Passenger 's condition stili ~serious after one-car crash A Ayo-ui y AvenueIari continueso A 20-year-old McFariand Court. ghto i e i cn a Hamim in al fol- Camphelvile -ia facesllmgmwsy Treille win ingle-vchicle crash on theCivic. Act charges o cresstlntiing MWddivflg y. John Taylor. 21. was listed mn whule under suspension. senous condition mn dime intensive carre unt of Hamilto Ocucrai Hospital Monday MrTaylor was apassenger in a veicle Cnrm e rate could miai Wenm out of contimms on Né. 1 5 Smdcrmam jusm wem of Fmfth Lmne shoflly. reach newèheights afler 2,30 Augusm 5. The vehîicle wemit mmco a dîlch and %wmck a M.0 Ah&il $8.000 worth of equmpmermta Speedtwas a laotot mn mhc accidenm,. stolen ovemigmi Thursdy front a Hwy. 25 liaison RtegmonaI Police samd conslflîct'On site. In crimmcai comndimtmimn. Mr. Taylor was Two 228-foot fiherglass extension lait- aken mn Mmlton Dmstrct Hnmspmat-aid trans- tiers, a step) ladder and a saw werç taffl porcml mc Hantmlsmn Gemitral Hcspmtal. front mthe site, sitiiated aI Holgatt Cobscetg. The accimdenm mv undçr mnvestimga*imon by Thte thieves cul a padloct on s tol bmox Haimon polce's publmc çafeiy unmt. mo steal lim saw. 0 ~ÎÏ, SgENVERAL TIRE (. Ehbeçuîl ofsp*sîel onis iaasg.e iusimu, Televisio> entrepreneur lias «a reason to smile for the camera Tht is vice-presidema of Totonto-b.ed YOUtIY 'incagtadok no $27i!Th.o CIuIwiofl sis dinventoir of the portab le television *uduo Làai aasisa. vi.-- ,Po.- ts ont of fouli finalists mn tht comptis aidan o c putm iaamy lireai blt ai ss wy mMlet " aegr n ol oa davmd Peaccet hPt fawsy anlisend var Niertu wtd le help hum remiemhtbr hms special day. Gtiests wcre asked t0 exlend theur gond wîshes mn front of a camrent - in a vmdec bonh sel uponumide the recqmtion hall. Five years laser, the fun creation has led tu hig things for the Mion husinessnan. siho mx up for the 1996 Ontario Entrepreneur of the Yeur asiard. nng ion's fatas "For us lobc nornunated was incredlible ani then Io be cimosen as a finais vias unbelievable." said th 33- yearcld Treaine Rmudyesîidet. A total cf 35 entrepretner froin 30 companmcs have been namred asmfnalmstx, mn 10 categormes foi the Ontario logion's Entrepeneurof the Yearmwad. -0" onipopsl 1 (7swinpowo~. The Carpori SeeOMM DueMur lu h» àiir4lesut pcil* in~ évalables ndd-sepuoo u. lftN Mc lu rqIpflSb Woeui- W=Mwpoding boi UtX ainsi UN $A . lb.é on .156.l kicds uulsuW t i. WVWlmo" assir PC-bafed nut- The. poition reports 96 the CetodaOOr, T6sohnolog0Y dluk APBÇOl ryagtu.m. =clIthOOig nlao brd- proeidkig( ' uwr cuuin~ -vm tiens; mskintlng hardwarq lé .o*eMen; uPdsl Mnd wot'IunuIstin.of.tlmdwm fuINti Wcqa bhdet4soi OuW Co-arirulo lb.e suWied cenida uhêsm a Unver.Iy d"ps in Canitas Saienc or on eq*uiusd oeruin odiNa t«fw o L# ucud em Then WWi muai haaen unN hormmm, « M ab Fu ,ut o - lescwvmioc~oasisidWWU disi maqefcis saL byAug.MSlOOOu - Te tNS)UU431 faim, 111- daim W@muaa elMid éu fmwo a hm"n~ PWtUp vaafll SOtIE NAMýUNOP Tiff NAIN #MRIA AC, R.1.. AND M lm MATI OF Nule wn*~ P~ pwil le t Illeu.a~Ldc.heufOc IOTIC OF INTRNION TO DU~~ , cfN acf f NOonmm lisie ufoi h.aec bol,, hBh M o hm tai0 On¬aN I 1111 hoffl ofe« mwom mou~os~m -00w 111)" V i IVoo.6' ci iudr4a ébne ugW dm ~d*r~ * M.cfiw Ad.ue 74» MO Unis. aitt 1'% - i umUhn 0. hummi in lisrTw-r tl ogu I A f gven cf oul ld~i a retO *ý -mua- SW (Ciajolissti h d*tcOusf T AU O é= d i bn-hau one cdIlsa k i on 01l â O IOIi< ii IS O in lhe oNuqgiifid a