~DateUn.e Dateline is a frisc listing of coming .i of . occurrence aithougf mre maer- o vents onfy. The tolumn is availabie ta tions are possile if demeiid l law. local commianity groupe lat asiet mn puo- Notice for Dateimne esould ho wniten !mating the(r future amants. Oriy charita- and banded in ai the office af Tise u. hie or non-profit convnuroty groijit may chamipion. 161 Main Si. E., fmm tc us un u service. W. con onil, guaranite et P.C. Box 244, Milan. Dn.; LSTà 4N9. anc issue ai puiilly coesfatolite date or faxcd ta (905814943.te final Fi - lv can of fer national brands with a comprehensive guarantee arid the lughest -standard of ethics in *the business. So trust your auto reptairs to ail of us *at Bob's Auto Service. And join us foi oui Grand Opening. Together, we'1l toast to tie success of, *the newest, most-experietic,% teami around.. BOB'S AUTO SJÉRVICÉ 1CM E RCIAL STREET 878-7926 iT» -p . ufes-S spn in-Ba e Aý Ilîreeday basketbail clinic fiii hîgh shiral girls ofl nidget. junioîr and seior age t.ikes place i Miltoni Distictd lligh S,.hivl fromnt 2 lii 4 pinm AIl înteresied girls are suelconie l'or more information, con- lact M. Glcson at 8S4-2714 -sets DATELINE on page 17 uicaif1 Io noan Ftiday for Woe deY$ editin and noan Weo»day for Fridays edioni4Çàtoh l ilnn MI flot ho accepi- edhytelop1one. Salurdoy Auff. 24 Local nenior citîzens hold a foarate sudl boite ie ai lihe mua of 40 Ontario St. froru 9 a.m. lit vnont. The sale feaurrv a seide varmey of items and hame-bakral goodicu. Proceedu go In lthe Bruce Apartmenîs Seniors Association. Your Turning Point offers fiçee non- sîcehlsall wine tratit a( 16sf Milton powntown Farmer' Marke.l The winc is available for purchave by hontle or case as a funtlraiser for 6e soon-to-rîpen faciîily foîr young drug and aliuhuil asusýrs. Discounled Canadisý Wianderland tickets arc ais> for sale, For morre infoirmaion. caUi Denise Mule ai 879-6519 îîr Nicky Peatmin ai 878-5364. Sun àfAug. 25 -Mfississauga's Fckatlkar Comîn ty invites Miliomnits te, attend the Eck ur Worship Service ai Huli Fosqer Ha Brown Sc.front 1:30to3 p.m. fIe serv iv made up of fellowvsfnp v*akers. missi ligisi refreshmenls andI listing nfHu s*rrd name for Gos I-or more inf iita inn ' inias. Asimmine Sofianki ai 9 30)37. Hope Place Womren's Trealmnent Cfiiîre holids the Hike For Recovery '96 fu draiser. Registration takes place friont lf%. Il arn ai Southvievs Plaj.a (Ontario Street andI Derry Rouad. ThL hîke clînsîsis of ui routes -N6 and 6 km. Regîstratîon cîîsts $5 for adulis Children are admilled fieeý A bareudI ai Hope Place ffîllaisis the like. I-ir anImher informaioun and registra- tioîn liirnýIsual 875-3214, -Moleay AilE. 26.28 CONSEIL DES ÉCbLES CATHOLIQUES DE IIALTON INSCRIPT'IONS PAR ANTICIPATION POUR LES ICOLES DE LANGUE FRANÇAISE POUR L'ANNÉE SCOLAIRE 1996-1997 P<&k NIVtI 9 li I.ÉVIS NON INSCRI Aul PRÉALAoi.E Sacré-Coeur, Gorcown: Maternelle ëI la8' année: le mardi 27 août 1996 de 9 h à 15 hi Les enfants éligibles pour la maternelle doivent avoir quatre 14) ans au plus tard le 31 décembre 199. Certificat deoaptêmeet un record d'immunisation complet doivent être soumis. Pouar de plus ajiples renseignements. commuLni5aer avc votre école. LE&CLASSES DÉBUTENT LE MERCREDI 4 SEFMRl r9% LES ROUTMS D'AUJTOBUS SCOLAIRES SONT AM!CHRES À V'ETE PRINCIPALE DE CHACUNE DES ECOLES. IL Clwk Flul L SueMy Présdent, *edo de bnge bmuç*e Dkldnw de I'eéjcm"a J TIuE IIAI:ON ROMAN CATIIOLIC SCIIOOL BOARI) ADVANCED-JWGISTRATION 1996-97 SCHQOL VEAR ffltN %IY STt DENI S . NuiT PRBqViii SiàRi.sSRi 41EEMENTARY CHoO)I.s JE Hi GkADIS il ,cdas, Augu ij 271h $1iiiim il i lvii, H.upîmýinai I enlitate requirc" and ne,,ars uiuniniiu mu he .unuplccJ lOIS MORL iNORMATION ('ail >orua ru-1 ( amhulic rlcmni.r> uliv ('LASSES BEGlIN WEDNIiSDAY. SEI'TEMBER 4, 1996 SUS ROUITE.% POSThI> AT TIfF MAIN ENTRANCE OF EACH SCH(O>I. SECONDARY 501OOLS: \1',nda v. Auugui 26 Ioi tridýiy. AugasI li0. 1996 Y ISba m 1 ffip m I-OR )RE INIORNAIONý istrrrp Bl h Red.ng (Scrs,1010 Main Si Ei-a Miliirn 1175 il24Iiffi (LASSES BE(11 WEDINISDAV, SEI'TIMBFER 4. 1996 MIS9 RuIUTES POSiTIE AI THE "AN ENTRANCi' OF FACH SCHHdI\X îTHE ADULT ,ERNiNG; CENTRE: IALON RCSSB: Srrving lturlingiom. Oakville. Milton andI Haln Hilîs RegisUaiiin Anyiinc alier Augusi 26. 1996 FOR MORE INIORMATION. Tise Aduli Learmng Cenire 257 1688159 2llTrafalgar Rrad. Oa lI CLASSES RDIlN WEDN1FSDAY, SEPTRMBER 4,l9 Alice Anne LeMay sN~~f Fred L. Sweeney Chair ....,- Director of Education Phsoto b IG~RNIAM PAIN.f In the. loop. 'Bob Wilson, owner of Bob's Auto Service, haq Ioinod ths AutoRLACE nationsl neInvorc of Indepen- dent service centres. The now arrangement &Uowe Mr. Wilson te, provido à national wanrrnny through let- Iow dealers and accers ta, botter prlclng on parts through volume discounts. Fig ht toi save -museumn fr0. F1UNDRA9ýRS on page 7 Sirice 1979 more tian 1,5M0~<In-eprt donis con-i lribuiedi to the nwcamn' s carrent col~ lion of 301 building,. I 5.(x) iftias.1 lit cultic fret If ar>ýise malenal and ntirc ihan 70K8) books, The endi of Labour Day sveekend marks Cw end (il ific musc uin's regular sc"m. Oiy a fcw spcial esents remain including a Chnsinias Craft Fi-dî on Sept. 21-22. which also IeaIurc, an antique car sh,)v4. and the spcîal lundrai-er At the.muaseum cos- ianied intcrpreIcrs. hislonc buildings and arîifa,.s tell the %tory (ii Ontarios rural pasi. Aciilies. demonstratitins and ssalking Icurs arc ssheduled daily Thurssa) ihrîiugh Suniday, Thei museumn s loaird wesI if Miltn proper on Tremai iç Ruad. (Toswn Uine) jasi mvii oif Kclso Cîînsraion AreC I¶' more i ntîirniation auil 978-81I1. For i iîcli to t he spec i- tundraising cveni on Sept. Ie. I ci 1888835-5002