f Sign one-year deal New town'public works contract Tlhe Town of Milton hm forged an agmecenrt fe a Matthews, therc arc veM leu changes trrn it prcli on c ar conîraci wmth unions representing public (rUS coniract lic said chew arc 'orne caps no- ohm s Issmploycs health care provlismmns sorte Neimoriiy isSUucre Wlml the coniract is descnhcd as ,mtalus quo- hy clearcd Up and there is a smal Jlawhack (in ovanume f John Mafthews, Milton'% direemor of pulie works, one pay. He charatemmi the negoamons as *amicable" W major addition to tihe agreemrent requrires thme town le, Unrder uhe new agreciiient aji employee in a ssorc provide employces wmthsix monqhs mili~e, or the crew classiicaion camrs $T3 .20 pcr hour whuie the equivalerit mn pây, mn the event of a layof! resultmng crcw chief carre% $16,22 per hour. Some biho~imnues frrnt contracing out work. Au.cording tir Mr. arc aI-ru mn place. îi s Onthe ffight ine Don Wqsr, a bogno pio liiUa d odal ASClub, gat ellt for lte taiOf de Uf hl 1 ol. hlgltî lainWer, a Supersta 60, offr le a pact il MOt uuda qlgiOnn.nPl rn Town of Milton [1 ~Official Plan 1 -~Meeting of Couýci1 Date: Monday, August 26,1996 Place: Council Chambers Milton Town Hall Victoria Park Squaremhu --im Milton *rime: 7:30 pm The Town of Milton has cômpleted it's revieW and analysts of comment presenled to the Draft Off iciaI Plan on June 26th,.............. 1996. The purposè of the Council meeting is to table the Officiai Plan and to allow the public toi address any fînancial issues prtoir tai the Plan being adopted by Council. The Official Plan (August, 1996) is ayailable for review at either m the Planning & Devllopment Department counter in Town Hall, M Victoria Par k Square, or at the Milton Public Library, 45 Brur'e * e Street, Milton. If a p orson or public body wishes toi çegister as a deputation for this Council Meeting, pleage register with the Town CIerý nr writing outliniag the subject of discussion by 4:30 p. m., August2l1, 199el. If you are not already on the OfficiaI Plan nýaiIing list and wish wa to bÉnotified pf the adoptton of the Off iciaI Plan, y ot must make a written request to the Corporation of the TovWn oi Milton, PC. Box 1005, Milton, bntan.o, L9T 46 - AtIn: E. lovio, Dirçtor of P1Inning andi Development. If further information is desired, please con1hct the Planning and Development Department at (905) 878-7211 M L O A L 55 Ontario Street, iltàn. MILTON S on T LA CMù&UNt,87-37