Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Aug 1996, p. 28

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*Open houses If fyousieever bougllt orsold 4 home. yaetre Sprobably failiar wtth open hottsès and the mile Sthey cani play in the sale or purcbase of a home, .c Open b>ouscs are a marketing toril whîch can >ý belp gise a home éiposure. allowing neyeraI Spotential purehasets to viesa propeimes oser the corse" tof a day or iwo -usually on a week- In addition iii holqilg oîpen houses for tbe Spublic. real estate practthiîirrs lno conduct Sopen bumes for other rmai estate profesiols. 'Mis gtveç tkem a chance lu promule: their tntq- i ngs wih other practîtioners wbe may have Ssaîtable buycrs saho wîîuld kc inierested in thLese paflicular peipenties. Hînta for Vendors il yîîare a vendor. your ceai estate prîîfcs- sîîînaI wil petivide yen satl sorte klpfui bints (in hîîw fi, niake yîîur prnperty nmire mar- ketable. [-irsi ofi aIl. your prîiperty shîîuld kc in toîp- nuîti. coînditioîn Io create a favorable ami last ing lîrsi impression wilît piiteniial hnyers. Kecp yîîur lassn trimmeil andltîdy. Aiso, make sure iliatle. beioges ami shenlis look seat - vni uu romi. branches thats hîock thk view iyonr m~te tir bide srtire ils% besi assetlSt Repaîr any unsîgbuly cracks oîr billes in hour wàIkway or steps <bat could prîîve lii lie a sale- <y baiard And diîn'tl ave tiiols and tuQys strewn urîîund tbe froînt or hackya d These I~~C ~~JELST, JSRI provide valuable role in home buying detrs frorn your ,oi mailing it lok like an obstacle cotrse. Tbley coutil aseo prove to ke bazardousif sommroe pnppeil over thient. Tf.yotir tnim or Sitdting looks dirty. wjsh tl usîng an appropriate çleMning solution. ('tour hardware store can pmbably gise you tips on what's bet Io use.I And if your patntwoth is peeling or hlistening, it's tinie for snntte cosina- te surgery. A liple paint caffigo a long way te enhance thse rnarkctahility and curli appeail of your hom, If you're unable to tackke tke job yoursrf. bite a professional for bes results. Indoors Indiniri. oîpen np cutr5ins and blinils to let iii as mucli natural light as possible. This helps sow your homne Io ils hest advantage. Ani kc sure il, mose any cluiter ouiî of sigbt andl rearrang lumnitare thlai îb impedle traffic Rooms sbuiuld al.st kc thorouglily aired and as fresli as possible - panticularly if yînu have pets or.somecone in yîiur lamîly is a smoker. Vocale the Premises for the I>ay Yîiur realiîîr %ili reiimrnend that yîiu Icave lie premîses dnring the oîpen hîîuse iii lelp* rnake'priispectin buyers Iccl as ciimfîirtablc and rld &s possible If youre in thinissone, purcliasers are likely iii be mitre întîrnîdatcd and reluctant Ini gîve yîîur home tke thorougli s îewîng il desers a. You wanî people il, lully appreciate ail tbe I USTI &LUIE WODS mvy psy renii Ilv in cniinon, 3 bedroornu. finîsh.d reerstton rnoun Aslung $119.900, Cati vnne *mv haWnu Lovnly milan- 'nd Sfla huuhhutuiy Ptîttd vr rettias Cantral la mary- cou Joyce Scait tvduyi IFUL HOMES ON OTS IN TOWN . 4NO çN 'CIAL REDUCED 3 bedmOm bungalow, living roum witti fil Tom wW & ydota #lot lin n94,Oa. YvGondiine h ite - ml vok riçu.e (95 87s29 autnbutes your bornefs Io offer - andtdry uttestding open bouîses, Iee in mind e11 vîew- may noi foui lite opentng closrnu and cuphooards ing an opten bouse lina pnivilege. - or talking about dtcorating possibtlitie" if Aine, keep in mind lisat tdm malter on duty is you're in the bouse acting us bosi of thle vendor baff Tkl sales- Malte arrangements for you. yonr btidren person sboluld ke treaea ith saillit m respect ami pets te bave a day-long ontvl durng the you would gise the vendor. open hgune. (After ail. you don't want Fîdo Wben asked te identify yourself at an open jumping on or bpzlung at prospective bnyers - bouse. you sbudsign tke guest registr. The Imd you cesssnly dot't want porchasers te mis- sendor bas the night wo request tbat you sign tke îskenly la flnffy. your indoor est, oui the back registr, providing your nanme. addrcss and tree doom.) pD plonumbgr. Secure Veluables It's alto impoirtaint Io refrain front wandenng mbrougb tke boul wîtbottt the salespersort pre- Icfîire you Icave, put aIl persolial propenfy sent. If tke resitor is busy. watt untîl ki or skc s likc jewelry. medications and fragile items sacil able to shoîw yîîu arîîand Afier ail. ibe reai oui of barm way, in a sale, scure stlrage estatc pmofessional wîli kc able fi, point tithek place. Don't Icave any tnoney lyîng ariind. Tii features of the boume and anser any questions make sure evcrytbîng is secare and ready In you. may hase. receive vîsîiîîri quickly inspeci yîîur hime wîtli Wben aîîetnding oîpen hîmse. uis also impor- yiwr realiiîrjust kefore you ceave. tant Io clanly ap trint %hio yîu're wiitlong wîib Realtrirs know that ils% important. tii cotînrtl - parlicitiarly il yiîuse licen, vîewîng homs traflic in ami oi if oîpen bouses ami tu have a sa thl anîîiber reai estale professional Kcep in regîster loi ail visitors ta sîgn mIl baât lie cealime yiu're working satl lias If you have any paritular coneis about the one to, a lot of. effort on your kbcait and wotîn oipen bouse, dont kc afrutid wo IaIý Ii your real- get patid a commission il you swltcli Io anlotker tîor In sec wliai suggesioîn% he or she mîghî reaittî. baseý J Thisa Onu le i i pro'idéd bi loi-al e-auorsIr -ip forBu, ad the Ontario Re-al Litate Aiiiii talion Tîpa or Duers OREA)fiîe the lienefil aiîînsuinieei iii t/le reai On the lîp side of the coin, il you're a buyer esare ntaekei Ma intaiqi thefeel of summer yemar round with house plants With the fait se.isnn juýt .tround thc comcr, stock, fakir a gond look aii isat ynu'c flot andl you may isani to take somc tlime oui fronm the what seems ti, tbnve unde-r ceriain conditions. j 1oys nit outdoor living fi think about isays nil Cnnsider ligiti factors. luiutdity lesels and heat making )our indraîr isorlil a folle hnghter and Some plants koc low lighi conditions. whtili more cosy ibis fait and wîntcr. lithers ttced a certain amount (if direct daily %un- Wtthout a dout. bouse plants arc a perfect liglit way 10 malte your home cheerier, healîhier Il ýîu're starting-froin smatch. ihtnk ucarefuii> lespcciaIiy if you use plants ishicli hcip cul aboutl treas ol %our home sebere siu'd Ilke - lo dosen on air pollutants). more deoiriis and put plants If lies seem Iuîtaih impractical certifnly more colortul. F-lois cring plants tn becatjec (il lîght conditions- or simdpis lvi dit- paficiular catn belli yiu Ilat lthe Icei ii ticoil( 1,, recclor regular mîaintenance. consider sumrnier ail year round ndiiors- ebeit Ihiiagl soieîartifiiaigrt:iicrs ,as a siahie .tlemàtie the tempecraînre îîutside may plumniet iii suh- flýt>'sIlk plants look siatlaip oip IeCriuîempm(atares pie bae lo-tîuch thera tý-i1i 'Y" b7r ea , Plants arc alst, a reliaiTely nc'xpevsisc rhav li floi Il you cliîvs& tis route, %hop tm"nd auil decuirale and caan heip liiil ii diflîcaît gaps and .conmpare pnices Tlhire arc man> stires a1lahie camoiuflage certain items- like radiatiirs, or today sshich spei.iali siiiei in anticiai plaitll aisiciard. unu'sual arcas where nothîng eise A i:eceor grîupîng îi talpiant, cati aisu se %eins il) lit1 as ant attractive and eflectis e roiim dis ider ilr On ihe otur hand. plants ian 'abc, lie aseil ti evampie. tcus ire tir griiap oi peace file, highligltt special arcas ot yiiia home, lîke catn looîk pantcularly appeaiing alcoves, lange windows and liandings. Tbey cati Wben chooisng plants. looîk lîîr ciiinrs. tes- kscn lie piaced along flk sides oi staireases. for tures andl shapes ihat appcai Ioi yîu, thbm check Wdramatîc elfeci. 10f course, ilis may noeillbc with garden store staff tii sec wbat types oiicuits, practical ai ail, il you have yottngsters; or pets i dînions tisese plants prefer. (Man) plants sbuiuld If you have a ftnasled. heated solartym, you corne wîth small cards whîch descrîbe ihe have the perfect place tu creaqe a tropical amnneat of lîght, water andl lerilîcer reuired. i oasis--even in thse dead of winteirAlmos[ any Obviou5!y. arsun-lnvîng plant like a cactus plant satîl îhnive in this type of atmospbre.,nd wonît appreciate being elaced in a durIt cornter wîtb sente wîcker fumîiture and colorful cash- On Ibe other lianil. don't expeci a shade-losîng ions, you ean eraie n special tropical oasis plant or low-iight plant fi thnve in inense sun- where yen cani escape fromn tise harsh rmaites light. Aiso kcep in mind that certain plants such of wintcr as sbiirn*lons peace files and Chinese eser- If you already have a nurnbeLof bouse plants greens are siappose lu to bp f'ilterput air poilu- and mereiy want Io augment your exisiing tanis. When purcbasing your plants. cb'eck the Icaves for any signs of daniage oîr insects. Many Millcreek.Adui CommUnity shops carry guarantees wîth their plants. so ,lffordîhhe Lîinin ti êMn/el 1.rn Par bang orico youj- sales receipt. If you sec riotfs uni Bvutîî,îm iiuî ilîi« ., 1.9,t00 shootîng ouîof the drainage boee in the liontm tis tdîiîvm, .v liath,îuîn of the plant po, it's a gond ides tu transplant li i li uii'iv the plant into a larger container wtthmore soif Most plant vaneties reqaîre watcring when lte soit no longer lias any moisture that cani lie sqtmeczcd out of ii. Hatwver, plants fllke ecdi slmotld only lie watced wlhen tbe surface latil beomes qutte dry. Neyer iswer-watcr or under- ..........walt& your plants. Millcreek Ferttlizing can alseo give plants a boot Chcck (519)73.1048w th your local gardenîtsg centre, or consali (519)763-048 ortielibrary t1osIo sie I dtleperts rc- Aberfnyle, Ontario ommniend. Again, it's impo [0(t toverdose your plants wîth feetilizer.0

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