2à39(XK) RVM»C OWER 0F SALE -Thi wel ox aied downtown p oerty offr C-1cmmerca oning on the main ooý ih twoapartmns aboeI you 'ne 1 nor agond S199~X~RVMIX GREAT OPPORTUNITY To lie and work in same location. Turn of the cemy home, barn with 510 e) or, worlcshop, forge and storage. CHECK THE PRICE Wallkt parkland &G.9 Transit a>actiee 3 hedroom, 2 washmroms end uni with eat-n kithen, separate dining noon large living ro&6m with walknut, finied rec nmand oferdtiv n l 8.9. Ask fr ROYAL LIPAGE kPPtHIL[ FARM (1843) Cà;efully rre,red (>nlarjo,t,,ne ho,e w4th ne, -rng 3 coach bouse Nestled very secluded n 109 %pr<tacuIar auý wh pu3. pd & hu.hh Picturesque bank baru & traits. (mphellMle. ofig $759,O)43. NOW $5,Ol 44 ROAL ýuLPAG, H¶~NflOMSUAIr (1859) Chaming ereoOOnwxo rueoise ith mgnuùeu ,g se on nincured grouids uh 20' s4O'pou sep ae & barn on37 wni cres h pol& m4er Th Canaa fruem lmt D*Kial rions & hwh redime lyoe.ddu Uin t. C n.m6 . il ROYAL LIPAGE 646 MOUINT PIEASANT IOAD Herilag Inn, laigastic'resaurant, ready Iu go - Al equîp- mint, disM, etc. includled -seats 140. ireit large kitrfien, also antached 3 bedoin qitl. mmen Iny9 yeaýsnid )-Cal me fur bruchure.