jHornby resideni B 8 USA TALLYN !SpocW I o The. ghaMpi.on Several Homby residents milde il clear ai a public meeting 1asa Iweek ihey do nul wanl a trucking facility on Steeles Ave neïr Hombly Rd lise toelîni foc'used on H.A.S. GuIi Transmalous's applica- l ion go amcend Halmi HuIs' zonl.ng to allow for lt tn.cking oper- lion. SWhile thse plupcrty ip question is lechnically part of Halton pHilis. thLoperatugn îs elloce l Mollon Ihan qhat communlly. 13In lihe spring. Ffallot HIlIs chgrged ihe cofnpany %vigi a zo)ilng i nfraci ion for illegal use of thse propchy, allcging thse compasy opcraîcë a truek depot hctwecn Septernber. 1995 and Matchi <~1996. 11wh company wa% ln courg on gthe charge la.st lhursday. and the rial date w&% adjurcd 1o TIiur'ay, Sept. 5. le ler% il) Hallon Hîil %iaiing liseir gisiecfions lo the truck ýs are. angry over trucking ilepot facility. nsany aiea residents say UV~ butineas continues Wp apaia. A petibion sigise4 bya&bout lIS= are eaidei wtesubj-1tbothe At lige meeting Hornb4 resident Vic Ilendnickson sudt ke %vas opposed go the application because tIse PrOPeriY waa hf a rural cluater area& He sait approvaIl il -will metan thse death of Hoenby." Mr. Hendnckson added the facility has MÇAnt noise. Pollution and reducedpropetty values for aie residesus. HoMny resuden.Randy Howden said ke was fed up wilh lise dust and Oce noise front tihe tnucking facillly. en add e hca. beepers froSi trucks Isaking ÜgL0 die yard kegidnti 3 ar. JimSrKw. aiso of Honly, %aW hecouldn1 tlýev#Olt >tou people are su aslcep ai the swtch go allow thîs lu gel to thî t$e" wilhout pe ius and appruals Peter (lie. a platiner represenqing lise appLicani. said (5ill ingeis 10 jliu»e is uiling pagrallel tus Steeles Ave go creat; àa buffer fiom the lnacks. lie added the dniveway wîIl kc reloigtrd and paved lu cul jown on dusi. Huý said the truck lraffic and noise issues aie still kîing sgudied. Haîfkin HuIs municipal platiner Alan Binks said Halion Region is oppu'cd lu the proposai because die tnsckîng terminal is not a permilled use tkerc in th regiiuns officiai plas. Mr. Bînks said in his report on the applicatlin lise Halton Regin Conservation AutIsor<y (HRCA) is cpnsoaed tie truck- ing oeratlin is affecting thk creek glial rugi.' (Wseugh de land. and noted a drainage uuullel bas becs huili wilhout thk HRCAs% pet- mi»sioti Counicîllor. didnli delsate the CJîlI applicationbut ame expecîrd 10 i ais upuj)irng meeting. AI CODIIOIN F e *.TRCT