DESIGN, b for- LIVING e 1 A home 9for the '90s E - O Copyright SELECT HOME DESIGNS ~ Extenort feziture% make ihN a hon fo t he .,X,%. inc ldîng the convenient and ýekorin- J ng front porch and sIriighitorîward hasce n- iene foundcation and lramnn lunes - -C(entrai hall plan t. a ttmelebIy lutKtOll a No 20 514 > de'.agt vihich eflcttvely dt'tde,% btînnal and iniormaI arc&%. and tralia. * Iocu% un rear yard of dtning moffi. kitchrn and famnily rooim% Ict voit eate and cnjoy la- y(utti.%tyardte.a Br Br 3 *VaÙjllcd living rîvîni crcte% a hèloied and 11- IxO loxtO dramalic hall uptatrs A O-.4F.I Mastcr suie tN qulte luxunous, vivai a large t340 walkn clowet. gard1 tub and separae Ilt . * sfai*er cwft Ti, rtcsvc a 3Ia> pagc plan book for inly 111 --- -- Ç9,95 i încluding sh.pptng andl (ST, leatérng3.14IIIIII thi% desiagn and maire than 4(X) other beauitful.10 I ly illustraielt honte and c.ottage detgns. iul a tir e-mait to se leci homedetgnfg msc corn, (specdy fThe Cariadian Champion l. We aî.ccpx VIEA 1 Ma.terCafd / AMEX For paymrent vta chcque or mnoney orikr. niake payable tii Design for Lttng. c/o The Canadian Campion. send Io #301. 611 Alexanderl u Stret.Vanou~r.B C 'thA iifirat level 994 sq.ft. 'second icyel 847 sq.ft. MILLPOND REALT INC., REALTOR IlIW .....500 Steeles Ave., Milton IAN 9LIVER - Pubilsher 876- 633Adverttsîng: Neil Oliver (Manager) REALTY WORLDM 2 Hu Answering Service* Real Estate Rep: Andrea Boyl1dl Rubkshed by The Canadian Champion, 191 Matn St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 878-2341' FaX:'(905) 878-4ffl Adverting as acceplsd on lthé condition thal, ln lte avent ola typoraphcal error ta!t por' bon of te advetîsng space occupied by the erroneous item. logettier wilh a reasortable I I i . . aillowance for signature will flot b. charWe for. bul thé balance of lte advetemnt wdfbe pand for et te applicable rate. lte publisher reetervea té rtght to categorize antied adverting In the avent of typographical en-or. aditeîtising goods or aervtcesat ilhf wroeag 1M prie, gooda or seitieas may flot be eold. Adîîertiaîng ea merely en offer bo ael end may bat withdrawnl et any lima. Produced on behaff of fte Oaraîlle, Miltonr and Ditdncl Rea Eata» GAIL SAXON W m Sales Représentative , a ,a a ~ana r.~'.-.a a(905) 270-8880 OPEN HOUSE SUSDAY, AUGUST 2STH, 2 TO 4 PPW% ________________________TREES, TREES TREES! in~a Ai.irn'am~o m~.nqma~naaotim ~$243,500