Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Aug 1996, p. 6

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+ COMMENT Box 248.' 191 Main Si. E., rail tMIM 111.11 OuM e.nsh esSO Wesasd ~' Millon. Ont L9T 4N9 F16W tal toi wal si E. 1,1910 Oft Let 4il (a. 24i1 n - ne Fax: 878-4943 CO ralla tq55dW IMUC.-4«E.1 Mis Ou.e. 8 Classified: 875-3300 neot fnWi LMUntsbo WIN 11WUM sloiansE fan Oliver Publisher ia atliheenîilen4 MuiMsîsmu l Nteil tils er A vsomePhhtoMnsOnsI ls O i" Os1 aman 1Cw.nV F Vaîntaf .-g l ittî - trOln W M ,ttî- W-.1uuf tone Sbosale - &Iean Os l.at eo bç 0mim ti tat WB -Ted I.tnds.y Reu no' î,am, puoeenaostitn sM' naloou aantint e O1Mc Can't help yoù, Greg Pavelich-- Amuîn today's letner. Io the editor is one lrom Grrg Pavelich. who e s gpparenfly repreesenting a Tmrnnto-based griiup calledý)uttSpo)ken. Thme suh-heading on tht irgani/ation*s Ietterhead tinys it is -An action andi advmncacy grniup io erlid media disrimnaiomn againsi leshians. bisexuals and~as Mr, Paveflch takes tfim ne%%spaper te task for printing Gradme Barreqts, name when Mr. Barett. tlhâewrntendenq tif education ser- t ices for the Halmon Botard ut-Uducaîîîîn, was charged th a police crack- domwn. The raid mîxik place in paTtands owned by thé Royal Botanical tiardens mn the Burlîngumîn-Hamtluîîn arb 'atter public ciompWtntN mof lewd behasitur in the area. The charge againt Mr. Barreti was later dvmtpped, ass the Crmtwn eut a deal mhich tam Mr. Rarret. whmle admittmng nt) wrongdoing. make a doinatioin fit charnty and promise nom te, remum ii mihe park. A duiien mien wiere cliargeti with vanious undeceni acms tn the raid. Nîîw these alleged intiecent acqs centreti arounti homosexuality. attttrting to police, but thal * n and tif itsjf Jitini leai uIo tfhe crack- -dmn. lnqticent acis. generally consitet in ibis clintexi as unaccep- able public sexual behas tour. citulti just as easily hase instilvet hetero- texual exhibititinismri That toit woîuld bave tiratn objecitios% from the average Ptark strofler. nou itu, especialfy if accompanteti by children Mr. Pavelich says Ibis newspaper woulti likely neyer waste time reporting (in "smraighm' people found mn fuver's lanes. Prubably nOi * given the innocent conotîatiton of the terni 'lover*% fane., which cmon- * jutes Up % isions of high sehimîl kmds necking mn a parental car on a nidge somiewhere. Buf we would report on prositutioin mn a res-ideimial neighboruhocxl tir coîmplainas of lewd heterinsexual anitics Ioosety 'camomaflaget imn a public park. And. tuf course, we would name prominent peopl e who were allegedti m have aken pari mn such illegal behavtour, once lhey were cnimînally charged. In Mr. Barremm's case the facm mbam the charge cenmred around alfegeti homosettual advances ý'vtm nom mhe crux of mhe issue. although no doub îm engendereti contrm)veKy. The facf wvas, a man whbî enjoyed a bugh position of rust andi influ- ence un tihe focal public board of educatuon was aflegedif have stoopem 10 a lower moral level - 10 committing a crime. 'When Halton Nocth MPP Ted Chadieigh learrnet of mthe simuation, bu made im clear bu was taken aback andi concemed, in mmmth partly betcause of the allegeti homnosexual namure of mtme aem bum equally su due lo to fact a mai mn a posimion, of public mrusm had been chargeti wumh a crimmnal offense related mu wham Mr. Chutileigh feli was deeply flawet judge- mient. He was nom mthe only one tu holti such a view. ltis mmce, as Mr. Pavelucli states, tham gay people who have mbuîr sex- ual orientaion dusemivereti offt undergo profounti sress, and there has heen at leasm one tiocumnenmed case un soumimeun Onmario un whuch a man killeti hureself liMai us Iragic, but we musm am tome fevel accept respon- sibmlity for our actii*is. If duscremon us so important, why seek dal- fiances mn a public pl ace? Ibis lb nom the firsi mumethus bas happeneti mr- Hal ton - the samne sort of crackdown too)k place at SWeI Park in Oakvôlle a few years agit. We %unit stop printung names mn sueh circumnstances. imat woulti bu an abrogation of reiaponsibulity. Our mandiate is tomiunforon the public. It s% up Ioi the public iben. tu tiecide what iii do wîlh thima information, andi humA t ureat thuse ativeenely affei.teti by it. Rob Kells Pages of the J>gst, One YearAgo Froue the Augunt 16, 1995 L'saut aStaff ai Mouiosfsrg Coiu$ervaimîo Areasý rapitir rcha hiliatiton censre were puepar.ng mine ti ifîir paienus for surginuy Merlin the greal fiomiet timl was geutiog set fFr iL tnip uni flic (Inuertily tif Wiscnin mlmere surger %as mml obe perimirmei on the cauarats mn uts rîghi cyo fi mas helueve io b0 tiuhe firsi uinme yuch a promedure m'as aulminms- teret 1 gr forneti mm1 Me Mrbu o the regional heafifi and social sers ces comt t tfirew Ineur suppprt behmnd a ptan mhau wmîsft puu a m&ir nce tag on Allendale's hlter nitms. There was -<6me bLuaem ihat lime neai implementatimns woufld creaue a iwo-îtered systemt at uhe Ontanio Sirel reûrement home. The plan was passeti andi mas expectet m gcncraue St5,0 tSoe)m uoffset mthe antucipateti lotis of proiuuial [uundi- ing. -Halmon Region.-offi.ial Tony Affialfa, reportethe suc cessent clean ap of fow levcl waler contamination near Milton Distrnct Hospital. To s-amples taken duning the previtous weck simoweti no coliuom couitaininatm. allose- ung region officiaIs tn gise lim area's water a ithunbs np. 20 Years Ago *Froma th AugMa 1.811976 lsue - A ton-mile suretch of witue t\vater aimd bel ly-up fini m iet Eimvoroemmcnî Ontario ins-pecioes as llicy invesuigaucti the Smmmeen Mile Crekneae Miloo, The accident pas ioacd the sewtage ufeatieni pfantiun tnown Ministry, peronnel m.onnJtnm thau an accidentaI spill released tortu sorry inio tfhe ereek. cimnsequenty afuenng tfhe pff les-el anti kif fing a I.mîW urumer ot I li Me coîntamiaion ma% ticiiiuall stoppeti and thse oçeeksý flîîm returusi fie pH fends% fý nor mal b> ihai ceeinug - nudget rscmIins foîrieti Muln Distitit Honspital iii cloise abotiu 25 hLds min di,îli rsI floue duong ditne mçoIhs ii July andi Auguu Thme cliisingî mere part mît an atieqpu[i omei uhé Minisiry oif Healufîs ortiereil $ý7.K)0 redusion mn the Nixspital's bmudget. No enîployeci bail un bu fyd f f. buti there mere subsantial reikcti(tns un partmmmemoîrk l'fr .surgery anmd pediauncs wards were closni as ýnell. Pai,t neeiling thee srsites were relocaue tem anotbur fmospiIal 5 0 Yea rs 4go From thee Amaguif 15, 1946 lput Miluon panid tribule un 204 men andi msenen who seri cd duning thse Second World Wae wumh a celebratuon au tfiý, fairgrnds anti a parade dosen Main Street. ie Lorme Scots Regiment led mime parade ofuichiaw Mayor Dawos~n beîng driyen un a 1904 model car. Wau time festuvulîes reacme th ie fairgroninds. a number 0f races andi coniests mook place andi a moment of nilence mas lield for mliçmc ser- vêceuen who tiieti oversm. a Thec Milton Juvenilea lnonnedt Osille 11-4 ta uake uhe Hallon BasebalI Champibneshup. Milton was tu ride a teruic record of 10 waimnti anc lotis unuime next round.

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