef the hlouse or a dry par t ifbte basesient tienal soundl-abxerpîfra value for isulation WIRE FOR TH4E FUTURE - fnsaall Syeur home - giving a sem meaning te the tnie your office. Or, if you are building trei ltiekness bigiter titan 3 V'2 inches is minimal. quale, number of phtone finca aid elecuarc w oisis "berne office'* scratch, censîder separaiing the home officeý To turther castrol noise, àdd resiliesi meat te keep the Monm flexible. Yeu almaya Recause rnîst bouses were Itutit beltre ihe [rotti ibe reslt ofthe bouse aliogetber. isclsding channels belieen drymall andI sisds or loisis, censuli as elcctrician lu be sure the hobise office boom, iiiday's typîcal borne design a separate enirasce. tir ciisstrsci the office ResilpnI chansels break the sound-vîbraîîen eniough circuits te handle yenr eltectrical Jmay soi accemmodate special wiîrkplace needs. abuse ihe garage. Otb lbrnugh a wall's or ceilîng*s meed sisds or [or belli now andI the future. If yen plan o) lîke sowidpreo'isg. mîning, ligbîîng andi sierage Ne marier wbere your office ta located, jois. tbcreby keepisg ihe office quieler. Once tralize yssar desk. asc the elecînician te wi ispace. If yen plan te build a berne office any iaslallisg insulaiea ta thte tramne cavitiex et te- unfaced isulaîteon is însalled beimeen the lsi the middle et your floar loecli xlecîg cables'asd phone lises aCri I fleer. Remember le ferecasi fer tic i 4 Campb-ellville. 2 j1, Liberate your kitcIen ..oncho"elo th.motneo u Prîde cf ewnerabîp il qualîty conslruçtîen as erîdent mn Ibis lovely one-emner home. Lecaled in beautîfal Campbelîvîlle on 5 treesi acres. Featurîng main fleer lamîîy reom. large livinq/*ning ront combe witb tîreplace and waîhout te acreened percb, barimoosi îloora tbreugbeut, laul bastement wîtb maîjieut, central att & more. Nom $249.000. 99.5 rolIlng ace wit Irna On ¶wo ronds. Hax a largi reatoredl century larmhouse tealurîng large formai roomt wittl pîne plank floore, bigt ceilînga. fireplacd ànd walkou te deck. I-uge fapiîy kîtcher wîtb, woodburntng stove, tbreî batitroarna, den or office. Good eut4uilding1, Prîce le sel Hem de you mace an apatiesi or bouse a home' The easy asmer Mnay kc "meve sn," hWi hem do yen creale a space and style tlssncflacî * your lMes mbile cshauscing yenr qnali3' et lits" "Style ix sot irrelevuat - far frrnm il - andI onr lîves mould kc muct less tus mîthout il. But pu style marks mdll snless yon psy some usies- titis te whaî's undemeath =tir bacce buses et structure, designanmd l'us- tures," says istemnaîtional bome-desîgn expert Terence (festin a is bock, "T'he Essenîtal House Bock: Geutiag Back te Basîcs". '7Ws mis- siocao eitis bock ix te belpi yen ta undersiani the myniad optios thita aie opes laes soi the desigs and fiisg ont ofiltk spore tus mhîch yçn lîve"- Cesran. fouetter et tir chais et Habitat steres nom te meut tItan 20 e cîcusînes, is aise the emne r of the Conran Stops ta London asd Panis tandI, as as asid cook,,ix antet' of books on kitchens and dîsîsg. as mdll * as bocks os bedrooms andI batis. i Cenran brîns a sîmplîcîly sud coîmmun sesise ici home designanmd t lecases ils key clements; ibat make a beme mor@k the may il sbanld t efflicient ami flexible erganirciiios of space. geect lîgbîîng. melI-plaset tstirage, astd sensible surfaces and matenials. me sitcick sir eilimportant spc intîir mole bouse, ac.cerding to Contas - a place miere yos are susqaisied boib ptysically'anti eme- lîesally. mle demise et the dinîsg Matin - ose et the mcxl dramhsic changes durng tir pasl astsury in the may p"ole intabit basses - par- allels tir renaissance efthe kîtchea (caling tir lounaging tin tir kitches> fremn a merkiag-class secesstiy. or boirmias eccesnrciiy. le the acceptei senti tIsat suits an informai bui bnsy lîfestyle. anda or cr amd vidi te as mie- 1i jacks rc are Inecds (0ecen- te out- future. s iech-' nuiegies as vîaeo cesterescisg Wîile stdo cosftèrescisg systems are sojisauiateo.êprit hibîtîve teday, more affordable sysiems with împreved vieming are areusd ibe cerner Alltonigb il's uniclear hem these ncm sideo svs- semai wili kc mmred, by incorporais kilt este" gery 5 computer mire andi coaxial caille itm yonr wtisg scheme tl ta a safe bel yen menti neesi ta reitre yenr office doma Udc road. UITINO - Mace sure your office bas gond lîgbling, bots artil'tctal andi saturaI' A ligbsiag store cas help yen cutmize yosr lîghtîsg need. 'If u's nol already part ofet Mlcm, I»res- emmend installisg a misdom or slcyligh sn the office. Net enly <lacs a wtsdam or skylîghî pro- vide an excellent lighî source, is offers psych- legical benel'îs as mel. STORAGE SPACE - Yen neyer cmn ba(t enou0i sterage space: ami as yen priisper se do yenr filing semis. A couple et standard thre dramer lilisg cabinets cas smallom tke mcm s xpacç4icety quîckly. A crafismas cmn customie yeur sterage space. matcbîng yeur tamîîare scbemi' Sarpringly. cusiomized cabinets s6n kc less exjrssise tiban pnrcasisg masufactured cabinets or files. FOR INFORMATION ON THE AGaVE AND OTHER FARMU. 11U1.LD1INO LOTS AND COUJNTRY HOMES IN AND AROUND TH4E GANFSELLVILLE AREA. CALL SYLVIA UURSEY ..your country property sp.ciuliats